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The Group's turnover increased by 17.2 per cent to EUR 976.9 million (EUR 833.7
million in 2004). The profit before taxes amounted to EUR 37.8 million (EUR 44.6
million). The Board of Directors proposes that the company distribute dividends
of EUR 0.595 per share for 2005, representing 35 per cent of the par value of
the shares.

However, the comparable profit from 2004 totalled EUR 36.5 million, because IFRS
results of 2004 included TEL pension items to the amount of EUR 8.1 million.
Thus the improvement amounted to EUR 1.3 million.

The pre-tax profit for the fourth quarter of 2005 was EUR 8.9 million (EUR 12.9
million). The comparable operational result last year, excluding the IFRS result
TEL pension items, amounted to EUR 8.5 million, including an earnings
improvement of EUR 0.4 million.


During 2005 Atria made consistent progress towards its vision of being the
leading meat-processing company and meal-solution provider in the Baltic region.
Group turnover grew strongly by 17.2 per cent. A considerable part of the
increase was due to domestic operations and the consolidation of A-Farmers Ltd
and A-Rehu Oy in the Group's figures from the beginning of 2005.

Earnings were also boosted by the Estonian AS Valga Lihatööstus becoming part of
the Group in the beginning of 2005. In the summer of 2005 Atria Group signed a
preliminary agreement to acquire the St. Petersburg-based Pit-Product, and the
deal was finalised in October 2005.

In Nurmo we completed the pig slaughterhouse and meat product factory expansion
projects late last year. They will be taken into use in the spring of 2006. The
expansion of the logistics centre was initiated in the summer. In 2005
investments made by the Atria Group amounted to EUR 107.3 million.


The development of our Finnish operations was positive in almost all business
areas. Retail sales developed positively and Atria further strengthened its
position as the largest meat processing company in Finland. Atria Group’s
producer share of domestic retail sales reached almost 30 per cent.

Atria Oy

Atria's meat processing volume grew faster than the country's meat production.
The pork processing volume grew by almost 5 per cent, and the beef processing
volume decreased by 2 per cent, while production in the entire country decreased
by 7 per cent. The poultry production volume remained close to last year's level
both for Atria and in the entire country.

Atria's meat industry achieved its operational targets for 2005. The positive
development was due to the relatively stable supply of meat raw material and the
partial transfer of the increased raw material prices to retail prices. The
result of the meat industry was also boosted by the better-than-expected sales
of retail-packed meat. Atria is the clear market leader in retail-packed meat
with a market share of about 35 per cent.

The new pig slaughterhouse in Nurmo will be opened in the spring of 2006. The
statutory employer-employee negotiations that started in 2004 concerning the
closure of the Kuopio pig slaughterhouse were completed in the autumn of 2005.
The operations of the Kuopio pig slaughterhouse will be transferred to Nurmo in
the spring of 2006.

Due to stiff competition and increased raw material prices, the result of
Atria's convenience food industry did not meet expectations. Convenience food
and meat product operations were re-organised at the beginning of 2006. Atria
Oy's and Liha ja Säilyke Oy's convenience food industries were merged with the
new meal industry business unit.

Atria maintained its strong position in meat products. The price pressure in the
meat products product group was very strong due to increased raw material costs.
The summer barbecue season was very successful, mainly due to our excellent
performance of our new products and our superior delivery capacity and
reliability throughout the summer season. Atria strengthened its market
leadership in the barbecue sausage product group with a share of about 44 per
cent (source: A.C. Nielsen Scantrack). The EUR 11 million investment in the
Nurmo meat product factory will be taken into use in the spring of 2006. This
investment will both increase our production capacity and significantly improve
our competitiveness.

Atria Oy's poultry industries achieved the targets set. The overall consumption
of poultry grew only slightly in Finland. Atria's poultry industries improved
its raw material control process by transferring primary production from A-
Farmers to its own poultry industry.

The construction of the new logistics centre was initiated in July 2005. The
value of the investment is about EUR 37 million, and it will be completed and
ready for use in the spring of 2007. The expansion will provide an additional
11,000 square metres or 94,000 cubic metres of space. This expansion will almost
double the capacity of our current logistics centre.

Atria Oy had a turnover of EUR 531.2 million, representing an increase of 9.1
per cent.

