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  • Basware extends its cooperation to cover electronic invoicing services with a major Norwegian wholesaler

Basware extends its cooperation to cover electronic invoicing services with a major Norwegian wholesaler

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Basware Corporation, stock exchange release, February 15, 2013 at 14:00
Basware extends its cooperation to cover electronic invoicing services with a
major Norwegian wholesaler

Basware will provide services for electronic invoicing to a Norwegian wholesaler
operating nationwide. The services include a solution for sending e-invoices and
activation service. The value of the deal exceeds EUR 450,000 over the next
three years. The project to deliver the services will begin during the first
quarter. The customer is already using Basware Invoice Automation solutions and
scanning service.

"The services delivered will enable our long-term customer not only to send e-
invoices but also to activate more of their customers to receive e-invoices.
This way, the customer can handle an increasing number of their over 300,000
invoices electronically, bringing significant time savings and improvements to
their processes", says Esa Tihilä, CEO, Basware Corporation.

For more information, please contact:

Esa Tihilä, CEO, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 40 480 7098

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