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Basware Stock Exchange release 2008
Basware fourth quarter and year 2008
SUMMARY (last year's corresponding period in parentheses, unless
otherwise stated)
Financial year 2008
-       Net sales EUR 86 098 thousand (EUR 73 270 thousand) - growth
17.5 percent
-       Operating profit EUR 8 679 thousand (EUR 7 512 thousand) -
growth 15.5 percent
-       Operating profit 10.1 percent of net sales (10.3%)
-       International operations accounted for 51.8 percent of net
sales (48.2%) - growth 26.6 percent
-       Backlog of SaaS orders not recognized as income EUR 10 519
thousand (EUR 11 112 thousand) at the end of the period
-       Earnings per share EUR 0.56 (0.36)
-       Dividend proposal for 2008: EUR 0.23 per share (2007: EUR

October-December Q4
-       Net sales EUR 26 294 thousand (EUR 23 187 thousand) - growth
13.4 percent
-       Operating profit EUR 4 122 thousand (EUR 1 924 thousand) -
growth 114.2 percent
-       Operating profit 15.7 percent of net sales (8.3%)
-       Operating profit excluding one-off items EUR 4 858 thousand -
growth 152.5 percent
-       Operating profit 18.5 percent of net sales excluding one-off
-       International operations accounted for 51.4 percent of net
sales (53.2%) - growth 9.6 percent
-       Earnings per share EUR 0.28 (0.09)

Basware expects its net sales to develop positively on the level of
2008. Operating profit (EBIT) for 2009 is expected to be from 10 to
15 percent of net sales.

The Financial Statements have been prepared according to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

GROUP KEY FIGURES  10-12/ 10-12/            1-12/  1-12/ Change,
 EUR thousand           2008   2007 Change, %   2008   2007       %

Net sales             26 294 23 187     13.4% 86 098 73 270   17.5%
Operating profit       4 122  1 924    114.2%  8 679  7 512   15.5%
% of net sales         15.7%   8.3%            10.1%  10.3%
Profit before tax      3 862  1 888    104.6%  8 410  7 704    9.2%
Profit for the period  3 294  1 113    196.0%  6 585  4 112   60.1%

Return on equity, %    26.5%   9.5%            13.7%   8.9%
Return on investment,
%                      30.4%  15.6%            16.6%  16.2%
Liquid assets*         8 777  7 041     24.7%  8 777  7 041   24.7%
Gearing, %              9.3%  -5.7%             9.3%  -5.7%
Equity ratio, %        59.5%  70.0%            59.5%  70.0%

Earnings per share,
EUR                     0.28   0.09    206.5%   0.56   0.36   58.1%
Earnings per share
(diluted), EUR          0.28   0.09    206.5%   0.56   0.36   58.1%
Equity per share, EUR   4.23   4.12      2.6%   4.23   4.12    2.6%

*) Includes cash, cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
Basware's business operations consist of product sales, maintenance
and support, consulting and services, Software as a Service (SaaS)
sales and other operations. The core of Basware's product sales
consists of the Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay product suite and
the Basware Financial Management (FIMA) suite. The Group's reported
market areas are Finland, Scandinavia, Europe and North America.

Record-high result in challenging market conditions

Basware's CEO Ilkka Sihvo: "Profitability in the fourth quarter was
record high.  Considering the significantly softened market
conditions, we succeeded excellently. Our net sales increased by 13.4
percent and profitability went up as much as 114.2 percent on the
corresponding period the previous year. Excluding one-off items, our
operating profit for the fourth quarter grew by 152.5 percent and
amounted to EUR 4 858 thousand. Of the units, Finland, North America
and the Netherlands exceeded their objectives. France and Norway
achieved their goals.

The integration of Contempus was completed successfully. With regard
to business operations, consulting continued its growth at a rate of
nearly 30 percent during the fourth quarter. Software as a Service
business increased by 36.2 percent. Basware succeeded well during the
quarter in securing large international customer accounts,
particularly in North America and Europe.

The financial objectives set for 2008 as a whole were achieved in
terms of net sales in extremely challenging market conditions.
Operating profit for the full year was record-high and was within the
guidance. Excluding one-off items, operating profit for 2008 as a
whole amounted to EUR 9 415 thousand, or 10.9 percent of net sales.

For the year as a whole, the Norwegian, Finnish, German and North
American Enterprise Purchase to Pay units exceeded their objectives.
The French unit met its goals, while Sweden and the Financial
Management business fell slightly short of their objectives. Of the
2008 net sales, 51.8% came from outside of Finland and the growth of
international net sales was 26.2%. We have succeeded in entering into
agreements with even larger organizations, and in 2008 both our
invoice automation and procurement solutions did extremely well in
the competition."

Basware acquired Contempus AS from Affecto Plc on September 30, 2008.
Contempus has been included in the consolidated financial statements
for October 1 - December 31, 2008. The preliminary balance sheet of
Contempus Group was included in the Basware's Q3 consolidated balance
sheet because the acquisition was confirmed on September 30, 2008.
This interim report also presents unaudited pro forma income
statement data for net sales and operating profit for 2008 as
comparison data. The figures have been calculated to illustrate what
the Group's net sales and operating profit for 2008 would have been
had the income statement data for Contempus been consolidated for the
entire period.

Basware's primary reporting segment is based upon geography as
follows: Finland, Scandinavia, Europe and North America.

Basware reports its Software as a Service (SaaS) revenue separately
in the second segment. Software as a Service revenue includes
license, maintenance and services revenue invoiced monthly based on
an agreement. Software as a Service agreements typically span several
years. The Group also reports the backlog of SaaS orders not
recognized as income. The Company's SaaS sales are growing and this
dilutes net sales growth in the short term.

As of January 1, 2008, the capital structure of Basware Corporation's
foreign subsidiaries has been changed to the extent that the majority
of the long-outstanding intercompany trade receivables in the parent
company have been converted to a long-term net investment in a
foreign operation. The purpose of the loan arrangement is to fund a
long-term strategic investment. Foreign currency gains and losses
from a net investment in a foreign operation are recorded in a
separate component of equity in the consolidated financial


Basware Group's net sales increased by 13.4 percent in
October-December and were EUR 26 294 thousand (EUR 23 187
thousand).With comparable currency exchange rates, net sales for
October-December increased by 17.6 percent.

In the fourth quarter, 29.3 percent (32.3%) of net sales consisted of
own product sales and the product sales grew by 2.7 percent. SaaS
sales accounted for 1.9 percent (1.6%) of net sales in the fourth
quarter, up 36.2 percent. Maintenance revenue accounted for 26.0
percent (28.7%) of net sales and grew by 3.0 percent. Consulting and
services revenue represented 42.8 percent (37.4%) of net sales and
grew by 29.6 percent.

Value added resellers provided a net share of 15.3 percent (14.0%) or
EUR 1 179 thousand of product sales in October-December,
corresponding to 8.7 percent (8.5%) of international operations'
total net sales.

