Axfood launches own Fairtrade certified private label

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Axfood is launching its own private label brand consisting exclusively of products that bear the Fairtrade Certification mark. The brand is called Aware and is being rolled out across the Hemköp, Willy, Willys hemma and PrisXtra chains.

During the spring of 2009, 12 products are being launched under the Aware brand, including coffee, tea and chocolate.

"We want to make Fairtrade products more accessible and attractively priced," says Åsa Domeij, Head of Environmental Affairs at Axfood. "Through close relations with suppliers, we can further strengthen the work on improving working conditions. For example, we will be visiting our tea plantation in India during the spring."

The Aware brand is the result of Nordic cooperation in the United Nordic purchasing organization. Aware products will be sold by Axfood in Sweden, Norgesgruppen in Norway, Dagrofa in Denmark and Tuko Logistics in Finland.

Camilla Weiner, Head of Corporate Communications at Axfood, comments: "The Aware brand stands for quality and conveys a feeling for product origins. The products come from carefully selected producers, all certified in accordance with International Fairtrade Standards."

Facts about the Fairtrade Certification mark

Fairtrade is an independent product label. Consumers who choose Fairtrade certified products contribute to improved working and living conditions for growers and employees in developing countries by:

• contributing to improved economic terms for growers and employees

• preventing child labour and discrimination

• promoting democracy and freedom of association

• contributing to economic and social development of local communities

• promoting environmental considerations and organic production.

For further information, please contact:
Åsa Domeij, Head of Environmental Affairs, Axfood AB, +46-73-077 43 07
Ingmar Kroon, Director Media Relations, Axfood AB, +46-702-89 89 83
Ola Höiden, Head of Communications, Fairtrade/Rättvisemärkt, +46-709-20 54 51


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