Earlier this May, Attana participated at the conference Advances In Cell-Based Screening In Drug Discovery 2022
The fourth edition of the conference was held at Astra Zeneca’s R&D site in Gothenburg on May 10–12. Attana participated along with leading scientists from academia, industry and the vendor community to discuss the latest advancements and best practices in cell assay profiling and their application for target identification, target validation and compound optimisation purposes.
Attana participated in the discussions and presented how Attana’s Cell-based QCM Interaction studies are applied in Drug Discovery. Attana’s QCM technology received broad interest from participants, and it was clear that there is still a yet unmet need for label-free binding studies in a cell-based format and its application for target identification, target validation and biomolecule optimization purposes.
For more information, please contact:
Teodor Aastrup, CEO
+46 (0)8 674 57 00
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About Attana
Attana was founded in 2002 with the vision of in vitro characterization of molecular interactions mimicking in vivo conditions. Since then, Attana has developed proprietary label free biosensors for biochemical, crude, sera, and cell-based assays and the Attana Virus Analytics (AVA) platform, a proprietary in vitro diagnostics (IVD) tool. Attana products and research services are used by Big Pharma, biotech companies and academic institutions within the life sciences. To learn more about our latest services and products, please visit www.attana.com or contact sales@attana.com