The international share of Basware's net sales was 51.4 percent
(53.2%) in October-December. International operations grew by 9.6


Basware Group's operating profit increased by 114.2 percent in
October-December and was EUR 4 122 thousand (EUR 1 924 thousand).
Operating profit amounted to 15.7 percent of net sales. Excluding
one-off items, operating profit increased by 152.5 percent to EUR 4
858 thousand. Operating profit margin was correspondingly 18.5

The Company's fixed costs were EUR 19 911 thousand (EUR 18 546
thousand) in the quarter, up 7.4 percent on the corresponding period
the previous year. Personnel costs made up 75.8 percent (73.2%) or
EUR 15 093 thousand (EUR 13 569 thousand) of the fixed costs. The
increased costs reflect the increase in the number of personnel due
to the acquisition and one-off items associated with the integration
of Contempus.

Basware's consolidated financial statements include one-off costs of
EUR 736 thousand associated with the integration of Contempus. They
consist of benefits paid in connection with terminating employment
relationships (EUR 504 thousand), expert fees (EUR 48 thousand) and
costs resulting from the adoption of shared infrastructure and
premises (EUR 185 thousand).
Of the Contempus acquisition purchase price, EUR 3 758 thousand was
allocated to customer relationships and products, of which EUR 268
thousand has been amortized during the fourth quarter of 2008. The
allocation of the acquisition purchase price is preliminary.

Research and development costs totaled EUR 4 385 thousand (EUR 4 532
thousand), of which EUR 846 thousand (EUR 1 217 thousand) or 19.3
percent (27.0%) were capitalized during the period. Amortization of
capitalized research and development costs totaled EUR 312 thousand
(EUR 264 thousand).

Profit before tax for Q4 was EUR 3 862 thousand (EUR 1 888 thousand)
and profit for the period was EUR 3 294 thousand (EUR 1 113
thousand). Undiluted earnings per share were EUR 0.28 (EUR 0.09).



The Finland segment includes operations in Finland, Russia, Asia,
Australia and the Financial Management business. The company has
branches in India and Singapore and a representative office in
Russia. Net sales for the fourth quarter increased by 7.4 percent to
EUR 15 329 thousand (EUR 14 278 thousand).

Net sales of the Finnish Enterprise Purchase to Pay unit grew by 18.3
percent in the fourth quarter. Net sales of the Financial Management
operations (Basware FIMA Oy) increased by 12.0 percent, accounting
for 9.5 percent (9.7%) of Basware Group's business operations.

In October-December, a total of approximately 2.3 million invoices
were transmitted through the eInvoicing service of Basware Einvoices
Oy. The invoice volume grew by approximately 16.8 percent during the
quarter compared with the same quarter last year. A total of 38 new
customer agreements were signed during the period. Of the agreements,
10.5 percents were international agreements.

The Enterprise Purchase to Pay and Financial Management solutions are
sold in Russia. Currently there are 5 resellers in the area.

There are 6 resellers in the Asia Pacific region. New customers in
the quarter include Flight Centre Ltd and Svitzer Australia Pty Ltd.

In the Finland segment, new customers include Huhtamäki Oyj, Lumon
Oy, Instru Optiikka Oy, Cargotec Corporation, Tehy Ry and Publicis

There are currently 17 resellers in all in the area and the number of
personnel averaged 426 (383) during the fourth quarter.


Basware's Nordic organization consists of a centrally directed
Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) unit. All the Basware
Enterprise Purchase to Pay and Financial Management products are sold
in the Nordic countries, apart from the payment solutions which are
currently sold only in Finland.

Net sales of the area grew by 14.6 percent in the fourth quarter to
EUR 6 627 thousand (EUR 5 782 thousand). The profitability of
operations decreased by -102.4 percent and operating profit was EUR
-21 thousand (EUR 873 thousand). Excluding one-off items, the
operating profit would have been EUR 695 thousand, i.e. profitability
excluding one-off items decreased by -20.4 percent.

New customers include Zalaris HR Services As, HMR Group AS, Nycomed
AB, Dagbladet Borsen A/S and Cleanosol AB. Business operations are
mainly handled by the own organization and there were 146 (98)
employees on average in the area.


Basware's European business operations consist of the units in
Germany, France, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Southern Europe.
Additionally, the reseller network covers the eastern part of Central
Europe. All Enterprise Purchase to Pay solutions are sold in Europe,
apart from the payment and travel & expense management solutions.

Net sales of the Europe segment decreased by 6.9 percent in the
fourth quarter and totaled EUR 5 264 thousand (EUR 5 652 thousand).
The profitability of the operations improved by 95.5 percent and
operating profit was EUR -48 thousand (EUR -1 078 thousand). At the
end of 2008, Basware UK implemented a rationalization program and
reorganization of operations, facilitating profitable growth in the

The UK data capture operations developed according to plan and were

New customers include ABB Schweiz AG, Warnaco BV, Gemeentelijk
Havenbedrift Antwerpen, OCMS and Groupe Arrivée.

There are 35 resellers in Europe, and Basware personnel averaged 127
(142) during the fourth quarter.

North America

Basware's North American unit sells the Enterprise Purchase to Pay
solutions in the United States and Canada.

Net sales of the area increased by 27.3 percent in the fourth quarter
and totaled EUR 1 311 thousand (EUR 1 030 thousand). The
profitability of the operations improved by 174.0 percent and
operating profit was EUR 118 thousand (EUR -160 thousand).

New customers include Alcon Laboratories Inc and Brookfield
Properties Management LLC.
At the end of the period, there were 10 resellers in North America.
The number of personnel in the area averaged 29 (28) during the
fourth quarter.


Basware Group's net sales increased by 17.5 percent during the period
(January-December) and were EUR 86 098 thousand (EUR 73 270
thousand). With comparable currency exchange rates, net sales
increased by 20.1 percent in 2008.  Pro forma net sales for the
financial period would have been EUR 93 300 thousand had the
Contempus net sales been consolidated for the entire period.

The Company's product sales decreased by 0.8 percent during the
period to 27.7 percent (32.8%) of net sales. Due to an adjustment of
revenue recognition principles for product sales, some of the
agreements signed at the end of 2006 were recognized in the first
quarter of 2007. The value of these agreements amounts to over EUR 3
million. The growth of product sales without these components would
have been 15.5 percent.

Maintenance revenue and support services related to maintenance
increased by 13.1 percent in the period and accounted for 29.0
percent (30.1%) of net sales. Consulting and services revenue grew by
37.1 percent and accounted for 41.3 percent (35.4%) of net sales.
SaaS sales increased by 41.5 percent in the period and accounted for
2.0 percent (1.7%) of net sales. The backlog of SaaS orders not
recognized as income was EUR 10 519 thousand (EUR 11 112 thousand) at
the end of the period.

Value added resellers provided a net share of 16.3 percent (14.9%) or
EUR 3 901 thousand of product sales in the financial period,
corresponding to 8.7 percent (10.1%) of international operations'
total net sales.

International operations accounted for 51.8 percent (48.2%) of
Basware's net sales for the period, increasing by 26.2 percent.

