From keyword obsessions to an AI brain, Ayima’s MD, Nicky Applegarth, looks back at 10 years of SEO
When Ayima launched in 2007, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) was a relatively young industry. How companies search for and access information has evolved considerably, and will only continue doing so.
As Ayima approach the company’s tenth anniversary in Search Engine Optimisation, Managing Director Nicky Applegarth looks at the evolution of the SEO industry in an exclusive story with leading digital news and media publication, The Drum.
While highlighting the industry's evolution and where it's headed, the story examines the core advances, disruptions and strategies within SEO, including:
The rise of mobile internet
Google Panda, Penguin and Pigeon—and their impact
RankBrain, big data and machine-learning
The article establishes the importance of a comprehensive SEO strategy and outlines the three key areas marketers need to consider to stay ahead of the competition for the next ten years.
Find the full article here:
For further Information:
Mallory Mabe, Marketing Manager
+44 (0)20 7148 5970
About Ayima
Originally founded in 2007, Ayima is a digital marketing agency with around 145 employees across its offices in London, Stockholm, New York, San Francisco and Vancouver. Ayima have created a number of market-leading software tools that are used in by clients and agencies around the world, including ‘Updatable’, ‘Redirect Path’, ‘Page Insights’, ‘Pulse’ and ‘Appotate’.