Basware has signed a deal with a supplier of automotive consumables

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Basware Corporation stock exchange release, April 2, 2012 at 10:00
Basware has signed a deal with a supplier of automotive consumables

Basware has signed a major deal with one of the UK's largest supplier of car
parts and services. Basware will deliver a two phased program which focuses
first on increasing the performance of their finance operations through the use
of the Basware Invoice Automation solutions as a license.  Phase two will focus
on bringing more spend under management to create additional cost savings
through the use of the Basware Procurement solutions as a license. In addition,
Basware will deliver scan and capture, e-Invoicing and activation services as
well as Supplier Portal.

The value of the deal is approximately 500,000 EUR. The implementation will
begin immediately with a goal of completing phase one before June 2012.

Basware Corporation

More information:
Esa Tihilä, CEO, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 40 480 7098

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