The geographical division of net sales by the location of assets
(primary segment):

Net sales            10-12/ 10-12/            1-12/   1-12/ Change,
(EUR thousand)         2008   2007 Change, %   2008    2007       %
Finland              15 329 14 278       7.4 49 517  48 849     1.4
Scandinavia           6 627  5 782      14.6 18 805  16 797    12.0
Europe                5 264  5 652      -6.9 19 454  15 081    29.0
North America         1 311  1 030      27.3  5 004   3 460    44.6
Sales between
segments             -2 238 -3 554      37.0 -6 682 -10 917    38.8
Group total          26 294 23 187      13.4 86 098  73 270    17.5

The geographical division of net sales by the location of customers:

Net sales        10-12/   10-12/             1-12/   1-12/  Change,
(EUR thousand)     2008     2007 Change, %    2008    2007        %
Finland          12 769   10 851      17.7  41 514  37 969      9.3
Scandinavia       6 411    5 549      15.5  18 309  15 911     15.1
Europe            5 143    5 422      -5.1  19 191  14 785     29.8
Others            1 971    1 366      44.3   7 083   4 604     53.8
Group total      26 294   23 187      13.4  86 098  73 270     17.5


Basware's operating profit for the period increased by 15.5 percent
to EUR 8 679 thousand (EUR 7 512 thousand). Operating profit
represented 10.1 percent (10.3%) of net sales. Excluding one-off
items, operating profit for 2008 grew by 25.3 percent and amounted to
EUR 9 415 thousand, or 10.9 percent of net sales. Pro forma operating
profit for the financial period would have been EUR 8 897 thousand
had the Contempus operating profit sales been consolidated for the
entire period.

The geographical division of net sales by the location of assets
(primary segment):

Operating profit       10-12/ 10-12/           1-12/  1-12/ Change,
(EUR thousand)           2008   2007 Change, %  2008   2007       %
Finland                 4 385  2 335      87.8 7 898 12 706   -37.8
Scandinavia               -21    873    -102.4 1 017    333   205.6
Europe                    -48 -1 078      95.5   -74 -3 662    98.0
North America             118   -160     174.0   289 -1 751   116.5
Operating profit
between segments         -312    -47    -565.8  -452   -114  -295.7
Group total             4 122  1 924     114.2 8 679  7 512    15.5

The Company's fixed costs were EUR 69 900 thousand (EUR 59 543
thousand) in the period, up 17.4 percent on the corresponding period
the previous year. Personnel costs made up 72.1 percent (68.2 %) or
EUR 50,399 thousand (EUR 40,600 thousand) of the fixed costs. The
increase in personnel costs arising form the Contempus acquisition
totaled EUR 1 745 thousand. Bad debt and movement in bad debt
accruals are included in fixed costs. Bad debt reservations at the
end of the fourth quarter amounted to EUR 845 thousand (EUR 789

Basware's consolidated financial statements include one-off costs of
EUR 736 thousand associated with the integration of Contempus. They
consist of benefits paid in connection with terminating employment
relationships (EUR 504 thousand), expert fees (EUR 48 thousand) and
costs resulting from the adoption of shared infrastructure and
premises (EUR 185 thousand).

Research and development costs totaled EUR 15 518 thousand (EUR 13
172 thousand), of which EUR 2 739 thousand (EUR 3 061 thousand) or
17.6 percent (23.2%) were capitalized during the period. Amortization
of capitalized research and development costs totaled EUR 1 183
thousand (EUR 983 thousand).  Research and development costs equaled
18.0 percent (18.0%) of net sales. The costs increased 17.8 percent
(20.6%) during the financial year.

The Company's finance income and finance expenses were EUR -269
thousand (EUR +191 thousand). The Company's profit before tax was EUR
8 410 thousand (EUR 7 704 thousand). Taxes for the period totaled EUR
1 825 thousand (EUR 3 591 thousand). Profit for the period was 7.6
percent (5.6%) of net sales, or EUR 6 585 thousand (EUR 4 112
thousand). Undiluted earnings per share were EUR 0.56 (EUR 0.36).


Basware Group's total assets on the balance sheet at the end of the
financial period were EUR 81 909 thousand (EUR 67 722 thousand). The
Company's cash and liquid assets were EUR 8 777 thousand (EUR 7 041
thousand), of which cash and cash equivalents were EUR 8 745 thousand
(EUR 7 010 thousand) and financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss were EUR 31 thousand (EUR 31 thousand).

During the period under review, the Company withdrew a 3-year loan of
EUR 10.7 million to finance the acquisition of Contempus AS. The loan
is hedged by a 2-year interest cap agreement, setting a cap of 5.4%
for the base rate of interest.

Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 8 331 thousand (EUR 4 387
thousand). Cash flow from investments was EUR -12 303 thousand (EUR
-7 969 thousand).

Equity ratio was 59.5 percent (70.0%) and gearing was 9.3 percent
(-5.7%). The Company's interest-bearing liabilities totaled EUR 13
283 thousand (EUR 4 334 thousand), of which current liabilities
accounted for EUR 5 555 thousand (EUR 4 314 thousand). Return on
investment was 16.6 percent and return on equity 13.7 percent.

The acquisition price of Contempus AS was NOK 83.6 million
(approximately EUR 10.1 million at the exchange rate on the date of
the acquisition). In the financial statements, EUR 3 758 thousand
associated with customer relationships and products has been
allocated to intangible assets, taking deferred tax liabilities into
consideration. The purchase price includes EUR 4 264 thousand of
goodwill. The allocation of the acquisition purchase price is

The Company's capital expenditure, resulting from regular additional
and replacement investments required for growth, was EUR 1 007
thousand (EUR 817 thousand) in the period. Gross investments which
include, in addition to those mentioned above, the capitalized
research and development costs and acquisitions (Contempus) totaled
EUR 12 476 thousand (EUR 12 220 thousand).

Impairment tests indicate no impairments of assets. Amortization of
intangible assets totaled EUR 2 398 thousand (EUR 2 050 thousand), of
which amortization associated with business acquisitions amounted to
EUR 993 thousand (EUR 712 thousand).

Research and development costs were EUR 15 518 thousand (EUR 13 172
thousand) in the period, corresponding to 18.0 percent (18.0%) of net
sales. Research and development costs increased by 17.8 percent
(20.6%) compared with the same period last year. Of the research and
development costs, EUR 2 739 thousand (EUR 3 061 thousand) or 17.6
percent (23.2%) were capitalized during the period. Amortization of
capitalized research and development costs totaled EUR 1 183 thousand
(EUR 983 thousand).

A total of 171 (152) people worked in Software Production at the end
of 2008. The Software Production unit is expanding in India, where
there are currently 26 employees.

In 2008, Basware introduced two significant new products: the RFx
Management sourcing solution and Basware Contract Lifecycle
Management solution piloted in 2007. In addition, Basware piloted its
Supplier Portal, which supplements the procurement offering.

In 2008, Basware tightened its customer cooperation in product
development even further by changing product development work with
customers from individual projects to a continuous operating model.
Therefore, the customer is central throughout the product development
process from beginning to end.

In the longer term, changes in the industry that will have an effect
on Basware's product development include the increasing popularity of
the Software as a Service model. Software as a Service (SaaS)
increases the probability of successful software acquisitions by
centralizing technological competence in a single place, and it
highlights the idea of selling the best practices - something that
Basware already cherishes.

Basware employed 689 (580) people on average and 731 (658) people at
the end of the period. The number of personnel increased by 73
persons and by 11.1 percent compared with the same period the
previous year. As a result of the Contempus acquisition, the number
of personnel increased by 41 people.

The share of personnel working in foreign units has increased
compared with the previous year. At the end of the period, 46.1
percent (40.9%) of Basware personnel worked outside of Finland and
53.9 percent (59.1%) in Finland. 18.9 percent of the personnel work
in sales and marketing, 48.7 in consulting and services, 23.4 percent
in Software Production, and 9.0 percent in administration.