Liha ja Säilyke Oy

In 2005 the sales and earnings of Liha ja Säilyke Oy developed according to
plan. The company continued to perform in accordance with its strategy and
upgraded its product range by focusing consistently on salads, convenience food
products and special meat products. A new logistics centre costing EUR 6 million
was opened in February 2005. During the fiscal year, the company also made
substantial investments aimed at improving production efficiency at its salad
factory. The market share of salads marketed under the Forssan brand already
increased to about 30 per cent, which makes it the clear market leader in its
product group (source: A.C. Nielsen Scantrack). Liha ja Säilyke Oy's and Atria
Oy's convenience food industries were integrated into the new meal industry
business unit at the beginning of 2006.

Liha ja Säilyke Oy had a turnover of EUR 41.4 million (EUR 41.6 million).


Lithells AB

The business operations of the Lithells Group in Sweden comprise the meat
products company Atria Lithells AB, the fast food company Atria Concept AB, and
the local wholesale company Svensk Snabbmat för Storkök AB.

The turnover of the Lithells Group increased to EUR 314.0 million, representing
a growth of 1.2 per cent over the previous year. However, operating profit
decreased from the previous year to EUR 5.8 million (EUR 10.4 million). The meat
product company Atria Lithells AB, in particular, suffered from higher raw
material costs, which could not be fully passed on to retail prices. The
profitability of Atria Concept AB and Svensk Snabbmat AB developed positively,
which helped maintain the group’s earnings at a satisfactory level.

The turnover and market share of Atria Lithells AB, which produces meat products
and convenience foods, remained at the 2004 levels, but profitability clearly
weakened. Raw material prices remained high in 2005. Atria Lithells AB's factory
in Sköllersta is the largest meat product factory in Sweden and the company
holds a 25 per cent market share in sausage production in Sweden.

The growth and profitability of Atria Concept AB, which operates in the fast
food business, developed positively. The growth was strongest in the company's
international operations: in Finland, the Baltic region and Poland.

During 2005 Atria Concept AB started its expansion into Russia. The first
Sibylla Shop-in-Shop outlets were opened in the St. Petersburg area in February
2006. The Russian market offers good opportunities for further growth.

Svensk Snabbmat för Storkök AB, which specialises in local wholesale operations,
improved its profitability for the seventh year in a row. The company's sales
grew by nine per cent. Its service network provides a better geographical
coverage of the Swedish market than its competitors. This is the competitive
position the company plans to develop in the future as well.


Baltic States

Estonian AS Valga Lihatööstus became part of the Atria Group in January 2005.
The company's business will be developed systematically starting from primary
production to slaughtering and meat product and convenience food industries. In
November 2005 AS Valga Lihatööstus purchased a pig farm called OÜ Linnamäen
Peekon. The acquisition will help Atria further develop the primary production
of pork in Estonia. The goal is to significantly improve Valga's self-
sufficiency in meat production. AS Valga Lihatööstus is the second largest meat
industry company in Estonia.

The turnover of our Lithuanian subsidiary, UAB Vilniaus Mesa, was slightly below
the 2004 level. The company's profitability further improved from last year, but
remained at an unsatisfactory level. The turnover was reduced by the termination
of meat sales. The greatest challenge faced by our Lithuanian subsidiary is
passing raw material cost increases on to retail prices.


The acquisition of the St. Petersburg-based Pit-Product was completed in the
autumn of 2005. The company manufactures various processed meat products
primarily for retail store chains in the St. Petersburg area. Pit-Product has an
approximately 20 per cent market share in the St. Petersburg meat product
market. The company's growth has been very strong over the past few years. The
greatest challenge in the near future will be the adequacy of production
capacity. Design work on a new logistics centre and a new production plant that
will more than double the current production capacity has already begun. Most of
these investments are expected to be completed in 2007.

Acquisitions in Estonia and Russia

The total acquisition cost of the Estonian and Russian companies was EUR 36.6
million. Transactions after the acquisition dates accumulated EUR 35.1 million
in turnover for the group. The purchase price was also affected by future growth
potential and the well-established positions of the brands. The value of the
brands, or more widely Marketing-Related Intangibles, have been determined based
on the Royal Rate principle. The share of the purchase price that could not be
targeted towards different balance sheet items has been treated as goodwill.

