Axfood’s annual report best

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Axfood has won the Best Annual Report subcategory in Kanton and the Swedish Shareholders Association’s Listed Companies of the Year contest covering large cap companies on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm exchange. Awards for the two other subcategories – Best IR Website, in which Axfood was voted as the overall winner, and Best Interim Report, where Axfood was voted the best among large cap companies – were announced a few weeks ago.

“It feels very exciting to gain recognition for our work on continuously improving these information channels,” says Anne Rhenman Eklund, Head of Corporate Communications at Axfood.

Here is how the Swedish Shareholders Association and Kanton motivated their award decisions:

Annual report

“Axfood’s annual report is rich in relevant information and ranked high among the list of large cap companies on OMX. The sustainability report, presentation of key ratios and the risks and risk management sections are especially worthy of imitation.”


“Axfood’s well constructed website is full of relevant information that the visitor can access conveniently via clear tabs, headings and links. Starting with the website’s start page, visitors are given a good summary picture of Axfood with information about the company’s stock, recent press releases and brief facts about the company and its operations. With a full 27 of 30 points, Axfood is a worthy winner of this subcategory.”

Interim report

“Axfood’s interim report has a simple structure that is made even clearer through systematic headings. Through complementary diagrams, key ratios are presented in a pedagogic manner. The company’s interim reports are concluded with clear key ratio definitions and an industry-specific glossary.”


For further information, please contact:
Ingmar Kroon, Director Press Relations, Axfood AB, tel. +46-70-289 89 83
Anne Rhenman Eklund, Head of IR and Corporate Communications, Axfood AB, tel. +46-70-280 64 59




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