The average age of employees is 35.9 (35.6) years. Of the employees,
34.1 percent have a Master's degree and 44.0 percent have a
Bachelor's degree. Women account for 27.5 percent of employees, men
for 72.5 percent.

For incentive purposes, the Company has a bonus program that covers
all employees. During the financial period, the Company also had two
outstanding warrant programs, one for the management and the other
for the Group's key personnel.

Geographical distribution of personnel (primary segment):

Personnel (employed, on 10-12/ 10-12/           1-12/ 1-12/ Change,
average)                  2008   2007 Change, %  2008  2007       %
Finland                    426    383      11.2   421   367    14.9
Scandinavia                146     98      49.3   112    96    16.8
Europe                     127    142     -10.3   129    93    38.9
North America               29     28       3.6    26    25     5.7
Group total                729    651      11.9   689   580    18.7


The Finland segment includes operations in Finland, Russia, Asia,
Australia and the Financial Management business. The company has
branches in India and Singapore and a representative office in
Russia. Net sales for the financial period increased by 1.4 percent
to EUR 49 517 thousand (EUR 48 849 thousand).

Net sales of the Finnish Enterprise Purchase to Pay unit increased by
10.6 percent in 2008. Net sales of the Financial Management
operations (Basware FIMA Oy) increased by 3.9 percent and accounted
for 10.2 percent (11.5%) of Basware Group's business operations.

A total of approximately 8.3 million invoices were transmitted
through the Einvoicing service of Basware Einvoices Oy in 2008. The
invoice volume increased by approximately 21.1 percent during the
year compared with the same previous year. A total of 133 new
customer agreements were signed in 2008. Of the agreements, 29.0
percent were international agreements.

The Enterprise Purchase to Pay and Financial Management solutions are
sold in Russia. Currently there are 5 resellers in the area.

There are 6 resellers in the Asia Pacific region. New customers in
2008 included ABB in Japan, Malaysian Airlines, UnitingCare Health,
Challenger Group Services, Bureau VERITAS, Datacom, Flinders
University, BGC Contracting Pty Ltd, Flight Centre Ltd, and Svitzer
Australia Pty Ltd.

In the Finland segment, new customers during the reporting period
included A-Lehdet Oy, Gasum Oy, Konecranes Plc, Suomen Liikunta ja
Urheilu (SLU), Tampereen Messut, Rautaruukki Oyj, Finpro ry, CPS
Color Oy, American Express Service Europe, NCC Group, Sesca Group,
Thermo Fisher, Skanska Oy, Backman-Trummer Oy Ab, AS Paulig Baltic,
Viking Line Abp, Sisu Diesel Oy, Oy HYY-Yhtiöt AB, Toyota Motor
Finland Oy, Tampereen seurakuntayhtymä, Tschelkovskiy Vitami and
Stockmann ZAO.

There are currently 17 resellers in all in the area and the number of
personnel averaged 421 (367).


Basware's Nordic organization consists of a centrally directed
Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) unit. All the Basware
Enterprise Purchase to Pay and Financial Management products are sold
in the Nordic countries, apart from the payment solutions which are
currently sold only in Finland.

Net sales of the area increased by 12.0 percent in the financial
period EUR 18 805 thousand (EUR 16 797 thousand). The profitability
of the operations improved by 205.6 percent and operating profit was
EUR 1,017 thousand (EUR 333 thousand). One-off items associated with
Contempus acquisition totaled EUR 716 thousand. Operating profit
excluding one-off items totaled EUR 1 733 thousand.

New customers include SKTF, HSB Umeå, Villa Organic, GS-Hydro Norge
AS, Terra Gruppen AS, Apokjeden AS, G4S Security Systems AS,
Tollpost, ODIM AS, Sandefjord Kommune, Storebrand Livsforsikring AS,
Tamro AB, NORDUnet A/S, Scandic Hotels AB, and Norstedts Juridik AB.

Business operations are mainly handled by the own organization and
there were 112 (96) employees on average in the area.


Basware's European business operations consist of the units in
Germany, France, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Southern Europe.
Additionally, the reseller network covers the eastern part of Central
Europe. All Enterprise Purchase to Pay solutions are sold in Europe,
apart from the payment and travel & expense management solutions.

Net sales in the Europe segment increased by 29.0 percent to EUR 19
454 thousand (EUR 15 081 thousand). The profitability of the
operations improved by 98.0 percent and operating profit was EUR -74
thousand (EUR -3 662 thousand).

The UK data capture operations developed according to plan and were

New customers included Nutrixo, Romande Energie, Societe de Figaro in
France, PowerPacker in the Netherlands, Pension Regulator, Signet in
the UK, Europe Arab Bank,, AkzoNobel Functional
Chemicals, Ballast Nedam 4th environmen Axapta, Ovako Steel, Rentokil
Initial, Norsk Aller AS, Nor-Lines, Sector Alarm, AKVA Group.Hertel,
ENCI, ERAM, Prinovis Liverpool Ltd, Barmenia, Autoliv, Friesland
Hungaria zRt., Contitrade Ireland, and CHEP.

There are 35 resellers in Europe, and the number of Basware personnel
was 129 (93) at year's end.

North America

Basware's North American unit sells the Enterprise Purchase to Pay
solutions in the United States and Canada.

Net sales of the area for the financial year increased by 44.6
percent and totaled EUR 5 004 thousand (EUR 3 460 thousand). The
profitability of the operations improved by 116.5 percent and
operating profit was EUR 289 thousand (EUR -1 751 thousand).

New customers include Allied Tube & Conduit Corporation, Howard
Hughes Medical Institute, Protection One Alarm Monitoring Inc.,
Allied Building Products, ING Direct in Canada, Natixis, and General
Growth Properties.

There were 10 resellers in North America at the end of the period. On
average, there were 26 (25) employees in the area.

Basware established a representative office in Moscow at the
beginning of 2008.

Basware Corporation was one of Forrester's choices in the Forrester
Wave survey published on June 18. The survey report consists of three
parts: strategy, current product offering and market position.
According to the survey, Basware is number one in all these areas,
and according to the report, Basware has the highest market share,
best functionality and a solid vision. The results of the survey
reflect the company's success in combining solid strategic outlook
with a functional product offering.

In fall 2008, Forrester Research's market analysis of more than 100
companies in the industry found that Basware was among the five
largest suppliers of electronic procurement solutions in the world.
According to the same report, the electronic procurement solution
market is growing, and there is demand for electronic solutions that
cover the entire procurement process and closer new supplier
integrations in large companies.

The Basware Executive Team has expanded as a result of organizational
changes in the Software Production unit. Pekka Rehn has been
appointed as the head of the new Products unit. Olli Hyppänen, former
head of the Software Production unit, was appointed as Senior Vice
President, Strategy and Development, to lead the new Strategy and
Development unit that was founded on October 1.

Additionally, Steve Muddiman has been appointed as Senior Vice
President, Global Marketing. Ari Salonen took up his post as General
Manager, North America for Basware's North American operations on
September 1, 2008.

Basware Corporation's share capital totaled EUR 3 440 437.20 at the
end of the period and the number of shares was 11 468 124.

