Annual General Meeting of Axfood AB (publ.)

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The shareholders of Axfood AB have been summoned to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at 5 p.m. on Thursday, 9 March 2006, at Norra Latin, Marmorsalen, Stockholm, Sweden (entrance at Barnhusgatan 7B). Registration opens at 4.15 p.m.

Axfood AB's nominating committee has recommended the re-election of the board members Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Peggy Bruzelius, Maria Curman, Göran Ennerfelt, Mats Jansson, Marcus Storch, Gunnar Söderling and Annika Åhnberg, and that Mats Jansson be elected as Chairman of the Board. The summons to the Meeting shows that the Board of Directors has proposed that the dividend based on profit for the year be set at SEK 15 per share, of which SEK 9 constitutes an ordinary dividend and SEK 6 an extra dividend, and that the record date be set at 14 March 2006. In the aim of giving the Board greater room to manoeuvre in its work with the company's capital structure, the Board has proposed that the Annual General Meeting authorize the Board – on one or more occasions during the period up until the next Annual General Meeting – to decide on purchases of the Company's own shares, entailing the right for the Board to decide on purchases on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The authorization shall pertain to purchases of up to 4,000,000 shares at a price per share that is within the registered price range on the Stockholm Stock Exchange at the time of purchase. The Board has also proposed that the Annual General Meeting resolve to reduce the Company's statutory reserve by SEK 1,699,004,932 to SEK 0, and that an amount corresponding to the reduction be transferred to unrestricted reserves at the Annual General Meeting's disposal. The complete summons is available on Axfood's website:, and has been appended to this press release. For further information please contact: Anders Strålman, President & CEO Axfood AB, +46 8-553 998 02 Kenneth Wall, Director, Media Relations, Axfood AB, +46-703-124 122
