Basware: registration of 1,170,000 new shares and commencement of trading

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Basware: registration of 1,170,000 new shares and commencement of trading
Basware Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement February 16, 2011 at 13:15

The  1,170,000 new shares of Basware Corporation to be issued in Basware's share
issue  have  been  registered  with  the  Finnish Trade Register today, February
16, 2011. The  shares carry a right to  dividend and other shareholder rights as
from   their  registration  with  the  Finnish  Trade  Register.  Following  the
registration,  the  number  of  issued  and  outstanding  shares  of  Basware is

Public  trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. in the new shares, together with the
existing shares, will commence on February 17, 2011.



NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
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