Share price and trade

During the reporting period, the highest price of the share was EUR
10.45 (EUR 14.00), the lowest was EUR 6.00 (EUR 9.50) and the closing
price was EUR 6.59 (EUR 10.00). The average price of the share was
EUR 7.53 (EUR 12.03) during the period.

A total of 2 298 467 (2 761 995) shares were traded during the
financial period which is the equivalent of 20.1 percent (24.1%) of
the average number of shares. Market capitalization with the period's
closing price on December 31, 2008 was EUR 75 301 011 (EUR 114 681


Basware had 17 120 (17 301) shareholders on December 31 including
nominee-registered holdings (8). Nominee-registered holdings
accounted for 9.1 percent of the total number of shares.

The company received one notice of change in ownership during the
financial period when Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited's and Baillie
Gifford & Co's holding in Basware Corporation decreased to be  below


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on February 14, 2008,
confirmed the number of Board members as five. The Annual General
Meeting resolved to agree on the proposal and elected Matti Copeland,
Sakari Perttunen, Ossi Pohjola, Ilkka Toivola and Hannu Vaajoensuu
members of the Board of Directors.

The Annual General Meeting further resolved to elect Ernst & Young
Oy, Authorized Public Accountants as the auditor, with APA Heikki
Ilkka in charge and APA Terhi Mäkinen as the deputy auditor.

The Board was authorized to resolve on share issue and share

A separate stock exchange release has been issued on the Board
authorizations and other resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders on February 14, 2008.

Share repurchase

The Board of Directors of Basware Corporation decided to start share
repurchase during the reporting period. A maximum of 400 000 shares
will be purchased, corresponding to approximately 3.49 percent of all
shares in the Company. The decision is based on the authorization
granted by the Annual General Meeting of Basware Corporation on
February 14, 2008, on the repurchase of a maximum of 1 146 812
shares. Share repurchase will end on March 31, 2009 at the latest.
Non-restricted equity will be used for acquiring the shares, so the
acquisitions will decrease the Company's distributable assets. The
shares will be purchased in public trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
in compliance with the rules and guidelines of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Ltd and Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. concerning share

At the end of 2008, 41 567 shares had been acquired.

Decrease of Share Premium

The AGM authorized the company's share premium to be decreased by EUR
33 057 787.45 for the purpose of transferring the decreased amount to
the company's invested non-restricted equity. The decrease has been
carried out in accordance with the resolution of the National Board
of Patents and Registration of Finland on June 24, 2008.


In accordance with Basware's risk management policy, risks are
divided into six categories: risks related to business operations,
products, personnel as well as legal, financial and data security
risks. Basware takes risks that are a natural part of its strategy
and objectives. These risks are managed and decreased in various
ways. Short-term risks are considered to be risks in the current
reporting year.

The global crisis of the finance market, general economic uncertainty
and depression decrease companies' willingness to invest, which might
have an unfavorable impact on the development of the company's net
sales and profitability. In previous economic downturns, the demand
for the Company's products and services has remained more positive
than the general economic market as a whole as the company's software
solutions generate cost savings. The rapidly weakened global market
situation does however cause uncertainty.

The Group's main currency is Euro, accounting for approximately 67
percent of net sales in 2008 (approximately 66% in 2007). The Company
did not realize hedging for exchange rate fluctuations during the
financial year as the impact of currency risks on the Company's net
sales and result were not considered significant. The significance of
exchange rate fluctuations between the euro and other currencies will
increase hand in hand with the share of international operations. The
Group's exchange rate hedging principles will be defined during the
first quarter of 2009 as a part of the leading principles of finance
policy approved by the Board.

Goodwill has been tested during the last quarter of 2008. In
accordance with the testing for impairment of assets, no depreciation
of goodwill was made. At the end of 2008, Basware UK implemented a
rationalization program and reorganization of operations,
facilitating profitable growth in the unit. If the unit's
profitability does not improved as planned in the medium term despite
the streamlining program, it is likely that the goodwill allocated to
the unit will need to be impaired.

In other respects, no significant changes have taken place in
Basware's short-term risks and uncertainties during the financial


Basware acquired the entire share capital of Contempus AS from
Affecto. The acquisition price was NOK 83.6 million (approximately
EUR 10.1 million, exchange rate EUR/NOK 8.27). Contempus was part of
Affecto's operations in Norway and produces software solutions for
procurement, invoice and document management.
The acquisition strengthens Basware's market position in Norway,
Sweden and the UK as well as brings valuable expertise to Basware to
improve competitiveness. In addition, Basware can extend its
distribution channel through existing Contempus' sales channel in the
United States and Benelux countries. Synergy benefits can be reached
by unifying the business operations as well as by adopting common
infrastructure and offices in Oslo, Stockholm and Manchester.

The cost savings will materialize starting from the beginning of 2009
and they will be approximately EUR 3 million by the end of 2009.
Basware's consolidated financial statements for 2008 include one-off
costs of EUR 736 thousand associated with the integration of
Contempus. The financial figures of Contempus have been integrated
into Basware for October 1 - December 31, 2008, and the profit of
Contempus for the fourth quarter of 2008 is slightly positive before


Basware's software products reduce paper consumption in thousands of
offices around the world, leading the customer companies toward the
paperless office, which saves both the environment and money.
Profitability and financial stability are an integral part of
Basware's responsibility. Stability and trustworthiness yield added
value to all stakeholders.

Basware's head office in Espoo has held a Green Office certificate
issued by the World Wildlife Fund since 2003. The prerequisites for
being issued the certificate include a standing environmental
program, waste sorting and recycling, reduction of carbon dioxide
emissions and endeavors to constantly improve environmental issues.

Cooperation with the Plan Finland charity foundation has continued
since 2002. Basware has 14 sponsored children in developing
countries, and the company wants to build a better future for their
communities. The Art of Basware is an annual competition for young
visual artists, intended to support and encourage them to develop
their skills.


Basware adopts updated strategy for the years 2009-2012. The long
term net sales growth objective remains in the range of 20-40 percent
with operating profit margin of 10-20 percent of net sales.

Basware will launch new EPP (Enterprise Purchase to Pay) Automation
Services offering during 2009 to target Software as a Service (SaaS)
application space and services market. The SaaS market is predicted
to see a remarkably higher growth than the software license market in
the business application space.

Due to the changed market situation, Basware updated its strategy
projects for 2009 by replacing two projects with new strategy
projects better suited to the current situation. The Dominating the
US and Joint Forces projects will advance as a part of daily business
operations. Instead of them, Basware will outlay on world-class
product development and even tighter networking with customers in

Updated strategy projects:

Must-have brand and thought leadership
Basware will invest considerably in strengthening its awareness and
brand in its strategic market areas.

Five global giants per year
Basware will pursue rapid and profitable growth in cooperation with
internationally-operating corporations.

Conquer the base
Basware will continue growth in mature markets, improving customer
satisfaction with the help of a comprehensive service concept.

World-class product development
Basware wants to be a global trailblazer, continuously responding to
its customers' changing needs with first-class products. Product
development takes place in cooperation with Basware's customers and
partners, taking the comments of industry analysts into
consideration. The company's product development is able to respond
and quickly adapt to changing product development requirements. The
functioning and quality of product development will be developed

Automation of Purchase to Pay services
Basware will tighten its cooperation with customers by developing
various distribution and network models for increasingly efficient
distribution, support and updating of products. The company will
particularly pay attention to making the service perspective an
established part of tight-knit product development cooperation.


