Basware and a large Finnish industry group renewed their agreement

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Basware and a large Finnish industry group renewed their agreement
Basware Corporation stock exchange release, 10.1.2012 at 16:30

Basware and a large Finnish industry group renewed their agreement for next
three years. According to the agreement Basware will deliver Basware Invoice
Automatio solution, scan&capture and e-Invoicing services to the group globally.
The value of the deal exceeds EUR 450 000.

"We are happy to be able to renew our agreement with existing customer, which is
a proof that our solutions are scalable and suit well the needs of our
customers", says Esa Tihilä, CEO Basware Corporation.

The scan & capture service is part of Basware Automation Services that enable
companies to improve purchase-to-pay process quality as well increase the number
of electronic invoices, purchase messages and supplier catalogs while reducing
time spent on reviewing, approving and processing.  Basware Automation Services
also makes it easier for suppliers to start transacting electronically.

More information:

Esa Tihilä, CEO, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 40 480 7098

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