Preliminary Financial Statement 2007

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• Operating income increased by 22 per cent (60%) to SEK 557 million (SEK 455 m)
• The profit after tax totalled SEK 233 million (SEK 188 m)
• Earnings per share increased by 24 per cent (77%) SEK 8.51 (SEK 6.85)
• The number of accounts increased by 27 per cent (23%) to 165,000 (130,000 as of 31st December
2006) and the total savings capital increased by 6 per cent (45%) to SEK 45,900 million
(SEK 43,200 m as of 31st December 2006) as of 31st December 2007
• The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of SEK 6.00 (SEK 4.00) per share be paid

Fourth quarter
• Operating income increased by 28 per cent (41%) to SEK 151 million (SEK 118 m)
• The profit after tax totalled SEK 66 million (SEK 54 m)
• Earnings per share increased by 22 per cent (66%) to SEK 2.40 (SEK 1.96)

Comments from the Managing Director
“Income increased by 22 per cent and profits by 24 per cent in 2007, which means that we more than met our
growth targets, despite the stock market doing very little to help us along. Our new long-term profit growth goals
have been set at 15–25 per cent per annum. Stock market turbulence, however, gives rise to a considerable uncertainty
regarding 2008”, says Nicklas Storåkers, Managing Director of Avanza.

“The number of accounts grew by 27 per cent in 2007 to 165,000. Saving in endowment insurance is incredibly popular
right now. Avanza Zero – the no-fee index fund – attracted a lot of new customers, too. Stock market turbulence
during the autumn led to increased saving in fixed income products. Levels of interest in strong emerging
markets, such as India and China, also continued to be high.”

“Net savings for 2007 totalled SEK 5,000 million, which is well below our target figure. Net saving levels have been
strong during early 2008, however, and Avanza will also be launching a whole string of new services in early 2008 –
services that we believe will boost net savings.”

For additional information, please contact Nicklas Storåkers, Managing Director of Avanza,
tel: +46 70 861 80 01.

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