In 2008, Ilkka Sihvo acted as the CEO of the Company. The CEO is in
charge of the day-to-day management of the Company in accordance with
the instructions and orders given by the Board. The Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders on February 14, 2008, confirmed the number of
Board members as five. Matti Copeland, Sakari Perttunen, Ossi
Pohjola, Ilkka Toivola and Hannu Vaajoensuu were elected to the
Board. In its first meeting, the Board elected Hannu Vaajoensuu as
Chairman of the Board and Sakari Perttunen as Vice Chairman.The Annual General Meeting further resolved to elect Ernst & Young
Oy, Authorized Public Accountants as the auditor, with APA Heikki
Ilkka in charge and APA Terhi Mäkinen as the deputy auditor.

The Company's organization has been adjusted to match market changes,
and a new unit, Enterprise Purchase to Pay (EPP) Automation Services,
headed by Riku Roos, has been established. The EPP Automation
Services unit includes the subsidiary Basware Einvoices as well as
the Software as a Service functions.

The Finnish business unit, Basware's subsidiary FiMa, and the Russian
operations have been merged into a business unit called NorthEast,
headed by Jukka Virkkunen, currently the head of the Finnish business

As of January 1, 2009, members of the Basware Executive Team are
Ilkka Sihvo, CEO; Mika Harjuaho, CFO; Olli Hyppänen, Strategy and
Development; Steve Muddiman, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing;
Pekka Rehn, Senior Vice President, Products; Esa Tihilä, Senior Vice
President, Global Operations; Odd Roar Trapnes, Senior Vice President
Scandinavia; and Jukka Virkkunen, Senior Vice President NorthEast.
As of 2009 the duties of Hannu Vaajoensuu , the Chairman of the
Board, were redefined. In addition to chairman's standard duties
 Hannu Vaajoensuu will continue as a member of the M&A Team and have
an advisory role in major M&A projects. He will also carry out
networking and industry influencer activities.

General economic uncertainty has increased considerably. Basware
solutions generate cost savings and therefore the demand is not
heavily dependent on the economic situation.

Market forecasts published in January 2009, expect the entire IT
market to decrease in 2009 (-3%), while the software market remains
unchanged (+0%). However, the invoice automation and Enterprise
Purchase to Pay markets are forecast to grow moderately, beating the
overall IT market by approximately 6 to 8 percentage units (+3% -

Western Europe and the United States combined account for
approximately three quarters of the enterprise software market. In
these markets, electronic invoice processing and procurement
solutions are still in their infancy. The procurement management and
electronic invoice processing markets are heterogeneous in terms of
the competitive situation. Growth could attract more competitors to
the market. The industry is consolidating, and this development could
go on in the future as well. Globally speaking, Basware is a
medium-sized software company in terms of net sales as well as number
of personnel.

Basware's direct competitors are mainly locally operating and often
smaller companies. In North America in particular, the company has
also larger competitors, especially in the field of procurement
management. Developers of document management, scanning and recycling
systems compete with Basware, particularly with regard to purchase
invoice management solutions. Competing solutions also include
customized solutions integrated into ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) systems.

The software products still offer a competitive edge, thanks to the
integrated offering consisting of new added value products and the
products. Automation services, a new concept in the portfolio, will
have a positive impact on the competitiveness.

EPP Automation Services will bring more predictability and
transparency over Basware's revenue stream and profitability
development. In 2008, revenue from continuous services (including
maintenance) accounted for approximately a third of the total
revenue. Basware predicts that EPP Automation Services revenue will
increase significantly in the strategy period. More detailed business
targets for EPP Automation Services will be released by the end of

The Company's international growth is based on efforts of its own
sales and marketing activity as well as the reseller channel.
Development of the indirect distribution channel continues in Europe,
Russia and Asia. In North America, the focus will be on developing
the Company's own sales channel for the time being. In Scandinavia,
the focus is on profitability, and moderate growth is supported by
the Company's expanded product portfolio and the development of the
service business. In Finland, the focus is on profitability, and
moderate growth will primarily be achieved from the fields of
procurement management and services.

Of the Company's EUR 10 519 thousand backlog of SaaS orders,
approximately EUR 1 million will be recognized as income in 2009.

Basware has complemented its organic growth with acquisitions. The
Company will continue to review possible acquisition targets during
2009. The aim of the acquisitions is to expand the Company's
distribution channel and product portfolio in international markets.

The Group will increase its number of personnel mainly in India
during the first quarter. Research and development costs are expected
to increase more moderately compared with the level of 2008.
Additional investments required by growth will not begin until during
the second quarter, provided that net sales for the first quarter
have realized in accordance with expectations.

The cost savings resulting from the synergy benefits of the Contempus
integration will materialize starting from the beginning of 2009 and
they will be approximately EUR 3 million by the end of 2009.

Basware expects its net sales to develop positively on the level of
2008. Operating profit (EBIT) for 2009 is expected to be from 10 to
15 percent of net sales.


Basware is a growth company that aims at increased market
capitalization and moderate dividend yield. When preparing the
dividend proposal, the Board considers the Company's financial
position, profitability and prospects in the near future.

At the end of 2008, the Group parent company's distributable funds
are EUR 57 375 196.00.

Basware's Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting
that a dividend of EUR 0.23 per share (2007: EUR 0.15) be paid for

Espoo, Finland, January 21, 2009

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corp.,
Tel. +358 9 8791 7251 or +358 40 501 8251

Analyst and Press Briefing

Basware arranges today, January 22, 2009 a briefing on the Interim
Report for the press and analysts at 11:00 a.m. in Hotel Kämp,
Pohjoisesplanadi 29, Helsinki, Finland. During this briefing CEO
Ilkka Sihvo will comment the operations and financial performance of
the quarter. Welcome.


Basware's Annual Report 2008, including the audited Financial
Statements, will be published on the Company's website during the
week of February 2, 2009. The Company publishes the Annual Report
also in print.

Release dates for interim reports:
- Interim Report January-March 2009 (Q1) on Thursday, April 16, 2009
- Interim Report January-June 2009 (Q2) on Friday, July 10, 2009
- Interim Report January-September 2009 (Q3) on Tuesday, October 13,

Basware Corporation's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be
held on Thursday, February 12, 2009 starting at 1:00 PM at the Diana
auditorium (Erottajankatu 5) in Helsinki, Finland.

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Key media

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The same
Accounting Principles have been applied as in the 2007 Financial
Statements. Key indicator calculations remain unchanged and have been
presented in the 2007 Financial Statements.


