Audientes A/S announces new product to be launched in Q4 2022 – Companion by Audientes

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Company announcement no. 17-2022
July 19, 2022

Audientes A/S today announces the addition of a new product to its portfolio with Companion by Audientes - a situational hearing solution to be launched in Q4 2022, with focus on the US and thereafter in additional prioritized markets globally.

This announcement contains insider information. 


Audientes has today announced the addition of a new product to its portfolio. Companion by Audientes is a situational hearing device in the advanced hearables category that will extend Audientes’ reach to the consumer electronics market where advanced hearables is one of the fastest growing segments globally. Hearables are technically advanced, electronic in-ear devices designed for multiple purposes, ranging from medical monitoring and fitness tracking to communication objectives and hearing enhancement.


Companion by Audientes – a valid alternative

Companion is built on the existing software and hardware utilized in its current hearing aid, Ven™ by Audientes and falls into the advanced hearables category. The global hearables market size is predicted to reach $93.90 billion by 2026.


Audientes A/S CEO, Steen Thygesen comments: “We believe that Companion will provide a valid alternative for those who are not quite ready for the cost and (oftentimes) stigma associated with a traditional hearing aid. Since its launch in Q1, Ven is being welcomed in India exactly for this reason and more. We are therefore harnessing the design and many of the features & benefits of Ven and adjusting it to meet the requirements of an advanced hearable device for global consumer markets.”


Companion by Audientes will be available for purchase in Q4 2022.


Accelerating US market entry with a smart consumer offering

Audientes A/S CEO, Steen Thygesen comments; “We have received a lot of interest from people in other markets – the US included – who do not fall into the disabling hearing loss category but simply want to hear better in certain situations. We are extremely excited to announce this new consumer electronics device, which also includes Bluetooth streaming functionality. It will enable us to rapidly enter the US market with a smart offering that will help people hear better in conversations, at work, in the movie theatre and more, while also enjoying the benefits of streaming audio. Moreover, it will enable us to accelerate our US market entry with a non-medical consumer electronics device, while we continue to work on FDA approval for our hearing aids.”



For further information, please contact:

Steen Thygesen, CEO, Audientes A/S

Phone: +45 53 17 26 10




Certified advisor

Kapital Partner A/S

Phone: +45 89 88 78 46



About Audientes A/S

Audientes A/S is a Danish technology company specializing in smart, self-fitting and affordable hearing aids. Audientes’ unique hearing aid solution, Ven by Audientes, is available for purchase in the Indian market, online and in retail, and will be introduced to the US over-the-counter market and other markets in the coming years. Audientes’ mission is to help the approximately 500 million people globally suffering from disabling hearing loss who either cannot afford to buy one of the very expensive hearing aids on the market, or who do not currently have access to a solution to their hearing loss.


Audientes (ticker name: AUDNTS) is currently listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark (“First North”), but in the process of changing listing venue to Spotlight Stock Market Denmark (“Spotlight”). The estimated last day of trading in Audientes’ financial instruments on First North is September 16, 2022, and the estimated first day of trading on the Danish segment of Spotlight is the following banking day, September 19, 2022.


Audientes is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark with a subsidiary in Hyderabad, India.


For additional information please refer to the company’s website,