The turnover of the Baltic and Russian (three-month) operations was EUR 42.7
million and the result was positive.


Following the retirement of Seppo Paatelainen, Atria Group plc is pleased to
welcome its new President & CEO, Matti Tikkakoski, MSc (Econ.), who assumed the
position as of 1 February 2006.


In Finland, retail price competition continues to be intense. This presents
challenges to the profitability of our domestic sales. The production
investments made in Atria's Nurmo factory in 2006 will increase our production
capacity and improve our competitiveness in the long run.

The deciding factor is how well Atria is able to cooperate with its customers in
order to reduce the costs of the entire order-delivery chain and improve the
availability of the offering that best meets consumer needs. Atria expects its
sales to continue growing and its position on the domestic market to strengthen
in 2006.

Atria estimates that the news coverage of avian influenza ('bird flu') will
cause only a slight decrease in the domestic consumption of poultry.

The implementation of new investments and the integration of Atria's and Liha ja
Säilyke Oy's operations will reduce the operating result during the first half
of the year.

In Sweden, the home market of Lithells AB, private consumption is expected to
grow further. The sales of private label products continue to grow rapidly in
Sweden. Meat raw material prices are expected to remain at a high level. Due to
the intense competitive situation and cost increase pressure, the entire sector
is facing serious profitability problems in Sweden, which may lead to a
restructuring of the meat sector. Atria’s sales and business results in Sweden
in 2006 are expected to remain on a par with the previous year.

In the Baltic region, Atria is continuing to invest in the development of its
own primary production. Due to the underdeveloped meat production in the Baltic
countries, it is necessary to increase the company's raw material self-
sufficiency. The Baltic subsidiaries will be developed at a rapid rate primarily
through organic growth and synergy benefits.

In Russia, the most important task in the near future is to take over the
operations of our new subsidiary – Pit-Product. Furthermore, the design work on
a new logistics centre and production plant has already begun. When completed,
the new production plant will double the current production capacity. These
construction projects are expected to be completed partly in 2007. The turnover
and profitability of our Baltic and Russian businesses are expected to grow from


Our Corporate Governance Code, any exceptions to them and the associated
personnel data are published on our website


The 2005 results are not directly comparable with those reported in 2004. The
difference arises from the calculation of pension obligations in accordance with
IAS/IFRS transition rules, particularly in 2004. This is why the figures are
reported on separate rows in the group profit and loss account and balance
sheet. In other respects, the differences between the two years are negligible
in terms of comparability.

When comparing 2005 figures with those of the year 2004 or earlier, you must
also take into account the different method and level of goodwill depreciation
used under IAS/IFRS. In other respects, the differences are not significant.


The Board of Directors proposes that the company distributes dividends of EUR
0.595 per share for 2005, representing 35 per cent of the par value of the


Atria Group plc's shareholders are invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
to be held in the company's premises in Kuopio on Wednesday, 3 May 2006,
starting at 2:00 pm; the address is Ankkuritie 2, 70460 Kuopio, Finland.

The AGM will address the following matters:

1. The matters to be addressed at the AGM as set out in item 16 of the Articles
of Association

2. Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on
increasing the share capital through one or more new issues

The Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation to increase share capital
be renewed as follows. The proposed authorisation would supersede that valid
until 3 May 2006.

The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM authorise the Board of Directors to
decide on increasing the company's share capital by means of one or more
subscription issues, such that the maximum number of the company's A Series
shares, with a nominal value of EUR 1.70, should not exceed the total of
4,218,545 shares, thereby increasing the company's share capital by a maximum of
EUR 7,171,526.50.

However, this empowerment only enables the Board of Directors to decide on
raising the share capital so that the share capital is raised in all by no more
than one-fifth of the registered share capital at the time the Board of
Directors took the decision to raise the share capital. The Board of Directors
proposes that this empowerment includes the right to deviate from the
shareholders' subscription privilege on the condition that, from the viewpoint
of the company, there is a significant economic reason for the deviation, e.g.
the financing, implementation or enabling of corporate acquisitions or other
arrangements or assets that are part of the company’s business operation, co-
operation arrangements, strengthening or development of the financing or capital
structure, or providing the staff with incentives.

