Atria Group plc is preparing a share issue directed at institutional investors

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Atria Group plc         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE         9 May 2006, 8.00 a.m.

Atria Group plc is preparing a share issue directed at institutional investors -
the submission of subscription commitments will commence on 9 May 2006

These materials are not an offer for sale of the shares in the United States. The
shares may not be sold in the United States without registration or an exemption
from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Atria Group
plc does not intend to register any portion of the offering in the United States
or to conduct a public offering of shares in the United States.

The Board of Directors of Atria Group plc (the 'Company') has decided to start
preparations for the directed share issue planned by the Company. The share issue
is to be carried out according to an offer procedure (so-called bookbuilding), in
which the Company's shares will be offered to separately designated institutional
investors in Finland and internationally. In the share issue, a maximum of
1,100,000 new shares of the Company's Series A shares will be offered for

Background to the share issue

The Atria Group is making major investments to enhance its operations in Finland
and to achieve growth in international markets, particularly in Russia.

In Nurmo, Finland, the Company is carrying out a EUR 70 million capital
expenditure programme, more than half of which is directed at the logistics
centre. The expansion will double the logistics centre's capacity and it will be
ready to go into operation in spring 2007.

In autumn 2005, Atria completed the acquisition of Pit-Product of Russia. Pit-
Product has a market share of more than 20 per cent of St Petersburg's meat
products market. The Company is the leading producer of meat products in St
Petersburg. The biggest challenge in the near future is to ensure adequate
production capacity. Planning has been started on a new logistics centre and a
new production plant that will more than double the production capacity. Once
these investments come on stream, it will also be possible to sell Pit-Product's
range of goods in the Moscow market, where partly the same wholesale and retail
chains operate as in St Petersburg. The total investment is estimated to be about
EUR 40 million. The capital expenditures will be completed for the most part
during 2007.

The Company's Board of Directors has decided to prepare a share issue directed at
institutional investors in order to finance the above-mentioned investments and
to strengthen the Company's capital structure with the aim of making possible its
continued international growth.

The decision by the Company's Board of Directors on arranging a share issue is
based on the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors by the Annual
General Meeting held on 3 May, 2006. The authorisation includes the right to
deviate from shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right providing that there is
a weighty economic reason for the Company to deviate from it. The financing of
the above-mentioned investments and strengthening of the capital structure in
order to make possible continued growth constitutes a weighty economic reason, in
accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, for deviation from
shareholders' pre-emptive right.

Carrying out of the share offering

The share offering will be carried out according to an offer procedure
(bookbuilding), in which separately designated institutional investors can submit
their subscription commitments for the Company's new shares of Series A shares to
Opstock Securities. Offer procedure will commence on 9 May 2006 at 9.00 a.m. and
will end no later than on 10 May 2006 at 6.30 p.m. In the event of
oversubscription, the offer procedure can be suspended prematurely, but
nevertheless no earlier than on 9 May 2006 at 6.30 p.m. Announcement of premature
suspension of the offer procedure will be made through a stock exchange release.
The Company's Board of Directors will take a final decision on carrying out of
the share issue at the close of the period of offer procedure.

Trading in the new shares of Series A shares on the Main List of the Helsinki
Stock Exchange will commence, together with the Company's existing Series A
shares, on or about 17 May 2006, providing that the necessary decisions and
permits have been obtained by that time. The Company has applied for an exemption
order regarding the publication of an offering circular from the Finnish
Financial Supervision Authority.

The new shares of Series A shares correspond to about 9.25 per cent of the shares
of Series A shares as well as 5.22 per cent of all the Company's shares and 1.06
per cent of the votes conferred by all the shares prior to the share issue,
providing that the share issue is fully subscribed. After the share issue, the
new shares of Series A shares will correspond to about 4.96 per cent of all
shares in the Company and 1.05 per cent of the votes they confer.

The lead manager of the share issue will be OKO Corporate Finance Ltd.

Board of Directors

For additional information, contact President & CEO Matti Tikkakoski, tel. +358
50 2582 or Finance Director Erkki Roivas, tel. +358 400 160 893

OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

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United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.



