The Nomination Committee’s proposals for the Board of Directors for Balco Group AB

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Balco’s Nomination Committee, which represents just over 51% of the voting rights in the company, proposes to the 2018 annual general meeting that Carl-Mikael Lindholm and Johannes Nyberg be elected as new members of Balco’s Board of Directors.

Håkan Bergqvist and Marcus Planting-Bergloo, who are currently members of Balco’s Board, have declined re-election. For the Annual General Meeting to be held on 17 May 2018, Balco Group AB’s Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Lennart Kalén, Ingalill Berglund, Percy Calissendorff, Tomas Johansson and Åsa Söderström Winberg. Further the Nomination Committee proposes that Carl-Mikael Lindholm and Johannes Nyberg be elected as new members of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee proposes that Lennart Kalén be re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

Since Balco was listed in 2017, the Nomination Committee has taken into account the more exacting demands placed on listed companies and that Board representation must be based on the changed ownership structure following the IPO.

Carl-Mikael Lindholm is asset manager for the Carl-Olof and Jenz Harmins Foundation, which is Balco’s second largest shareholder, and business developer for Herenco AB, while Johannes Nyberg is CEO of Skandrenting AB, which is Balco’s third largest shareholder. The Nomination Committee makes the assessment that the two proposed candidates will contribute valuable expertise to the Board’s work. The Nomination Committee’s proposal entails that the number of directors during the coming mandate period will be unchanged, namely seven directors.

Carl-Mikael Lindholm, born 1971, holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm as well as a specialist degree in general medicine and oncology. Carl-Mikael has previously served as a doctor in various positions at Karolinska Hospital, the County Hospital in Jönköping and at the hospital in Linköping. Carl-Mikael Lindholm has been asset manager of the Carl-Olof och Jenz Harmins Foundation since 2016 and also business developer for Herenco AB. Alongside the work in the Foundation and for Herenco, Carl-Mikael is Chairman of the Board of Hamhus AB. Carl-Mikael is a member of the Nomination Committee, which has prepared the proposal for the suggested Board of Directors for the Annual General Meeting.

Johannes Nyberg, born in 1971, holds an MBA from Uppsala University’s international economics program; Commerce program, School of Business Queens University; as well as economics studies at Humboldt University. Johannes is currently CEO of Skandrenting AB and has previously held positions at Kaupthing Bank Sverige AB, AGL Structured Finance and within IBS Sverige AB. In addition to

his position as CEO of Skandrenting AB, Johannes Nyberg is Chairman of the Board of Cryonite AB, and a Director of Raiffeisen Leasing Nordic AB and Skandrenting AB.

The Nomination Committee of Balco Group AB (Balco) for the 2018 Annual General Meeting comprises:

  •  Gabriel Urwitz, appointed by Segulah IV L.P. (Chairman of the Nomination Committee);
  •  Carl-Mikael Lindholm, appointed by the Carl-Olof och Jenz Hamrins Foundation;
  •  Lennart Björkman, appointed by Skandrenting AB;
  •  Marianne Flink, appointed by Swedbank Robur; and
  •  Lennart Kalén, Balco’s Chairman of the Board.

The Nomination Committee’s members are supported by shareholders who together represent just over 51 percent of all voting rights in the company.

The Nomination Committee’s complete proposals, including proposals regarding a Chairman of the AGM, election of auditor, fees for the board and auditor, reasoned statement and information regarding proposed directors, will be available on Balco’s website prior to the AGM.

The Annual General Meeting of Balco Group AB will be held on Thursday, 17 May 2018.

For more information, please contact:
Gabriel Urwitz, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, 070-590 89 00
Lennart Kalén, Chairman of Balco Group AB, 070-536 26 00
Cecilia Lannebo, Head of IR, 072-220 82 77,

Balco is a growth company offering high quality, innovative, patented and energy-saving balcony solutions. The company’s customised products contribute to enhanced quality of life, security and an increase in value for residents of multi-family residential properties. Through a decentralized and efficient sales process, Balco has control over the entire value chain – from production to delivery. The company, which was founded in Växjö in 1987 and which has over 300 employees, is a market leader in the Nordic region, and operates on several markets in northern Europe. Sales in 2017 amounted to SEK 989 M. Balco’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange.


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