                     1.10.-  1.10.-           1.1.-   1.1.-
                      31.12   31.12 Change,   31.12   31.12 Change,
EUR thousand           2008    2007       %    2008    2007       %

NET SALES            26 294  23 187    13.4  86 098  73 270    17.5

Other operating
income                   62      44    40.0     250     834   -70.0

Materials and
services             -1 333  -1 996   -33.2  -4 726  -4 459     6.0
Employee benefit
expenses            -15 093 -13 569    11.2 -50 399 -40 600    24.1
Depreciation and
amortization           -990    -765    29.5  -3 043  -2 590    17.5
Other operating
expenses             -4 818  -4 977    -3.2 -19 500 -18 943     2.9
Operating profit      4 122   1 924   114.2   8 679   7 512    15.5

Finance income          637      73   770.6     734     344   113.6
Finance expenses       -897    -109   721.3  -1 003    -152   559.2
Profit before tax     3 862   1 888   104.6   8 410   7 704     9.2

Income tax expense     -567    -775   -26.8  -1 825  -3 591   -49.2
PERIOD                3 294   1 113   196.0   6 585   4 112    60.1

Earnings per share
(undiluted), EUR       0.28    0.09   206.5    0.56    0.36    58.1
Earnings per share
(diluted), EUR         0.28    0.09   206.5    0.56    0.36    58.1


EUR thousand                        31.12.2008 31.12.2007 Change, %


Intangible assets                       17 022     12 210      39.4
Goodwill                                29 212     25 702      13.7
Tangible assets                            991      1 009      -1.8
Available-for-sale investments              38         38         0
Long-term trade and other
receivables                                536         12   4 305.1
Deferred tax assets                      2 208      2 489     -11.3
Non-current assets                      50 006     41 460      20.6

Inventories                                 48         42      15.1
Trade and other receivables             20 737     18 704      10.9
Income tax receivables                   2 341        476     392.2
Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss                      31         31       0.7
Cash and cash equivalents                8 745      7 010      24.8
Current assets                          31 902     26 263      21.5

TOTAL ASSETS                            81 909     67 722      20.9


Share capital                            3 440      3 440         0
Share premium account                       69     33 127     -99.8
Own shares                                -271                  100
Fair value reserve and other
reserves                                33 598        540   6 121.4
Translation differences                 -3 991        392  -1 118.4
Retained earnings                       15 648      9 765      60.2
Minority interest                          224        148      51.6
Shareholders' equity                    48 717     47 413       2.8

Deferred tax liability                   2 307      1 643      40.4
Interest-bearing liabilities             7 729         20  39 047.5
Non-current liabilities                 10 036      1 663     503.4

Interest-bearing liabilities             5 555      4 314      28.8
Trade payables and other
liabilities                             16 683     14 000      19.2
Tax liability from income tax              918        333     175.9
Current liabilities                     23 156     18 647      24.2

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            81 909     67 722      20.9


                               Trea-      non-               Retain- Minor-
                Share-   Share  sury restrict-  Other             ed   rity
              holders' premium  sha-        ed reser- Transl   earn- inter-
EUR thousand    equity     acc   res    equity    ves   diff    ings    est  Tot
Jan 1, 2007      3 440  33 127     0         0    540    235   7 176     88  606
Change in
difference                                               157      13         170
warrants                                                         204         204

equity                                                   157     217         374
Profit for
the period                                                     4 092     20  112
Total profits&
losses                                                   157   4 310     20  486
New share
issue                                                                    40   40
distribution                                                  -1 720         720
Dec 31, 2007     3 440  33 127     0         0    540    392   9 765    148  413
                               Trea-      non-               Retain- Minor-
                Share-   Share  sury restrict-  Other             ed   rity
              holders' premium  sha-        ed reser- Transl   earn- inter-
EUR thousand    equity     acc   res    equity    ves   diff    ings    est  Tot
Jan 1, 2008      3 440  33 127     0         0    540    392   9 765    148  413
Change in
difference                                            -4 383     994         389
warrants                                                         142         142
between items           33 058          33 058                    41    -41    0
Other changes                                                    -42        -42
                           -33                                                 3
equity                     058          33 058        -4 383   1 136    -41  288
Profit for
the period                                                     6 467    118  585
Total profits&
losses                                                -4 383   7 603    118  337
distribution                                                  -1 720         720

repurchase                      -271                                        -271
Dec 31, 2008     3 440      69  -271    33 058    540 -3 991  15 648    224  717


EUR thousand                        1.1.-31.12.2008 1.1.-31.12.2007

Net cash from operating activities

Profit for the period                         6 585           4 112
Adjustments for profit                        5 243           5 732
Working capital changes                         125          -1 812
Interest paid                                  -291            -124
Interest received                               154             287
Other financial items in operating
activities                                      -38              -7
Income taxes paid                            -3 447          -3 801
Net cash from operating activities            8 331           4 387

Cash flows from investing

Purchase of tangible and intangible
assets                                       -3 631          -2 869
Proceeds from sale of tangible and
intangible assets                                47              48
Acquired subsidiaries                        -8 728          -8 180
Proceeds from other investments                   0           3 013
Repayment of loan receivables                     9              20
Net cash used in investing
activities                                  -12 303          -7 969

Cash flows from financing

Minority's capital investment                     0              40
Proceeds from short-term borrowings           2 000           4 000
Repayments of short-term borrowings          -4 000
Proceeds from long-term borrowings           10 650
Repayments of long-term borrowings             -300            -562
Purchase of own shares                         -271               0
Repayments of financial lease
liabilities                                      -1             -10
Dividends paid                               -1 720          -1 720
Net cash used in financing
activities                                    6 358           1 749

Net change in cash and cash
equivalents according to the cash
flow statement                                2 386          -1 833

Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                           7 041           8 975
Effects of exchange rate changes on
cash and cash equivalents                      -650            -101
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
period                                        8 777           7 041


                 1-3/  1-3/   4-6/   4-6/   7-9/  7-9/  10-12/  10-12
EUR thousand     2008  2007   2008   2007   2008  2007    2008   2007

                         17                         15
NET SALES      18 233   038 22 312 17 776 19 259   268  26 294 23 187

income             69    15     62    752     58    23      62     44
Materials and
services       -1 211  -819 -1 385   -662   -797  -981  -1 333 -1 996
Employee                 -9    -12           -10    -7            -13
benefit       -11 765   243    608 -9 961    933   827 -15 093    569
and              -671  -571   -693   -597   -690  -657    -990   -765
                         -5                         -4
expenses       -4 910   010 -5 257 -4 536 -4 516   419  -4 818 -4 977
profit           -254 1 409  2 431  2 773  2 381 1 406   4 122  1 924
%               -1.4%  8.3%  10.9%  15.6%  12.4%  9.2%   15.7%   8.3%

income             39    61     18     79     39   130     637     73
expenses          -35   -11    -21    -12    -50   -20    -897   -109
Profit before
tax              -250 1 459  2 428  2 840  2 370 1 516   3 862  1 888
%               -1.4%  8.6%  10.9%  16.0%  12.3%  9.9%   14.7%   8.1%

Income tax
expense          -300  -575   -528 -1 256   -430  -985    -567   -775
THE PERIOD       -550   884  1 899  1 584  1 941   531   3 294  1 113
%               -3.0%  5.2%   8.5%   8.9%  10.1%  3.5%   12.5%   4.8%

Material changes in liabilities

During the financial period, the Company withdrew a 3-year loan of
EUR 10.65 million to finance the acquisition of Contempus AS. The
loan is hedged by a 2-year interest cap agreement, setting a cap of
5.4% for the base rate of interest.

Consolidation of new acquisitions

The acquisition of Contempus AS was realized on September 30, 2008.
The acquisition price of Contempus AS was NOK 83.6 million
(approximately EUR 10.1 million). Of this, EUR 3 758 thousand
associated with customer relationships and products has been
allocated to intangible assets, taking deferred tax liabilities into
consideration. The purchase price includes EUR 4 264 thousand of
goodwill. The allocation of the acquisition cost is preliminary.


