Azelio Newsletter November 2019

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An update where recent happenings and progress at Azelio is gathered.


  • Azelio signs MOU for commercial project in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Azelio signs MOU for commercial project in Zambia
  • MOU signed with the US company Biodico for 120 MWe of installations in California


  • Agreement signed with Masdar and Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi for a pilot project to evaluate Azelio’s technology
  • AQ Enclosure Systems appointed as partner for assembly of Azelio’s energy storage solution
  • Final testing of pump system developed with Swiss company Egger for transfer of heat in the energy storage system

Organization development

  • Azelio appoints VP Operations to lead the company’s industrialisation
  • Azelio progresses in its commercialization as the first product leaves the production line
  • Verification project for Azelio’s energy storage solution in Morocco in system with solar panels, opens up for new markets
  • Azelio intends to resolve on a partly guaranteed rights issue of up to approximately SEK 350 million


  • Azelio is the winner of Nasdaq Innovate46 in New York. Voted the company with the highest potential to succeed on the US market
  • Interview by Redeye with Azelio's CEO Jonas Eklind (in Swedish)
  • Azelio on Mission Innovation’s list of 100 most innovative clean energy solutions
  • Coverage in Arab News on Azelio's collaboration with Masdar and Khalifa university
  • Energivärlden on Azelio and its ground breaking clean power solution (in Swedish)
  • Part of the technical committee for smart grids in collaboration with key stakeholders on the Chinese market

Report update         

  • Q3 report - Azelio puts the pieces in place for volume production in 2021, as planned
Johan Sahlin
Marketing, Communication & IR