At its meeting held on 8 May 2006, the Board of Directors of Atria Group plc (the
"Company") has decided, on the basis of an authorisation granted to it by the
Company's Annual General Meeting on 3 May 2006, to begin preparations for the
directed share issue planned by the Company as follows:

Subscription of shares

In the share issue a maximum of 1,100,000 new shares of the Company's Series A
shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.70 (the "Shares") will be offered for
subscription to institutional investors (the "Share Issue"). All the Shares will
be offered, in deviation from shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right, for
subscription to separately designated institutional investors. Subscription
commitments must be for at least 10,000 Shares and the number of Shares to be
subscribed for must be divisible by 1,000.

Subscription commitments

The time for receiving subscription commitments will commence on 9 May 2006 at
9.00 a.m. and end no later than on 10 May 2006 at 6.30 p.m. Subscription
commitments can be submitted only by separately designated institutional
investors. OKO Corporate Finance Ltd (the "Lead Manager") will act as the lead
manager for the Share Issue, and Opstock Securities will act as the agent for
subscription commitments. In the event of oversubscription, the offer procedure
can be suspended prematurely, but nevertheless no earlier than on 9 May 2006 at
6.30 p.m. After the period reserved for submitting subscription commitments, the
Company's Board of Directors, empowered by the authorisation granted to it by the
Annual General Meeting on 3 May 2006, will take a decision on carrying out the
Share Issue and its terms and conditions on or about 10 May 2006.

Subscription price

The subscription price will be determined in an offer procedure, i.e. according
to the so-called bookbuilding method, in which the Company will determine the
final subscription price on the basis of the subscription commitments submitted
by investors. The Company's Board of Directors will decide on the final
subscription price per share and this will be announced in a stock exchange
release on or about 10 May 2006. The subscription price will be the same for all
the investors participating in the Share Issue.

Shareholder rights

The shares offered in the Share Issue will confer the same rights as the
Company's other shares of Series A shares and they will entitle their holders to
all dividends to be distributed in the future once the increase of the share
capital corresponding to them has been entered into the Trade Register. The
shares will not entitle their holders to the dividend that was declared by the
Annual General Meeting on 3 May 2006.

Reasons for deviation from the pre-emptive subscription right

Shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right is being deviated from due to
financing investments and strengthening the Company's capital structure, thereby
making it possible for the Company to continue its international growth. The
Company thus has a weighty economic reason for deviation from the pre-emptive
subscription right.

Over- and undersubscription

The Company's Board of Directors will decide on the procedure to be observed in
the event of over- and undersubscription. Subscription commitments can be
accepted in full or in part or they can also be rejected.

Decisions concerning the Share Issue

The Company's Board of Directors will decide on other matters relating to the
increase of the share capital and the practical measures resulting from that. The
Company's Board of Directors will take a final decision on carrying out the Share
Issue after the close of the time for submission of subscription commitments. At
the same meeting, the Board of Directors will decide on the final subscription
price and on the number of Shares to be offered on the basis of the subscription
commitments submitted by investors, and it will decide on the acceptance, in full
or in part, of the subscription commitments submitted. At the same time, the
Board of Directors will also approve the final terms and conditions of the Share
Issue. The Company's Board of Directors has reserved the right not to carry out
the Share Issue.

Other considerations

The documents pursuant to the Companies Act are available for subscribers of the
Shares at the Company's head office and at Finnish Central Securities Depository
Ltd. Upon request, the Company will send copies of the above-mentioned documents
to a subscriber of Shares.

Listing of the shares

The Company intends to submit an application to the Helsinki Stock Exchange for
listing of the shares as an additional lot of quoted shares on the Main List of
the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Trading in the Shares is expected to begin on the
Main List of the Helsinki Stock Exchange together with the Company's existing
Series A shares on or about 17 May 2006. The Finnish trading code of the Shares

Number of shares in the Company

The number of shares in the Company immediately prior to the Share Issue was
21,092,728. The number of shares in the Company immediately after completion of
the Share Issue will be 22,192,728, providing that all the Shares offered in the
Share Issue will be subscribed.

Governing law

The Share Issue will be governed by the laws of Finland, and all disputes
concerning the Share Issue will be resolved in a competent court in Finland.
