Basware delivers invoice automation and e-invoicing solutions to Tokmanni Oy

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Basware delivers invoice automation and e-invoicing solutions to Tokmanni Oy
Basware Corporation stock exchange release  June 30, 2011 at 16:25

Basware has agreed to deliver purchase Basware Invoice Automation and e-
invoicing solutions to Tokmanni Oy as a service (SaaS). The value of the deal is
not disclosed. The services will be taken into use in Tokmanni's financial
shared service center by the end of 2011.

Basware Invoice Automation solution to be delivered as SaaS includes Basware
Invoice Processing, Basware Contract Matching and Basware Order Matching. The e-
invoicing solution includes scanning of incoming paper invoices and their
transaction as well as the transaction of incoming e-invoices.

Basware Invoice Automation and e-invoicing solutions fit seamlessly together,
which enables Tokmanni to automate its purchase invoice processes and move to
100 percent e-invoicing immediately. The solutions lower the costs per invoice
and speed up processes. Our solutions are also easily scalable when invoicing
volumes grow," says Ilkka Sihvo, CEO, Basware Corporation.

"Our goal at Tokmanni is to continuously develop our processes to be able to
offer our products at more favourable prices. We also follow sustainable code of
conduct. Basware's solutions support our growing business by automating the
invoice processing and they also support sustainable code of conduct," says
Sixten Hjort, CFO, Tokmanni Oy.

More information

Ilkka Sihvo, CEO, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 40 501 8251

Sixten Hjort, CFO, Tokmanni Oy
Tel. +358 20 728 6000

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