Nominees for the 2022 award to be announced

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The nominees who are in the running for the 2022 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) will be official on October 21. The list includes some of the world's foremost creators of literature for children and young people, as well as reading promoters. With a price amount of 5 million Swedish kronor (EUR 462,000) it is the largest award of its kind.

The names of the nominees will be released on from October 21 at 1 pm CET. The nominees are authors, illustrators, oral storytellers and reading promoters representing 71 countries who have been nominated by organisations worldwide with an in-depth knowledge about literature for young readers and reading promotion.

The new laureate will be announced from Stockholm on March 22, 2022. So far, twenty-one laureates have been rewarded for the Swedish award, most recently the French author Jean-Claude Mourlevat.

The twelve-member jury include Swedish authors, illustrators, literary scholars, librarians, critics and children’s rights experts. One member represents the family of Astrid Lindgren.

For questions and interviews with the jury or ALMA representatives, please contact

Mariella Kucer, Communications Officer
+46 76 540 10 17


