Year-end statement January-December 2003

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Ballingslöv International AB (publ) YEAR-END STATEMENT January-December 2003 · The board of directors propose a dividend of SEK 2.75 / share (2.50) · Earnings increased by 4% to MSEK 1 204.5 (1 159.6) · Net income is MSEK 64.5 (64.5) · Earning per share is 6.01 (6.61). Average number of shares are 10.73 millions (9.76) · Operating income before amortisation of goodwill is MSEK 140.0 (142.2), corresponding to an operating margin before goodwill amortisation of 11.6% (12.3) · Cash flow from current operations is improved to MSEK 128.0 (96.6) · Organic growth in Scandinavia amounted to 8%, which is considered to be slightly better than the general market development · The action programme in the British operation is continuing. A new MD was assigned by Jan. 1, 2004 For additional information, please contact Nils-Erik Danielsson directly on phone +46 (0)451-46101 mobile +46 (0)708-946101 Ballingslöv International AB (publ) S-281 87 BALLINGSLÖV Phone (switchboard) +46-(0)451-46 000 www.ballingslö ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report