The 2022 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award to be announced

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Welcome to cover the announcement of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA), broadcast live from Stockholm on March 22. The award amounts to 5 million SEK (approx. 440 000 EUR) making it the largest international children’s and young adult literature award in the world. For the 2022 award, more than 250 candidates from 71 countries are nominated.

When: Tuesday, March 22 at 13:00 CET
Venue: Foajé 3, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm
Live: the announcement will be broadcast live on 

Swedish Minister for Culture Jeanette Gustafsdotter will perform an official greeting. The ALMA Jury Chair Boel Westin will announce the laureate(s) of 2022 and read the jury's motivation. This is followed by a presentation of the laureate by jury member Johan Palmberg . The event will be hosted by Stefan Ingvarsson.

At the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the announcement is shown in Illustrators Café. At 12:45 pm, Kajsa Ravin, Director General of the Swedish Arts Council, will perform an official greeting followed by speech by Jan Björklund, Ambassador of Sweden to Italy.

Press credentials
Media outlets who wish to cover the news on site are asked to pre-register and be on site in good time to prepare equipment and take a place at a safe distance. To broadcast the event live on a news site, please find the embed code available on our website. If you are interested in a broadcast-quality b-roll, please let us know.

Footage and images
Content, along with press releases, will be available in our newsroom after the announcement on March 22 onwards and throughout the day:

  • Still images of the laureate
  • audio recording of the jury's phone call to the laureate
  • comment by the laureate
  • Broadcast-quality b-roll of the announcement
  • Still images of the announcement

To request for press credentials, please contact:

Mariella Kucer, Communications Officer
+46 076-5401017,


