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31, 2007                                                                        

The net sales of Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj (“Eirikuva”) for 2007 amounted to   
6.4 million euros, remaining at the 2006 level. In photo production, 48% of the 
net sales came from the growing digital image product division. In 2006, digital
image products accounted for 34% of the net sales in photo production. The      
EBITDA figure was -609,000 euros (in 2006: 302,000 euros for the parent         
Earnings per share came to -3.97 euros. Earnings after taxes were -1.45 million 
euros. The loss is partially due to costs resulting from the company's issue of 
shares and First North listing, which were larger than expected and incurred in 
the fourth quarter. Introducing Eirikuva to a new market required significant   
investments as well. In addition, Eirikuva invested in production and service   
concept development.                                                            

MAIN EVENTS IN 2007                                                             

Eirikuva was made a public company, and sales company Eirikuva Nordic AB was    
established in Sweden. The company's share capital was increased to 1,408,000   
euros, and the total number of shares is now 3,520,000. Also, some of Eirikuva's
long-term loans were converted into share capital and placed in the invested    
unrestricted shareholders' equity fund (922,000 euros). Eiri Kehys Oy Ab's      
shares were acquired from Amago Capital. Eirikuva was listed with First North on
December 3, 2007.                                                               
In Sweden, Eirikuva has achieved a significant market share in less than a year.

MAIN EVENTS IN THE FOURTH QUARTER                                               

Net sales: 1,530,000 euros (in 2006: 1,676,000 euros for the parent company)    
EBITDA: -294,000 euros (in 2006: 170,000 euros for the parent company)          
Earnings in the fourth quarter: -819,000 euros (in 2006: 100,000 euros for the  
parent company)                                                                 
Earnings per share: -0.63 euros                                                 

COMMENTS FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR                                             

In the fourth quarter, our operations were strongly focused on service concept  
development. The new photo order software proved viable. Demand for value-added 
products is increasing heavily. Eirikuva's products have received great         
attention and positive feedback on account of their quality. Eirikuva has       
introduced new products - Canvas pictures and the Pro album - and expanded the  
photo card product family. The Eirikuva kiosk concept has increased the         
recognition of the Eirikuva brand in busy marketplaces. Photo orders made via   
the kiosks are sent to the photo lab's automatic production system over the     
In Finland, Eirikuva has concentrated on developing its service concept in      
cooperation with its customers. Consumers have discovered Eirikuva kiosk order  
stations, whose utilization rate is increasing steadily at, for example,        
Eirikuva specialty stores and the Anttila and Stockmann department stores.      

Eirikuva has strengthened its market position in Sweden. Eirikuva's photo       
services are available from OnOff, Euronics, and ICA Maxi Special stores, as    
well as a number of specialty stores all over Sweden.                           
In late 2007, Eirikuva began cooperation with the Swedish NetOnNet and Svenska  

FINANCIAL REVIEW                                                                


This review was prepared in accordance with the FAS model, which meets the      
requirements of the Finnish Accounting Act. The calculation principles are the  
same as for the 2006 financial statement.                                       

PROFITS AND EARNINGS                                                            

Since the industry is still in the throes of the transitional period from analog
to digital image production, Eirikuva Group's earnings in the fourth quarter    
came to -819,000 euros (in 2006: 100,000 euros for the parent company).         

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) in the 
fourth quarter amounted to -294,000 euros (in 2006: 170,000 euros for the parent
company). Digital photo products accounted for 48% of the net sales from photos 
(34% in 2006).                                                                  

Building the Eirikuva service concept in new markets has required significant   
investments. Most of the investments had to do with design and implementation of
the sales organization, logistics services, and photo order software.           

Costs of logistics and raw materials increased from the previous year's levels. 
The company has initiated a significant program to cut these costs.             

With the machinery investments made in 2007, depreciation increased to 338,000  
euros (in 2006: 166,000 euros for the parent company).                          

ASSETS AND INVESTMENTS                                                          

Total assets at the end of the period under review amounted to 3,461,000 euros  
(in 2006: 3,351,000 euros for the parent company). The company's equity ratio   
was 20% at the end of the period. Investments in capital assets entered on the  
consolidated balance sheet totaled 615,000 euros (in 2006: 121,000 euros for the
parent company). Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp's most significant investment in
2007 was for a digital printer, 412,000 euros. Other investments included the   
Eirikuva kiosk concept and photo order software.                                


Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp's personnel numbered 63 at the end of the period 
under review and averaged 71 over the period. The number of employees in Sweden 
was 3. In 2006, the number of personnel of the parent company and subsidiary    
Eiri Kehys averaged 87.                                                         

GROUP STRUCTURE                                                                 

Eirikuva Group consists of the parent company Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp and
two subsidiaries, Eiri Kehys Oy Ab (Finland) and Eirikuva Nordic AB (Sweden), of
which the Group gained complete ownership in June 2007.                         

Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp was established on February 16, 2006, and the    
2007 fiscal year was its second.                                                

The consolidated financial statements were prepared using the acquisition cost  
method. The Group's internal transactions, receivables, and liabilities were    

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

Ten largest shareholders, as of December 31, 2007:                              

Amago Capital AB (publ.)                   2,020,000                            
Oy Herttaässä Ab                             455,500                            
Possidentes Oy                               341,625                            
Jonas Nordlund                               135,875                            
Blue White Capital Oy                        113,875                            
Troll Capital Oy                             112,875                            
Merja Ailama-Mäkitalo                         57,438                            
Kargol Oy Ab                                  56,938                            
Markku Hietamäki                              56,938                            
Juha Kojonen                                  16,400                            


Eirikuva believes that markets for its special products will grow in 2008. The  
company continues to concentrate on the development of its service concept, with
a special focus on new value-added products, the kiosk concept, and easy-to-use 
and consumer-friendly photo order software.                                     

Eirikuva has begun an extensive cost savings program, which has included        
co-determination negotiations with the personnel. The company's main goals for  
2008 are to increase cost-efficiency and optimize internal delivery times.      

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The greatest challenges for Eirikuva's operations are changes in general        
consumer demand and the competitive environment. The company seeks growth       
through, e.g., an increase in the number of customers and the number of         
purchases per customer, as well as development of new products and international
operations. Growth management requires investments in production,               
administration, internationalization, and recruitment of new personnel.         
Developing the service concept and launching new, innovative products quickly   
enough is one of the key challenges in the field.                               

The company's operations are strongly cyclical in nature, and seasonal          
fluctuations have a considerable effect on the management of the operations.    

This report has been reviewed by the company's auditors.                        

In Lahti on February 11, 2008                                                   

Merja Ailama-Mäkitalo                                                           
Managing director                                                               
Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp                                                  
Business ID: 2018481-2                                                          
Heinolan Vanhatie 25                                                            
FI-15170 Lahti, Finland                                                         

For more information, please contact:                                           
Merja Ailama-Mäkitalo                                                           
Managing director                                                               
tel. +358 40 545 3357                                                           
| Income Statement           | Eirikuva  | Eirikuva  |   Eirikuva |   Eirikuva |
|                            |           |           |    Digital |    Digital |
| (1000 euro)                | -group    | -group    |   Image Oy |   Image Oy |
|                            |           |           |         Ab |         Ab |
|                            | 1.10.-31. | 1.1.-31.1 | 1.10.-31.1 | 16.2.-31.1 |
|                            |   12.2007 |    2.2007 |     2.2006 |     2.2006 |
| TURNOVER                   |     1 530 |     6 438 |      1 676 |      6 468 |
| Other operating income     |        11 |        37 |         70 |        142 |
| Materials and services     |      -582 |    -2 755 |       -607 |     -2 539 |
| Personnel costs            |      -686 |    -2 173 |       -621 |     -2 106 |
| Depreciations and value    |       -97 |      -338 |         -6 |       -166 |
| adjustments                |           |           |            |            |
| Other operating costs      |      -567 |    -2 156 |       -348 |     -1 663 |
| OPERATING RESULT           |      -391 |      -947 |        164 |        136 |
| Financial income and costs |      -426 |      -504 |        -64 |       -135 |
| RESULT BEFORE OCCASIONAL   |      -817 |    -1 451 |        100 |          1 |
| ITEMS                      |           |           |            |            |
| Ocassional items           |         0 |         0 |          0 |          0 |
| RESULT BEFORE              |           |           |            |            |
| APPROPRIATIONS             |           |           |            |            |
| AND TAXES                  |      -817 |    -1 451 |        100 |          1 |
| Income tax                 |        -2 |         0 |          0 |         -1 |
| RESULRT FOR THE YEAR       |      -819 |    -1 451 |        100 |          0 |

