Azelio Newsletter - June 2019

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Azelio's technology is getting lots of positive attention around the world. Dialogues initiated at the technology demonstration in 2018 are developing in to contracts and the need for energy storage for a successful transition to renewables have become evident.

Report Update

Azelio’s Q1 report summary with a video interview with Azelio’s CEO, Jonas Eklind                   

Apr - 2019

A positive first quarter for Azelio

Azelio has started 2019 according to plan. Important elements of this are the preparations for the verification project in Morocco during the fourth quarter of this year, as well as the concretization of the extensive inquiries from potential customers after Azelio's storage technology was demonstrated last summer. During the quarter, Azelio's agreement with Chinese Datang Holdings New Energy Technologies has been extended, a sign that the technology is attractive for the progressive Chinese market. Azelio has also been well received by the World Bank and the European Commission for its sustainable solutions. Following the end of the period, a MOU was signed with Pakistani JD Aviation on cooperation for reliable and sustainable electricity supply in Pakistan.

See a video interview on the report with Azelio’s CEO Jonas Eklind here:  

Read the full Q1 report here:  

Azelio’s Annual Report is published as a digital report

May - 2019

Azelio publish a digital Annual Report with the purpose of making the content more accessible for the readers and to avoid printed copies. The annual report gives a good overview of the company.

The Annual Report can be read here:

Organisation development

Azelio's unique energy storage now also for solar PV and wind power

May - 2019

In June 2018, Azelio unveiled its energy storage technology, which enables the provision of electricity from renewables around the clock. That technology is based on a thermal energy storage system developed by Azelio, which features a Stirling engine for dispatchable electricity production. The solution is adapted to solar regions and used particularly in areas where the electricity grid is either unstable or entirely lacking. With a new important development Azelio has broadened the range of uses of its unique technology, so that electricity from a wider range of renewable sources can be received and stored as thermal energy. Given the importance of storage to the broader development of renewables, Azelio believes that this development for receiving electricity to its thermal energy storage with dispatchable power around the clock, is of significance.

Read the full press release here:

Representation / Awards

Invited by the European Commission to Invest EU in Brussels, as holder of the Seal of Excellence

Mar - 2019

Azelio was selected for an InvestEU Event in Brussels, represented by CEO, Jonas Eklind. As a selected Seal of Excellence holder, Azelio participated in a dedicated matchmaking session, powered by the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) and the Seal of Excellence (SoE). The Seal of Excellence is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted to Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding programme.

“Very interesting to meet all investors, grants specialists and innovative technology companies here in Brussels. And I am proud of my company and colleagues that have created projects rewarded the Seal of Excellence.” – Jonas Eklind, CEO of Azelio 

Azelio’s CEO, Jonas Eklind, presenting the company at ProHearings in Stockholm

Apr - 2019

Azelio presented it’s technology and progress at a live sent investor event held by ProHearings in Stockholm in April. See the full presentation by Jonas Eklind here:  

Azelio’s CEO, Jonas Eklind, awarded Sweden’s Mission Innovation Champion at a Ministerial meeting in Vancover

May - 2019

Azelio’s CEO Jonas Eklind awarded Mission Innovation Champion at a ceremony in Vancouver. Mission Innovation was launched at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015 as a global initiative of 22 countries and the European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, seeking to dramatically accelerate global clean energy innovation and make clean energy widely affordable and reliable. The awarded Mission Innovation Champions are individuals with a track record of progressing creative new ideas that can drive the pace and scale of the clean energy revolution. Innovators who are developing novel ways of making energy cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable and using it more efficiently.

• About Mission Innovation:

• About Mission Innovation Champion: 

Azelio presents its energy storage technology to the World Bank and IFC in Washington

May - 2019

Azelio was on Friday (31/5) at the World Bank and IFC (International Financial Corporation, part of the World Bank Group) in Washington to present its unique energy storage technology with sustainable electricity production around the clock. The World Bank has recently announced major investments in energy storage to strengthen existing and planned installations for solar and wind energy, especially in developing countries where large parts of the population lack access to an electricity grid. In February this year, Azelio was invited by the World Bank to a strategy conference in South Africa to discuss solutions for increased access to renewable energy. As a result of the conference, Azelio now presented its solution to financial and technical specialists at the World Bank in Washington.

Seleced media

Svenska Dagblaldet does a big coverage on solar power, Azelio’s key partner Masen and the site for Azelio’s verification projects in late 2019

Apr - 2019

A good coverage by Svenska Dagbladet on Azelio's strategic partner Masen and solar power with storage in Morocco. Masen leads Morocco's aim for 52% renewable energy by 2030, starting from zero with fossil imports. Masen is also managing the world's largest solar power park with storage in Ouarzazate as well as advisor to many African countries' renewable energy plans. The solar park in Quarzazate is where Azelio will build its verification project in late 2019, together with Masen.

Read the full article here: 

Swedish Radio is covering concentrated solar power and Morocco and interviews Azelio’s CEO, Jonas Eklind

Apr – 2019 

Listen to Sveriges Radio interviewing Azelio’s CEO, Jonas Eklind, on CSP and energy storage. A good coverage on different technologies that all play an important role for transition to a sustianble future.

Listen to the coverage on Sveriges Radio here:

Dagens Industri on Sweden's promising solar technologies, highlighting Azelio's progressive technology for energy storage with dispatchable electricity

May – 2019 

Strålande tider för solenergi – de svenska bolagen som kan bli nästa börssuccé

“Solenergin har fått sitt globala genombrott och spås en lysande framtid och skapar stora möjligheter för entreprenörer och aktieplacerare. Den bedömningen gör en rad svenska teknikbolag både på och utanför börsen som siktar på att bli nästa stora företagssuccé.”

Shiny times for solar energy - the Swedish companies that can become the next stock market success

“Solar energy has got its global breakthrough and is predicted a brilliant future and creates great opportunities for entrepreneurs and stock investors. That assessment is made by a number of Swedish technology companies both on and off the stock exchange aiming to be the next big industry success.”

Read the full article here:

Partners / agreements

Azelio signs a MOU with JD Aviation for reliable and clean electricity supply in Pakistan

May – 2019 

Azelio signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Pakistani company JD Aviation for reliable and sustainable electricity supply in Pakistan. The MOU is a first step in introducing the technology to the market in Pakistan. A market characterized by an unreliable electricity grid and good solar conditions, where long-term energy storage with cost-effective electricity production will make a big difference.

Read the full press release here:

A sales agent agreement is signed with Pansanté for renewable electricity as a distributed sustainable baseload for off-grid hospitals in Africa

May – 2019

Azelio offers distributed long-term energy storage with dispatchable electricity production. Hospitals require a continuous supply of electricity and cannot rely on solutions with uneven production that are dependent on intermittent sources as sun or wind. The alternative for a reliable off grid electricity baseload has been diesel generators that are expensive with high emissions. For a normal-sized off-grid hospital in central Africa, Azelio can reduce the use of diesel by 80-85 % and work in system with other renewable technologies. With an installation of 2.2 MW of Azelio's solution for a hospital, 5,000 cubic meters of diesel can be replaced with sustainable electricity annually. A reduction of 14,000 tons of CO2e. In addition, Azelio's produced electricity is half the cost to diesel generated electricity per kWh.

"This setup fits Azelio’s solution perfectly, as a distributed sustainable baseload. Azelio's and Pansante’s ambitions for sustainable development go hand in hand, and we are very proud of this collaboration", says Jonas Eklind, CEO of Azelio.

Red the full pressrelease here:

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