Third quarter report 2005

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Stronger than ever • Strengthened market positions and record performances by all business areas. • Orders received up 25%, +15% in volume. • Revenues reached MSEK 13 479 (11 325), up 10% in volume. • Operating profit increased 31% and the margin reached 19.0% (17.3). • Profit after financial items increased 33% to MSEK 2 470 (1 851). • Net profit was MSEK 1 670 (1 345) and earnings per share SEK 2.65 (2.13). • Operating cash flow totaled MSEK 1 671 (1 661).

For further information Atlas Copco AB SE-105 23 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 743 8000, Fax: +46 8 644 9045 Internet: Corp. id. no: 556014-2720 Analysts Mattias Olsson, Investor Relations Manager, Phone: +46 8 743 8291 or +46 70 518 8291 Media Annika Berglund, Senior Vice President Group Communications, Phone: +46 8 743 8070 or +46 70 322 8070


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