The said empowerment is also proposed to include that the Board of Directors may
decide that shares may be subscribed in exchange for contribution of capital or
in accordance with certain terms and conditions. The Board of Directors would be
authorised to decide on the parties eligible for subscription, the subscription
price and the grounds for setting the subscription price. This empowerment shall
be in effect for one year as of the empowerment decision taken by the AGM.

The right to attend the Annual General Meeting rests with shareholders who were
recorded as shareholders on 21 April 2006 in the company’s shareholder register
maintained by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, unless otherwise stated
in law. In order to have the right to attend the Annual General Meeting,
shareholders must notify the company of their intention to do so by 4:00 pm on
Friday, 28 April 2006. Shareholders may register for the meeting by mail or
telephone by the above deadline. More detailed instructions will be provided in
the notice convening the meeting.


On 21 February 2002 Atria Group plc's Board of Directors decided that the period
during which the company's insiders may trade shares is 14 days after the
publication of Atria Group plc's Interim Reports and financial statement
bulletins. However, any insider who wishes to trade shares during this period
must request permission to do so in advance from the secretary of the Board of
Directors. Insiders may not trade shares at other times ('closed window'). The
restriction on trading also applies to parties under the guardianship of
insiders and their controlled corporations as defined in Chapter 1, Section 5 of
the Securities Market Act.


EUR million                                           31.12.05          31.12.04

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                         22.7              13.8
Goodwill                                                  50.1              34.6
Tangible fixed assets                                    329.3             267.4
Calculatory tax receivables on benefit-based pension
obligations                                                0.1               0.1
Loan receivables and
other receivables                                          5.0               4.7
Investments                                                5.7               6.4

Total                                                    412.9             327.0

Current assets
Inventories                                               58.6              48.0
Accounts receivable and
other receivables                                        151.1             131.0
Cash in hand
and at bank                                               17.5              12.6

Total                                                    227.2             191.6

Assets, total                                            640.1             518.6

EUR million                                           31.12.05          31.12.04

Equity belonging to parent company's
shareholders                                             254.8             244.3
Minority interests                                        20.2              19.5

Equity, total                                            275.0             263.8

Long-term borrowed capital
Interest-bearing debts                                   115.5              81.5
Deferred tax liabilities                                  22.5              21.4
Pension obligations                                        0.4               0.4

Total                                                    138.4             103.3

Short-term borrowed capital
Interest-bearing debts                                    91.4              34.6
Accounts payable and
other debts                                              135.3             116.9

Total                                                    226.7             151.5

Borrowed capital,
total                                                    365.1             254.8

Liabilities, total                                       640.1             518.6


EUR million                         10-12/05 10-12/04           1-12/05  1-12/04

Turnover                               259.9    220.2             976.9    833.7
Expenses, excl. benefit-based
pension amortisation                  -242.1   -204.6            -905.3   -764.6
Amortisation of benefit-
based pensions                                    4.5               0.1      8.1
Depreciations                           -7.5     -5.7             -31.5    -27.9

Operating profit                        10.3     14.4              40.2     49.3
* of turnover %                          4.0      6.5               4.1      5.9

Share of associated
company earnings                                  0.1               0.8      0.5
Financial income and
expenses                                -1.4     -1.6              -3.2     -5.2

Profit before taxes                      8.9     12.9              37.8     44.6
* of turnover %                          3.4      5.9               3.9      5.3

Taxes                                   -2.9     -1.4             -10.8     -8.5
Calculatory taxes from amortisation of
benefit-based pensions                           -1.2                       -2.4

Net profit for the year                  6.0     10.3              27.0     33.7
* of turnover %                          2.3      4.7               2.8      4.0

Attributable to:
of the parent                            5.8     10.3              26.2     33.4
Minority interest                        0.2                        0.8      0.3
Total                                    6.0     10.3              27.0     33.7

earnings/share, €                       0.28     0.49              1.24     1.58

Earnings/share adjusted
by dilution effect, €                   0.28     0.49              1.24     1.58


mill. EUR
          Equity belonging to the owners of parent company
                                                                 Mino    Share
                                                                 rity's  holders
                                                                 share   'equity
                                                                        in total
                          Share   Share  Trans-  Profits   Total
                          capit.  pre-   lation
                                  mium   reserve
 equity 1 Jan. 2004         35.8   104.4     0.0    79.3   219.5     1.6   221.1

