Basware delivers solutions as SaaS to a large international enterprise

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Basware delivers solutions as SaaS to a large international enterprise
Basware Corporation stock exchange release, December 2, 2011 at 12.45

Basware has signed an agreement with a global Fortune 1000 biopharmaceutical
company. Basware will deliver Invoice Automation as SaaS, together with
Connectivity services including E-Invoicing, Scan & Capture, and Supplier
Portal. The value of the deal over the contract period of 3 years is
approximately EUR 500,000. The company will also start using Basware Order
Matching and Contract Matching. The implementation of the solutions is scheduled
to begin in December 2011 and the solutions will be taken in use globally.

"Basware Invoice Automation solution together with scan and capture and E-
Invoicing services remarkably improve the efficiency of our customer
organization and generate savings. We are happy that our software as a Service
delivery model is gaining more and more interest on the markets.  Our solutions
are suitable to all industries and companies of different sizes", says Esa
Tihilä, CEO Basware Corporation.

The scan & capture service is part of Basware Connectivity Services that enable
companies to improve purchase-to-pay process quality as well increase the number
of electronic invoices, purchase messages and supplier catalogs while reducing
time spent on reviewing, approving and processing. The Basware Connectivity
Services also makes it easier for suppliers to start transacting electronically.
Basware Invoice Automation (IA) uses automatic, business-rule based matching to
minimize the need for time-consuming, repetitive invoice-handling tasks and
enable efficient management of exceptions. Basware Invoice Automation optimizes
process performance in financial departments and business units, enabling your
organization to focus on creating added value for your customers.

For more information, please contact:
Esa Tihilä, CEO
Tel. +358 40 480 7098

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