EUR thousand                        31.12.2008           31.12.2007


Floating charge                          1 200                1 200


Guarantees                               1 096                1 103


Lease liabilities
Current lease liabilities                  868                  601
Lease liabilities
maturing in 1-5 years                      838                  685
Total                                    1 706                1 286

Other rental liabilities
Current rental
liabilities                              2 385                1 827
Rental liabilities
maturing in 1-5 years                    4 620                3 957
Rental liabilities
maturing later                           1 196                  172
Total                                    8 201                5 956

Other own contingent
liabilities, total                       9 907                7 242


Geographical segments (primary segment)

Net sales            10-12/ 10-12/            1-12/   1-12/ Change,
(EUR thousand)         2008   2007 Change, %   2008    2007       %
Finland              15 329 14 278       7.4 49 517  48 849     1.4
Scandinavia           6 627  5 782      14.6 18 805  16 797    12.0
Europe                5 264  5 652      -6.9 19 454  15 081    29.0
North America         1 311  1 030      27.3  5 004   3 460    44.6
Sales between
segments             -2 238 -3 554      37.0 -6 682 -10 917    38.8
Group total          26 294 23 187      13.4 86 098  73 270    17.5

Operating profit       10-12/ 10-12/           1-12/  1-12/ Change,
(EUR thousand)           2008   2007 Change, %  2008   2007       %
Finland                 4 385  2 335      87.8 7 898 12 706   -37.8
Scandinavia               -21    873    -102.4 1 017    333   205.6
Europe                    -48 -1 078      95.5   -74 -3 662    98.0
North America             118   -160     174.0   289 -1 751   116.5
Operating profit
between segments         -312    -47    -565.8  -452   -114  -295.7
Group total             4 122  1 924     114.2 8 679  7 512    15.5

Personnel (employed, on 10-12/ 10-12/           1-12/ 1-12/ Change,
average)                  2008   2007 Change, %  2008  2007       %
Finland                    426    383      11.2   421   367    14.9
Scandinavia                146     98      49.3   112    96    16.8
Europe                     127    142     -10.3   129    93    38.9
North America               29     28       3.6    26    25     5.7
Group total                729    651      11.9   689   580    18.7

Business segments (secondary segment)

Net sales (EUR        10-12/ 10-12/            1-12/  1-127 Change,
thousand)               2008   2007 Change, %   2008   2007       %
Product sales          7 234  7 480      -3.3 23 871 24 117    -1.0
Maintenance and
support                6 539  6 632      -1.4 23 785 22 100     7.6
Consulting and
services              11 063  7 819      41.5 33 350 23 342    42.9
SaaS                     495    369      34.2  1 760  1 250    40.9
Other operations         963    888       8.5  3 332  2 461    35.4
Group total           26 294 23 187      13.4 86 098 73 270    17.5

Geographical division of net sales by the location of customer

Net sales        10-12/   10-12/             1-12/   1-12/  Change,
(EUR thousand)     2008     2007 Change, %    2008    2007        %
Finland          12 769   10 851      17.7  41 514  37 969      9.3
Scandinavia       6 411    5 549      15.5  18 309  15 911     15.1
Europe            5 143    5 422      -5.1  19 191  14 785     29.8
Others            1 971    1 366      44.3   7 083   4 604     53.8
Group total      26 294   23 187      13.4  86 098  73 270     17.5


EUR thousand                          1-12/08     1-12/07     1-12/06

Net sales                              86 098      73 270      59 954
Growth of net sales, %                  17.5%       22.2%       43.9%
Operating profit                        8 679       7 512       8 078
Growth of operating profit, %           15.5%       -7.0%      123.7%
% of net sales                          10.1%       10.3%       13.5%
Profit before tax                       8 410       7 704       8 287
% of net sales                           9.8%       10.5%       13.8%
Profit for the period                   6 585       4 112       4 986
% of net sales                           7.6%        5.6%        8.3%

Return on equity, %                     13.7%        8.9%       15.1%
Return on investment, %                 16.6%       16.2%       24.7%
Interest-bearing liabilities           13 283       4 334         758
Cash and liquid assets *)               8 777       7 041       8 975
Gearing, %                               9.3%       -5.7%      -18.4%
Equity ratio, %                         59.5%       70.0%       77.5%
Total assets                           81 909      67 722      57 558

Gross investments **)                  12 476      12 220      25 315
% of net sales                          14.5%       16.7%       42.2%
Capital expenditure                     1 007         817         597
% of net sales                           1.2%        1.1%        1.0%
Research and development costs         15 518      13 172      10 925
% of net sales                          18.0%       18.0%       18.2%
R&D personnel at end of period            171         152         138
Personnel on average during the
period                                    689         580         513
Personnel at end of period                731         658         528
Increase in personnel, %                11.1%       24.6%       33.7%
Earnings per share, EUR                  0.56        0.36        0.45
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR        0.56        0.36        0.44
Equity per share, EUR                    4.23        4.12        3.88
Dividend per profit, %                  40.8%       42.0%       33.6%
P/E ratio                               11.68       28.02       29.20
Share price performance
   lowest share price                    6.00        9.50       11.21
   highest share price                  10.45       14.00       15.25
   average share price                   7.53       12.03       13.09
   closing share price                   6.59       10.00       13.05

Market capitalization at end of
period                             75 301 011 114 681 240 149 659 018
Number of traded shares             2 298 467   2 761 995   5 534 522
% of average number of shares           20.1%       24.1%       49.5%
Average number of shares
- during the period                11 463 307  11 468 124  11 172 612
- during the period, diluted       11 463 307  11 468 124  11 221 052

*) Includes cash, cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
**) Includes capitalized R&D costs and acquisitions


                                                    Shares      Votes
                                                          pcs      %
1.   Sihvo, Ilkka                                    1 065 800    9.3
2.   Eräkangas, Kirsi (incl. children under
     guardianship)                                   1 031 800    9.0
3.   Vaajoensuu, Hannu (incl. a controlled
     company and children under guardianship)          962 100    8.3
4.   Perttunen, Sakari                                 830 400    7.2
5.   Pöllänen, Antti (incl. children under
     guardianship)                                     740 900    6.5
6.   Nordea Bank Finland                               617 305    5.4
7.   Nordea Nordic Small Cap Investment fund           556 184    4.8
8.   Mandatum Life Insurance                           550 000    4.8
9.   Ahonen, Asko                                      318 822    2.8
10.  Royal Skandia Life Assurance Ltd                  270 000    2.4
11.  Veritas Pension Insurance Company                 266 000    2.3
12.  Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company                   242 690    2.1
13.  Northern Trust Global Services Ltd                228 696    2.0
14.  Perttunen, Meimi                                  215 400    1.9
15.  Fondita Nordic Micro Cap Investment Fund          200 000    1.7
16.  Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken                     193 155    1.7
17.  Investment Fund Carnegie                          175 900    1.5
18.  Investment Fund Aktia Capital                     118 213    1.0
19.  Fondita Nordic Small Cap Investment Fund          106 000    0.9
20.  Pavor Oy                                           75 052    0.7
     20 largest shareholders total                   8 764 417   76.4  Nominee registered shares                       1 046 854    9.1
     Others                                          1 656 853   14.5
     Total                                          11 468 124  100.0

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