Changes in shareholder's
equity 1 Jan - 31 Dec, 2004

Translation differences                      0.4             0.4             0.4
Increase in
minority interest                                                   17.6    17.6
Netprofit for the year                              33.4    33.4     0.3    33.7
 of dividends                                       -9.0    -9.0            -9.0

 equity 31 Jan. 2004        35.8   104.4     0.4   103.7   244.3    19.5   263.8

 equity 1 Jan. 2005         35.8   104.4     0.4   103.7   244.3    19.5   263.8

Changes in shareholder's
equity 1 Jan - 31 Mar, 2005

Translation differences                     -1.4            -1.4    -0.1    -1.5
Other changes                                       -1.6    -1.6            -1.6
Netprofit for the year                              26.2    26.2     0.8    27.0
 of dividends                                      -12.7   -12.7           -12.7

 equity 31 Mar, 2005        35.8   104.4    -1.0   115.6   254.8    20.2   275.0


EUR million                                            1-12/05           1-12/04

Cash flow
from operations                                           59.3              72.6
Financial items
and taxes                                                -12.4             -13.4

Cash flow
from operations                                           46.9              59.2

Tangible and intangible
assets                                                   -98.3             -34.2
Investments                                               -3.5               0.5

Cash flow
from investments                                        -101.8             -33.7

Loans drawn down                                          91.4              12.8
Loans repaid                                             -19.2             -28.5
Dividends paid                                           -12.7              -9.0

Cash flow
from financing                                            59.5             -24.7

Change in liquid funds                                     4.6               0.8


EUR million                                            1-12/05           1-12/04

earnings/share, €                                         1.24              1.58
Earnings/share adjusted
by dilution effect, €                                     1.24              1.58
Equity/share, €                                          12.08             11.58
Interest-bearing debts                                   206.9             116.1
Equity ratio, %                                           43.0              50.9
Gross investments
in tangible assets                                       107.3              37.3
Gross investments
/turnover, %                                              11.0               4.5
Personnel on average                                     4 433             3 638


EUR million                10-12/05 10-12/04  1-12/05      %    1-12/04      %
Finland                       165.7    139.5    634.3     64.9    525.8     63.1
Sweden                         76.2     80.8    314.0     32.1    310.2     37.2
Others and eliminations        18.0     -0.1     28.6      2.9     -2.3     -0.3
Total                         259.9    220.2    976.9    100.0    833.7    100.0

Operating profit
Finland                         6.5     10.7     31.6     78.6     37.7     76.5
Sweden                          1.7      3.1      7.1     17.7     12.1     24.5
Others and eliminations         2.1      0.6      1.5      3.7     -0.5     -1.0
Total                          10.3     14.4     40.2    100.0     49.3    100.0

Finland                        35.0      8.7     97.6     91.0     28.8     77.2
Sweden                          1.3      2.9      4.3      4.0      6.9     18.5
Others                          2.9     -0.3      5.4      5.0      1.6      4.3
Total                          39.2     11.3    107.3    100.0     37.3    100.0

EUR million                                  31.12.05      %   31.12.04      %
Finland                                         534.3     83.5    433.7     83.6
Sweden                                          132.1     20.6    137.7     26.6
Others and eliminations                         -26.3     -4.1    -52.8    -10.2
Total                                           640.1    100.0    518.6    100.0

Finland                                         268.3     73.5    180.2     70.7
Sweden                                           69.1     18.9     73.7     28.9
Others and eliminations                          27.7      7.6      0.9      0.4
Total                                           365.1    100.0    254.8    100.0

EUR million                10-12/05 10-12/04  1-12/05      %    1-12/04      %
Meat Industries               251.5    183.7    806.8     82.6    710.8     85.3
Wholesale Trade                60.1     39.6    245.0     25.1    136.3     16.3
Eliminations                  -51.7     -3.1    -74.9     -7.7    -13.4     -1.6
Total                         259.9    220.2    976.9    100.0    833.7    100.0


EUR million                                           31.12.05          31.12.04
Debts mortgages or other collateral
given as security

Loans from financial
institutions                                              79.8              66.2
Pension fund loans                                         6.2               6.0
Total                                                     86.0              72.2

