Aspiro AB (publ): Interim Report January-June 2006

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Second Quarter: EBITDA SEK 13.1 m, in Line with Expectations

• Second-quarter net sales were SEK 113.5 m (SEK 101.4 m), with acquired enterprise Mobile Avenue contributing SEK 8.4 m. The positive seasonal summer effect was less apparent this year than last year. • Second-quarter EBITDA was SEK 13.1 m (SEK 8.0 m), which is consistent with expectations, where in seasonal terms, third and fourth-quarter earnings are stronger than first and second-quarter earnings. • The Board of Directors reiterates its previously announced objective of the company achieving minimum like-for-like EBITDA of SEK 65 m. • Second-quarter earnings after tax were SEK 8.2 m (SEK 4.5 m); earnings per share were SEK 0.04 (SEK 0.02). • Healthy growth and better margins in Aspiro Channels, due to offerings including the Norwegian text-based directory inquiries service. • The Board of Directors resolved to start mobile marketing, search services, mobile TV, original music and community initiatives on a larger scale. Intensive activities to prepare strategies and plans are underway. Organizing and staffing units has begun. • Through the coming years, growth will primarily be in new services segments. Aspiro is retaining its objective of outgrowing the market, thereby advancing its market positioning. KEY FIGURES apr - jun 2006 (2005) Net sales, SEK m: 113.5 (101.4) EBITDA, SEK m: 13.1 (8.0) Operating profit/loss, SEK m: 10.0 (4.6) Earnings after tax, SEK m: 8.2 (4.5) Earnings per share, SEK: 0.04 (0.02) Liquid funds, closing balance, SEK m: 75.3 (91.9) Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital, SEK m: 10.3 (7.6) Figures in brackets are for the corresponding period of the previous year. The mobile content services market is becoming increasingly attractive, with 3G and more sophisticated mobile handsets creating new opportunities and demand for other types of service. At present, half of all mobile phones sold have music players, and in a year or so cameras and music players will be standard. We are already witnessing mobile music sales starting to gather pace, and an increasing interest in value-added services. Our ambition is to lead this positive progress, and our Board of Directors has decided that we will begin concerted initiatives in mobile marketing, search services, mobile TV, original music and communities on a larger scale. In the second quarter, we concentrated intensively on strategic planning and organizational resources. We have already started a number of projects and anticipate continuous launches through the second half-year, reports Johan Lenander, Aspiro’s CEO.

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