Axfood joins BLICC climate network

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Axfood is the first retail food company to joining the BLICC initiative. The network is only available to companies that work actively and concretely with climate issues.

"We are working actively to reduce our climate impact in all areas," says Anders Strålman, President and CEO of Axfood. "In our day-to-day activities, environmental aspects are being integrated with purchasing, logistics, transports, store operations and waste handling. Our membership in BLICC gives us a contact interface and opportunities to exchange knowledge with enterprises in other industries in our efforts to further systematize and improve the effectiveness of our environmental work."

BLICC (Business Leaders Initiative on Climate Change) is a network of companies from various industries that work actively – together and in own projects – to reduce their environmental impact. All BLICC members strive to run their businesses with minimal climate impact.

"Through our long-term and conscious work in this area, we have shown that cooperation across industries is possible as well as necessary for achieving good results. During a three-year period, BLICC companies have reduced their climate impact by more than 25% while at the same time achieving substantial cost savings," says Ebba Lindsö, President of Respect, which coordinates the BLICC initiative.

Åsa Domeij, Head of Environment and Social Responsibility at Axfood, comments: "Our membership in BLICC strengthens our work for the environment and sustainable development toward the goal of being the best in our industry."


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