Atle divesting System 3R International

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Atle divesting System 3R International Atle is selling its holdings in System 3R International to Swiss engineering corporation Agie Charmilles Group. This transaction generates exit gains of SEK 63 m. Atle's holdings in System 3R-a world leader in electric discharge machining (EDM) accessories-are 34%. These products are used in EDM and wire EDM for the manufacture of products including moulding tools. Last year, the corporation generated earnings before tax of SEK 50 m from sales of SEK 563 m. Through Företagskapital, Atle has been a partner in System 3R since 1993, when the enterprise was reconstructed. This deal implies an IRR of 47%. Stockholm, Sweden, 25 April 2000 Atle AB (publ) For more information, please contact Lars Gårdö, Chief Executive Atle AB, tel: 46(0)8 506 10100. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT The following files are available for download: