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Atria Group plc               STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        26 July 2006


* Group turnover was EUR 523.3 million (EUR 468.8 million), growth 11.6 per
* Operating profit was EUR 11.0 million (15.9 million) and profit before taxes
EUR 8.9 million (EUR 15.2 million).
* Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.25 (EUR 0.51).

Review Q2/2006:

Atria Group’s second quarter turnover grew 12.7 per cent compared to the
corresponding period in the previous year (January–June 11.6 per cent).
Earnings for the review period were below the level of earnings during the
corresponding period in 2005.

Earnings in Finland saw a positive development trend compared to the first
quarter thanks to efficiency measures. Finnish operations account for 62.2 per
cent of all Group operations.

In Sweden, review period earnings were at the same level as during the
corresponding period in 2005 and took a turn for the better compared to the
first quarter.

In Russia, sales continued to grow steadily. The growth achieved during the
period January–June was 41 per cent. Earnings for the review period remained in
the red. Earnings were taxed by non-recurring costs related to the takeover
process and the steep increase in meat raw material prices.

Development of operations continued in the Baltic countries. Earnings were

During the review period, Atria Group plc was reorganised. A management group
was established for Atria Group. The management group is responsible for the
management and monitoring of country-specific operations.

Group economic objectives

Atria Group plc’s Board of Directors has confirmed the following economic

- Equity ratio                  40%
- Operating profit               5%
- Return on equity (ROE)        12%
- International operations      50% of turnover
- Distribution of dividends     50% of the profit of the period


The AGM confirmed the financial statements on 3 May 2006 and decided to
distribute a dividend of EUR 0.595 per share. On 27 June 2006, the Supervisory
Board elected Ms Leena Saarinen, M.Sc. (Food Sc.), President and CEO of Altia
Corporation, as a new member of Atria Group’s Board of Directors.


In Finland, turnover amounted to EUR 176.0 million (January–June EUR 332.8
million), including growth of 8.8 per cent (January–June 8.6 per cent). During
the review period, measures were initiated to improve profitability. These
measures were evidenced in the upturn in earnings at the end of the second
quarter. In Finland, the increase in the price of energy and certain purchasing
services has affected the earnings potential. It has not been possible to
completely transfer the increase in production costs to sales prices.

The start-up of operations at the Nurmo pig slaughtering and cutting plant
caused still some non-recurring costs. The operations were stabilized by the
end of the second quarter.

The integration of Liha ja Säilyke Oy’s operations into Atria’s meal solutions
business unit has progressed according to plan. Integration of the operations
will be completed by the end of the year. Liha ja Säilyke Oy will continue to
operate as a production unit, while commercial operations will be integrated
into Atria’s corresponding operations.

In January 2006, Atria and HK Ruokatalo announced that they had embarked on a
feasibility study to work together to safeguard domestic turkey production.
Based on the study, the companies have decided to establish a joint turkey meat
production company, Länsi-Kalkkuna Oy, owned on a 50-50 basis. The aim of the
cooperation is to safeguard turkey farming and turkey meat processing in
Finland, as well as to provide consumers with competitive domestic turkey
products. The turkey meat production company is intended to be operative from
the beginning of 2007. The cooperation applies solely to primary production,
slaughtering and cutting.

Sales and market shares developed in a positive manner in all product groups
represented by Atria. The market shares in retail-packed meat and poultry meat
as well as in the product group of sausages and bacon grew noticeably faster
than the market in total. Atria’s growth in grilling sausage sales at the
beginning of the summer was also faster than the market in general. Atria’s
market share of the early summer grilling sausage market (weeks 18–27) was
approximately 45 per cent (source: AC Nielsen). Summer season deliveries were
completed without setbacks.

Atria Finland’s (Atria Oy) management was reorganised during the review period.
Mr Juha Gröhn, M.Sc. (Food Sc.), was appointed General Manager of Atria Oy
effective 1 June 2006. At the same time, a management group was established for
operations in Finland.


In Sweden, turnover amounted to EUR 82.1 million (January–June EUR 152.6
million), including growth of 1.4 per cent (January–June –1.5 per cent). Review
period earnings were at the same level as during the corresponding period in

In early 2006, investments to strengthen the Lithells brand and develop
marketing were initiated in Sweden. The meat industry market in Sweden is in a
state of ferment. The largest operator in the market has made a loss and is now
officially for sale. This provides other operators, such as Atria Lithells AB,
with an opportunity to improve their market shares.

Svensk Snabbmat AB’s operations and earnings performed as expected. The biggest
operator in HoReCa wholesale outlets and Svensk Snabbmat AB’s competitor ICA
Meny has changed owners.

Atria Concept AB’s operations and earnings developed in a positive direction
during the review period.

Atria Sweden’s organisation was reorganised during the review period. Mr
Christer Åberg was appointed General Manager of Atria Sweden and the sales and
marketing organisation was confirmed.

