Half-year report January-June 2009 No change in sales trend

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• Net sales during the period amounted to SEK 1,074 M (931), and to SEK 542 M (494) for the second quarter • Operating profit during the period totaled SEK 93 M (160), and SEK 46 (92) M for the second quarter • Profit before tax during the period amounted to SEK 92 M (160), and to SEK 46 M (92) for the second quarter • Profit after tax during the period totaled SEK 67 M (113), and SEK 34 M (64) for the second quarter • Earnings per share during the first half year amounted to SEK 0.96 (1.64)

“As previously communicated, we expect the lower activity on the market, in the weak market conditions, to remain at a relatively stable level. This means that Axis’ sales level on each market was essentially unchanged during the second quarter compared with the beginning of the year. We see a comparatively improved trend during the second quarter in the Americas region and in the Asia region like during the first quarter of the year. The EMEA region, like the beginning of the year displayed a comparatively weaker trend. Axis’ marketing activity was intensive during the period and the high rate of release of new products continued. Recruitment of personnel continued during the second quarter, but now at a significantly lower rate than at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. “ Ray Mauritsson, President The slide presentation is available on: www.axis.com/corporate/investor/interim_report.htm Invitation to telephone conference Time: Wednesday, July 8, at 10 a.m. CET. To join the conference: Dial: + 46 (0)8 50 52 0110 Access code: Axis Communications Axis AB participants: Ray Mauritsson, CEO and Fredrik Sjöstrand, CFO. A recorded version of the presentation will be available for five working days on: +46 (0)8 5052 0333, Access Code: 83 84 91

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