Axfood AB’s Interim Report web cast and conference call

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Axfood AB will publish its interim report for the period January-December 2011 on Tuesday 7 February. In conjunction to the report Axfood will hold a web cast and conference call for the Media and the Capital Market. CEO Anders Strålman and CFO Karin Hygrell-Jonsson will present and comment the report. After the presentation there will be time for questions.

Observe that the presentation will not be held at Axfood’s head office but is solely a webcast and conference call.

Time: Tuesday 7 February, at 09.30 a.m. CET.

SE: + 46 8 505 598 53
UK: + 44 203 043 24 36

You will find the web cast at A recorded version will also be available after the presentation.

Axfood AB's interim report is expected to be released around 7.30 am CET the same day.

The interim report and the presentation will be available at


Maria Luthström, Investor Relations Axfood AB, +46 76 138 74 06

Axfood AB conducts food retail and wholesale business in Sweden. Retail business is conducted through the wholly owned store chains Willys, Hemköp and PrisXtra, comprising 232 stores in all. In addition, Axfood collaborates with a number of proprietor-run stores that are tied to Axfood through agreements. These include stores within the Hemköp and Willys chains as well as stores run under the Handlar’n and Tempo profiles. In all, Axfood collaborates with approximately 840 proprietor-run stores. Wholesaling is conducted through Dagab and Axfood Närlivs. Axfood is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm AB's Large Cap list. Axel Johnson AB is the principal owner, with approximately 50% of the shares.