Russia and the Baltic Countries

Turnover in Russia and the Baltic Countries during the review period amounted
to EUR 26.5 million (January–June EUR 48.7 million). Earnings remained in the

During the review period, operations in the Baltic Countries were reorganised.
Mr Raimo Kirmanen was appointed head of Atria Baltic Countries. During the
review period, several development measures have been initiated in the Baltic
Countries. These measures are intended to improve the profitability of

Atria's sales have grown rapidly in Russia. Growth amounted to 41 per cent
during the period January–June compared to the corresponding period in the
previous year. Pit-Product's total market share in the St. Petersburg region
was 22 per cent during the period January-May. In the same time Pit-Product was
the market leader in the St. Petersburg area. (Source: AC Nielsen)

In Russia the earnings potential was temporarily weakened by meat raw material
price increase and non-recurring costs related to the takeover process. It has
not yet been possible to completely transfer the raw material price increase to
sales prices.

The takeover process has been completed and related reorganisation of
structures and organisation has been initiated. New production capacity is
being built, and plans for a new plant and logistics centre are being drawn up.
Mr Juha Ruohola, M.Sc. (Agr. & For.), was appointed head of the Russian and
Baltic operations, effective 1 June 2006.


During the review period, the following appointments have been made within the
Group (effective 1 June 2006):
- Mr Matti Tikkakoski, President & CEO
- Mr Juha Gröhn, Primary Production, Executive Vice President & Deputy CEO
- Mr Pasi Luostarinen, Group Vice President Marketing & Product Development
- Ms Merja Leino, Group Vice President Quality & Product Safety
- Mr Christer Åberg, Group Vice President International Accounts
- Mr Jukka Mäntykivi, Group Vice President IT, Steering & Logistics
- Mr Erkki Roivas, Chief Financial Officer
- Mr Juha Ruohola, Group Vice President Purchasing & Investments

In early 2006, Atria Group’s personnel numbered approximately 5,816 (4,296).


At the end of the review period, an important uncompleted investment was the
expansion of the logistics centre in Nurmo. The logistic centre investment’s
share of the investments during the first half of 2006 amounted to
approximately EUR 15.0 million.

In Russia, an approximately EUR 5 million expansion to increase production
capacity was initiated.


During the review period, a share issue directed at institutional investors was
launched. Due to the share issue the number of shares increased by 1.1 million
A Series shares. The share issue increased shareholders’ equity by a total of
EUR 20.9 million.

The Board’s valid issue authorisations

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on increasing the company’s
share capital by means of one or more subscription issues, so that the maximum
number of the company’s A Series shares, with a nominal value of EUR 1.70,
should not exceed a total of 4,218,545 shares, thereby increasing the company’s
share capital by a maximum of EUR 7,171,526.50.

The authorisation is valid for one year from the empowerment decision taken by
the AGM, until the AGM arranged for 3 May 2007.

A total of 1,100,000 of the authorised A Series shares have been used during
the review period.

Outlook for the rest of the year

Earnings in Finland saw a positive development trend thanks to efficiency
measures and price increases, which will continue for the rest of the year. Due
to the weak earnings early in the year, full year earnings will remain below
last year’s level in Finland.

Price increases will also be implemented in Sweden before the end of the year.
Full year earnings are expected to be at no less than last year’s level.

In Russia, sales continue to grow steadily. Full year earnings will remain
somewhat in the red due to non-recurring items implemented during the second

In the Baltic Countries, efficiency measures will continue and full year
earnings are expected to remain at last year’s level.

KEY INDICATORS                          1-6/2006   1-6/2005   1-12/2005
EUR million

Equity/share, €                         12.13      12.36      12.08
Interest-bearing liabilities            242.0      170.0      206.9
Interest-bearing assets                  48.4       41.8       43.7
Equity ratio, %                          42.9       46.3       43.0
Gross investments                        37.8       42.3      107.3
Gross investments of turnover, %          7.2        9.0       11.0
Average personnel                       5,816      4,296      4,433

Principles applied in preparing the interim report

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting standard. The firm has applied the same principles in
preparing this interim report as in preparing the 2005 annual financial
statements. This interim report is unaudited.



EUR million                          30.6.06           30.6.05          31.12.05

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment          347.2             287.5             329.3
Goodwill                                52.3              36.1              50.1
Other intangible assets                 22.9              20.1              22.7
Loan assets and
other receivables                        6.1               4.8               5.1
Other financial assets                   6.7               6.4               5.8

Total                                  435.2             354.9             413.0

Current assets
Inventories                             62.0              56.6              58.6
Trade and other receivables            168.0             145.5             151.0
Cash and cash equivalents                9.7               6.1              17.5

Total                                  239.7             208.2             227.1

Total assets                           674.9             563.1             640.1

Equity and liabilities
EUR million                          30.6.06           30.6.05          31.12.05

Equity belonging to parent company’s
shareholders                           269.3             241.0             254.8
Minority interests                      20.2              19.7              20.2

Equity total                           289.5             260.7             275.0

Long-term liabilities
Interest-bearing liabilities           126.8              87.5             115.5
Deferred tax liabilities                23.0              20.6              22.5
Pension obligations                      0.3               0.4               0.4