| Balance sheet              |           |           | Eirikuva   |   Eirikuva |
|                            |           |           |            |    Digital |
| (1000 euro)                |           |           | -group     |   Image Oy |
|                            |           |           |            |         Ab |
| Assets                     |           |           | 31.12.2007 | 31.12.2006 |
| LONG-TERM ASSETS           |           |           |            |            |
| Goodwill                   |           |           |        194 |        207 |
| Other intabgible assets    |           |           |         37 |          8 |
| Tangible assets            |           |           |      1 387 |      1 056 |
| Receivables                |           |           |          6 |          0 |
| TOTAL LONG-TERM ASSETS     |           |           |      1 624 |      1 271 |
| SHORT-TERM ASSETS          |           |           |            |            |
| Inventories                |           |           |        700 |        679 |
| Trade receivables          |           |           |        646 |        667 |
| Other receivables          |           |           |          9 |         35 |
| Funds                      |           |           |        482 |        699 |
| TOTAL SHORT-TERM ASSETS    |           |           |      1 837 |      2 080 |
| TOTAL ASSETS               |           |           |      3 461 |      3 351 |
|                            |           |           |   Eirikuva |   Eirikuva |
|                            |           |           |            |    Digital |
|                            |           |           |  -konserni |   Image Oy |
|                            |           |           |            |         Ab |
| Shareholders´equity and    |           |           | 31.12.2007 | 31.12.2006 |
| liabilities                |           |           |            |            |
| SHAREHOLDERS´EQUITY        |           |           |            |            |
| Share capital              |           |           |      1 408 |          8 |
| Issue of shares            |           |           |          0 |          0 |
| Unrestricted shareholders  |           |           |        722 |          0 |
| found                      |           |           |            |            |
| Profit/loss from Previous  |           |           |          0 |          0 |
| years                      |           |           |            |            |
| Profit/loss from the year  |           |           |     -1 452 |          0 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS´EQUITY  |           |           |        678 |          8 |
| LIABILITIES                |           |           |            |            |
| Long-term liabilities      |           |           |      1 419 |      1 661 |
| Short-term liabilities     |           |           |      1 364 |      1 682 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES          |           |           |      2 783 |      3 343 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS´EQUITY AND          |           |      3 461 |      3 351 |
| LIABILITIES                            |           |            |            |
| BUSINESS INDICATORS        | Eirikuva  | Eirikuva  |   Eirikuva |            |
|                            |           |           |    Digital |            |
| (1000 euro)                | -group    | -group    |   Image Oy |            |
|                            |           |           |         Ab |            |
|                            | 1.10.-31. | 1.1.-31.1 | 16.2.-31.1 |            |
|                            |   12.2007 |    2.2007 |     2.2006 |            |
| Net sales                  |     1 530 |     6 438 |      6 468 |            |
| Operating result           |      -391 |      -947 |        136 |            |
| % of net sales             |     -26 % |     -15 % |        2 % |            |
| Earnings before            |      -817 |    -1 451 |          1 |            |
| extraordinary items        |           |           |            |            |
| % of net sales             |     -53 % |     -23 % |        0 % |            |
| Earnings for the period    |      -819 |    -1 451 |          0 |            |
| % of net sales             |     -54 % |     -23 % |        0 % |            |
| Equity ratio               |      20 % |      20 % |        0 % |            |
| (Shareholders' equity *    |           |           |            |            |
| 100) / total assets        |           |           |            |            |
| Earnings per share (in     |     -0,63 |     -3,97 |          0 |            |
| euros)                     |           |           |            |            |
| Earnings for the period / average      |           |            |            |
| number of shares                       |           |            |            |
| Average number of shares   | 1 306 667 |   365 611 |        100 |            |
| Number of shares           |           |           |            |            |
| at the end of the period   | 3 520 000 | 3 520 000 |        100 |            |