Autoliv to Close Four More Plants

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(Stockholm, December 21, 2009) – – – Autoliv Inc. – the global leader in automotive safety systems – today announced the closure of an additional four plants as a part of its ongoing action program.

To consolidate and to adapt its production capacity to the current demand, Autoliv has decided to close plants in France, Germany, Mexico and Tunisia. Autoliv has started to transfer the steering wheel assembly operations from its Querétaro, Mexico location to the company’s recently acquired steering wheel manufacturing facility in Matamoros, Mexico. This transition will take place over the coming months, allowing Autoliv to optimize its steering wheel business by vertically integrating armature manufacturing, molding, leather wrapping, final assembly and testing into one facility. Employees will be offered opportunities to transfer to either the Matamoros facility or one of the other two Querétaro facilities, where labor requirements are rising to meet increased demand. Between existing Querétaro facilities, Autoliv currently employs over 500 temporary workers. In January 2009, Autoliv acquired most of the assets in distressed French steel stamping supplier NPC to secure deliveries. Due to low demand and, at least partly, new technologies, this facility will be closed early next year. Approximately 140 associates will be affected by this closure. To further consolidate its seatbelt operations, Autoliv’s seatbelt assembly plant in Tunisia will be closed and most of the production transferred to Autoliv Turkey. Approximately 650 associates will be affected by this consolidation. Autoliv’s steering wheel logistics center in Germany will become redundant as a result of further optimization of logistic routes from the production facilities. Approximately 32 associates will be affected by this productivity improvement. “This is another important but difficult step in our action plan. In the highly competitive automotive industry we have to continuously improve our competitiveness and adapt the capacity to the actual demand,” said Jan Carlson, President and CEO of Autoliv Inc. “By consolidating our steering wheel operations in North America we will also create one world-class vertically integrated steering wheel facility,” ”We will work closely with various community, union and government agencies to support employees impacted by these changes”, he added. Inquiries: Jan Carlson, President and CEO, Autoliv Inc. Tel +46-8-587 20 600


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