Bulletin from Artimplant AB's Annual Meeting of Stockholders 2010

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Västra Frölunda, Sweden, May 5, 2010

Adoption of financial statements, disposition of result and discharge of directors and officers The financial statements of 2009 for the group and the parent company were adopted. The Annual Meeting decided to set off the parent company’s retained loss of SEK 13,282,277 against the statutory reserve. The directors and officers of the Company were granted discharge. Election of Board members and auditor Ingemar Kihlström was re-elected as chairman of the Board and Anna Malm Bernsten, Wenche Rolfsen Sandsborg and Mats Lindquist were reelected as ordinary Board members. Håkan Johansson was elected as new ordinary Board member. Ernst & Young AB was re-elected as auditor with Björn Grundvall as new responsible auditor. Adoption of fees The Annual Meeting decided that the fee to the Board of Directors shall be unchanged and be SEK 280,000 to the chairman and SEK 140,000 to ordinary Board members. It was also decided that the fee to the chairman of the audit committee shall be SEK 40,000 and the fee to the other members shall be SEK 20,000 and that the fee to the chairman of the remuneration committee shall be SEK 20,000 and to the other members of the committee SEK 10,000. The audit fee will the upcoming year be in accordance with new agreement for audit services, SEK 200,000 per year. Election committee The Annual Meeting decided that the election committee before the Annual Meeting of 2010, planned to May 2011, shall be appointed by representatives from the three largest stockholders, according to voting power, as of September 30, 2010. Principles for remuneration to senior management The Annual Meeting adopted the principles for remuneration to senior management as suggested by the Board of Directors. All above decisions were taken unanimously. Consultant physician Jan Lidström, M.D., PhD, orthopaedic surgeon at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, presented his positive experiences with Artelon® products in a number of indications. The presentation made by the CEO at the Annual Meeting is available at the Company’s web page: http://www.artimplant.com/investors-media/presentations.html

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