Axfood to move head offices to Torsplan in 2014

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Axfood is moving its head offices from Solna Strand to Torsplan in Hagastaden, Stockholm's new city district. The new office will be adjacent to a PrisXtra store that is scheduled to open in the same building in late 2013. The move of the head offices will take place in the first quarter of 2014.

Torsplan will be the first building to be completed in the new city district Hagastaden, between Stationsgatan and Karolinska Hospital. Hagastaden is expected to have some 36,000 inhabitants in a few years.

"At Axfood we believe it is important that we live close to our core business, which is to operate stores," says Anders Strålman, President and CEO of Axfood. "Therefore it will mean a lot to have our head offices located in the same building that we have a store."

Torsplan will be a certified Green Building and will be environmentally classified as "excellent" – the second-highest classification according to the international environmental certification system BREEAM.

For further information, please contact:
Thomas Strömer, Project Leader, Axfood Business Development, +46-70-694 98 61
Anne Rhenman Eklund, Head of Corporate Communications, Axfood, +46-70-280 64 59


Axfood AB conducts food retail and wholesale business in Sweden. Retail business is conducted through the wholly owned store chains Willys, Hemköp and PrisXtra, comprising 232 stores in all. In addition, Axfood collaborates with a number of proprietor-run stores that are tied to Axfood through agreements. These include stores within the Hemköp and Willys chains as well as stores run under the Handlar’n and Tempo profiles. In all, Axfood collaborates with approximately 840 proprietor-run stores. Wholesaling is conducted through Dagab and Axfood Närlivs. Axfood is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm AB's Large Cap list. Axel Johnson AB is the principal owner, with approximately 46% of the shares.


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