Total                                  150.1             108.5             138.4

Current liabilities
Interest-bearing liabilities           115.2              82.5              91.4
Trade and other payables               120.1             111.4             135.3

Total                                  235.3             193.9             226.7

Total liabilities                      385.4             302.4             365.1

Equity and liabilities total           674.9             563.1             640.1


EUR million                           4-6/06   4-6/05   1-6/06   1-6/05  1-12/05

Turnover                               278.3    247.1    523.3    468.8    976.9
Expenses                              -263.1   -229.5   -495.0   -436.9   -905.2
Depreciations                           -8.7     -8.0    -17.3    -16.0    -31.5

Operating profit                         6.5      9.6     11.0     15.9     40.2
* of turnover                            2.3      3.9      2.1      3.4      4.1

Income from associates                   0.3      0.5      0.7      0.8      0.8
Financial income and
expenses                                -1.6     -0.7     -2.8     -1.5     -3.2

Profit before taxes                      5.2      9.4      8.9     15.2     37.8
* of turnover                            1.9      3.8      1.7      3.2      3.9

Income taxes                            -2.4     -2.5     -3.3     -4.1    -10.8

Profit for the period                    2.8      6.9      5.6     11.1     27.0
* of turnover                            1.0      2.8      1.1      2.4      2.8

Profit distribution for the period:
To parent company shareholders           2.6      6.6      5.4     10.8     26.2
To minority shares                       0.2      0.3      0.2      0.3      0.8
Total                                    2.8      6.9      5.6     11.1     27.0

Basic earnings/share, €                 0.12     0.31     0.25     0.51     1.24

Diluted earnings/share, €               0.12     0.31     0.25     0.51     1.24


EUR million               Equity belonging to owners of          Mino     Equity
                          the parent company                     rity's   total
                          Share  Share   Trans  Retained   Total
                          equity premium lation earnings
equity 1.1.2005             35.8   104.4     0.5   103.7   244.4    19.5   263.9

Translation differences                     -1.7            -1.7    -0.1    -1.8
Profit for the period                               10.8    10.8     0.3    11.1
of dividends                                       -12.5   -12.5           -12.5

equity 30.6.2005            35.8   104.4    -1.2   102.0   241.0    19.7   260.7

equity 1.1.2006             35.8   104.4    -0.9   115.5   254.8    20.2   275.0

Translation differences                      0.6             0.6    -0.1     0.5
Profit for the period                                5.6     5.6     0.1     5.7
of dividends                                       -12.6   -12.6           -12.6
Equity issue                  1.9   19.0            20.9                    20.9

equity 30.6.2006            37.7   123.4    -0.3   108.5   269.3    20.2   289.5


EUR million                           1-6/06            1-6/05           1-12/05

Cash flow
from operations                         -4.4               4.1              59.3
Financial items
and taxes                               -5.7              -5.0             -12.4

Cash flow
from operations                        -10.1              -0.9              46.9

Investments in tangible
and intangible assets                  -37.4             -42.3             -98.3
Investments                             -3.9              -2.6              -3.5

Cash flow
from investments                       -41.3             -44.9            -101.8

Cash equity issue                       20.9
Loans drawn down                        48.4              61.4              91.4
Loans repaid                           -13.1              -9.6             -19.2
Dividends paid                         -12.5             -12.5             -12.7

Cash flow
from financing                          43.7              39.3              59.5

Change in liquid funds                  -7.7              -6.5               4.6


EUR million                           4-6/06   4-6/05   1-6/06   1-6/05  1-12/05
Finland                                176.0    161.8    332.8    306.5    634.3
Sweden                                  82.1     81.0    152.6    155.0    314.0
Russia and Baltic                       26.5      7.6     48.7     14.2     42.7
Eliminations                            -6.3     -3.3    -10.8     -6.9    -14.1
Total                                  278.3    247.1    523.3    468.8    976.9

Operating profit
Finland                                  7.1      8.1     11.1     13.9     31.6
Sweden                                   2.0      2.1      2.3      2.8      7.1
Russia and Baltic                       -2.6     -0.6     -2.4     -0.8      1.5
Total                                    6.5      9.6     11.0     15.9     40.2


EUR million                          30.6.06           30.6.05          31.12.05

Debts for which collateral has been provided
in the form of mortgages and other securities

Loans from financial
institutions                            93.8              84.3              79.8
Pension fund loans                       6.5               5.9               6.2
Total                                  100.3              90.2              86.0

Mortgages and other securities given
as comprehensive security
Real-estate mortgages                   77.8              77.3              78.7
Corporate mortgages                     43.9              43.4              44.2
Other security                          54.9              50.2              47.3
Total                                  176.6             170.9             170.2

Guarantee engagements
not included in the balance sheet

Unused limits                           90.8              80.8             107.8

Guarantees                              15.4               3.1              13.5

For additional information, please contact Mr Matti Tikkakoski, President &
CEO, tel. +358 50 2582.


Matti Tikkakoski
President & CEO


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

The interim report will be mailed to you upon request and is also available on
our website at
