• news.cision.com/
  • Asetek/
  • CORRECTION: Asetek signs IP Agreement and acquisition to strengthen Gaming and Enthusiast offering; Issuance of shares as consideration

CORRECTION: Asetek signs IP Agreement and acquisition to strengthen Gaming and Enthusiast offering; Issuance of shares as consideration

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The stock exchange release “Asetek signs IP Agreement and acquisition to strengthen Gaming and Enthusiast offering; Issuance of shares as consideration” dated January 1, 2021 used US dollars and not Euro which is the correct transaction currency. The correct statement is: “Asetek will pay a total consideration of EUR 6.8 million, of which EUR 3.4 million is paid in in cash and the remaining consideration by virtue of newly issued shares in Asetek.”

For further information, please contact:
CFO Peter Dam Madsen
+45 2080 7200, email: investor.relations@asetek.com


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