Compulsory Acquisition in Astra AB

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Compulsory acquisition proceedings regarding the remaining shares in the Swedish company Astra AB, now AstraZeneca AB, ("Astra") were commenced in April 1999. For this purpose, an independent arbitration panel was established in Sweden. AstraZeneca Holding AB ("AstraZeneca") has asked the arbitration panel to decide that AstraZeneca is entitled to acquire the remaining shares in Astra, not already owned by the AstraZeneca group, at a redemption price of SEK 173.21 per share plus interest. It is usual practice in compulsory acquisition proceedings in Sweden for the arbitration panel to make its decision in two stages. At the first stage it decides whether the acquiring company has the right to acquire the remaining shares and at the second stage, which is usually many months later, it decides on the redemption price. The redemption price is usually only paid after the second stage. To meet the concerns of some Astra shareholders and to facilitate a fair and fast procedure, AstraZeneca has accepted that it will pay the redemption price of SEK 173.21 per Astra share to Astra shareholders at the time of the panel's first stage decision. If the panel decides at the second stage that the redemption price should be higher than SEK 173.21, a further balancing payment, together with interest, will then be paid. Unfortunately, such payment could not be made during 1999 to any of the 4,500 remaining Astra shareholders, due to the fact that two minority shareholders - representing 33 and 720 shares, respectively - are challenging the proceedings. Until the legal position is clarified it is not possible to estimate when payment of the SEK 173.21 acquisition price will be made. AstraZeneca regrets that the proceedings have been delayed and the inconvenience that this has caused Astra shareholders. AstraZeneca will continue to press for the earliest possible reasonable resolution of the matter. Shareholders in Astra should recognise, however, that AstraZeneca does not solely control the proceedings. AstraZeneca will keep Astra shareholders informed about major events in the proceedings. Stockholm, January 31, 2000 AstraZeneca Holding AB ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit for further information The following files are available for download:
