Press Invitation: Announcement of 2012 ALMA recipient

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You are invited to attend the announcement of this year’s recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA).

When? Tuesday 20 March at 1:00 pm
Where? Astrid Lindgrens Näs cultural centre, Vimmerby, Sweden

After some opening remarks by Kerstin Brunnberg, chair of the Swedish Arts Council, Larry Lempert, chairman of the jury, will announce the 2012 award recipient(s). The jury will then give a short presentation of the recipient(s) and their work and achievements. The announcement will be relayed live to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy. The announcement and presentation will also be broadcast online at

We shall do our best to ensure that the recipient(s) are available for interview by phone. At the announcement ceremony, we shall also provide contact information for people and organizations with expert knowledge of this year’s recipient(s).

Larry Lempert, jury chairman, and other jury members will be available for interview by phone or in person in Vimmerby or Bologna. A list of jury members and their specialties can be found at

Press packs including text, images and video will be available on the ALMA website. Please let us know if you would like to book an interview with the recipient(s) and/or jury members.

You can join a specially chartered bus travelling from Stockholm to Vimmerby and back on 20 March. The bus will leave Stockholm at 8:00 am, arriving back around 6:00 pm. To reserve a seat on the bus, please email or call +46 8 519 264 53 no later than 12 March.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

More information
Rebecka Svensén, Communications Officer ALMA, Vimmerby
Phone: +46 8 519 264 20

Helene Andersson, Communications Officer ALMA, Bologna
Phone: +46 8 519 264 17

Charlotta Lindkvist, Marketing Manager, Astrid Lindgren Näs
Phone: +46 492 769 587