Mortgages and other securities given
as comprehensive security
Real-estate mortgages                                     78.7              74.3
Corporate mortgages                                       44.2              43.0
Other collateral                                          47.3              41.3
Total                                                    170.2             158.6

Contingent liabilities
not included in the balance sheet

Unused limits                                            107.8              79.4

Guarantees                                                13.5               1.9


                               IFRS     IFRS      FAS      FAS      FAS      FAS
                           31.12.05 31.12.04 31.12.04 31.12.03 31.12.02 31.12.01
Turnover (EUR million)        976.9    833.7    833.7    765.1    707.0    637.4
Operating profit
(EUR million)                  40.2     49.3     38.8     30.9     25.6     28.9
% turnover                      4.1      5.9      4.7      4.0      3.6      4.5
Financial income and
expenses                       -3.2     -5.2     -5.1     -7.3     -5.2     -4.9
% turnover                      0.3      0.6      0.6      0.9      0.7      0.8
Profit before taxes            37.8     44.6     33.7     23.6     20.4     23.9
% turnover                      3.9      5.3      4.0      3.1      2.9      3.8
Return on equity (ROE)%        10.0     13.9     10.3      7.5      7.7      9.2
Return on
investment (ROI) %             10.3     13.9     10.7      9.1      7.9     10.0
Equity ratio %                 43.0     50.9     51.3     49.6     43.3     48.7
Gross investments in tangible
assets (EUR million)          107.3     37.3     33.8     36.4     66.0     23.2
% turnover                     11.0      4.5      4.1      4.8      9.3      3.6
Interest-bearing debt         206.9    116.1    110.3    129.4    157.9    116.0
Personnel on average          4 433    3 638    3 638    3 377    3 300    3 241
Research and development
expenses (EUR million)*         6.7      7.0      7.0      6.7      6.1      5.5
% turnover                      0.7      0.8      0.8      0.9      0.9      0.9
Volume of orders**                                  -        -        -        -

* Booked in total as expenditure for the financial year
** Not a significant indicator.
as orders are generally delivered on the day following the order


                               IFRS     IFRS      FAS      FAS      FAS      FAS
                           31.12.05 31.12.04 31.12.04 31.12.03 31.12.02 31.12.01
Earnings per share
(EPS) EUR                      1.24     1.58     1.17     0.83     0.78     0.88
Shareholders' equity
per share (EUR)               12.08    11.58    11.42    10.65    10.45    10.01
Dividend/share EUR*           0.595    0.595    0.595    0.425    0.372    0.372
Dividend/profit EUR*           48.0     37.7     50.7     51.5     47.8     42.4
dividend yield*                 3.3      5.3      5.3      4.7      5.5      7.1
Price/earnings (P/E)          14.50     7.20     9.62    10.90     8.67     5.97
Market capitalisation,
EUR million                   379.5    238.3    238.3    190.9    121.8     94.9
Share turnover/thousands A    5 704    3 800    3 800    2 325    1 249    1 226
Share turnover/thousands % A   48.0     32.0     32.0     29.9     18.9     18.5
Number of shares,
 million total                 21.1     21.1     21.1     21.1     15.8     15.8
Number of shares, A            11.9     11.9     11.9     11.9      6.6      6.6
Number of shares, KII           9.2      9.2      9.2      9.2      9.2      9.2
Average share issue-adjusted
number of share                21.1     21.1     21.1     18.3     18.1     18.1
Share issue-adjusted number
of shares 31 Dec.              21.1     21.1     21.1     21.1     18.1     18.1


Lowest of period, A           11.50     8.55     8.55     6.81     5.85     3.81
Highest of period, A          18.18    11.75    11.75    11.40     8.90     6.19
At the end of period          17.99    11.30    11.30     9.05     7.70     6.00
Average price of
the period                    15.33     9.42     9.42     9.20     7.35     5.22
* The proposal of the
Board of directors

The figures are not audited.

The differences between the IFRS comparison data for the year 2004 and the data
as per the Finnish reporting standard were published on 19.4.2005 (IFRS 1.45)
and they may be viewed at our website

For additional information, please contact Mr Matti Tikkakoski, President & CEO,
tel. +358 50 2582.


Matti Tikkakoski
President & CEO


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

The interim report will be mailed to you upon request and is also available on
our website at
