Basware Interim Report January 1 - March 31, 2010 (IFRS)

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  * Net sales EUR 23 132 thousand (EUR 21 717 thousand) - growth 6.5 percent
  * Operating profit EUR 2 136 thousand (EUR 1 592 thousand) - growth 34.2
  * Operating profit 9.2 percent of net sales (7.3%)
  * International operations accounted for 53.8 percent of net sales (52.5%) -
    growth 9.2 percent
  * Automation Services increased by 77.8 percent
  * Cash flows from operating activities were EUR 11 115 thousand (EUR 8 423
  * Earnings per share EUR 0.14 (0.06) - growth 144.4 percent

Basware expects its net sales for 2010 to develop positively on the level of
2009. Operating profit (EBIT) for 2010 is expected to be from 10 to 15 percent
of net sales.

The interim report is unaudited.


                                             1-3/   1-3/ Change,  1-12/
EUR thousand                                 2010   2009       %   2009

Net sales                                  23 132 21 717    6.5% 92 654

EBITDA                                      3 373  2 596   29.9% 16 280

Operating profit before IFRS3 amortization  2 692  2 033   32.4% 13 788

Operating profit                            2 136  1 592   34.2% 11 824

   % of net sales                            9.2%   7.3%         12.8 %

Profit before tax                           2 142  1 484   44.3% 11 590

Profit for the period                       1 582    666  137.6%  9 074

Return on equity, %                         11.2%   5.5%         17.2 %

Return on investment, %                     14.1%  11.3%         18.8 %

Liquid assets *)                           16 351 11 460   42.7% 12 210

Gearing, %                                 -19.4%  -0.7%          -5.3%

Equity ratio, %                             59.1%  55.6%          64.8%

Earnings per share, EUR                      0.14   0.06  146.9%   0.80

Earnings per share (diluted), EUR            0.14   0.06  144.4%   0.80

Equity per share, EUR                        4.92   4.18   17.9%   4.93

*) Includes cash, cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

Basware's business operations consist of License Sales, Maintenance,
Professional Services and Automation Services. The core of Basware's license
sales consists of the Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay product suite and the
Basware Financial Management (FIMA) suite. The Group's reported market areas are
Finland, Scandinavia, Europe and Other areas.

Steady growth continued

Basware's CEO Ilkka Sihvo: "The first quarter of the year was a success despite
the continued challenging market conditions. Our net sales increased by 6.5% and
our profitability by as much as 34.2%. Automation Services and License Sales in
particular performed well. The performance in the first quarter provides a good
starting point for the rest of the year."

Automation Services have been greeted favorably by the customers, and the
business continued its strong growth in terms of both net sales and transaction
volumes. Automation Services net sales increased by 77.8%. Basware Automation
Services, launched at the beginning of 2009, have been complemented, and the
services include comprehensive solutions for senders and recipients of
e-invoices, as well as a supplier activation service. In the future, the growth
of Automation Services will also be supported by a mid-market SaaS solution to
be launched in North America during the second quarter and thereafter in select

Basware's license sales increased by 12.7%. Regionally, the fastest growth was
seen in the North American business, with net sales increasing by more than 50%
in local currencies.


Basware's reporting segment is based upon geography as follows: Finland,
Scandinavia, Europe and Other. Following the acquisition of former reseller TAG
Services on July 1, 2009, Basware has assets in Australia. Taking into account
the nature and extent of the business operations in North America and Australia,
these areas were merged into the Other segment as of Q3/2009. The Finland
segment includes the Finnish, Russian, Asia-Pacific (excluding Australia)
business operations and corporate services.

In addition, the company reports revenue from products and services as follows:
License Sales, Professional Services, Maintenance and Automation Services.
Automation Services include SaaS revenue and transaction-based services, which
include digitalization of paper invoices and exchange of e-invoices and purchase

The company also reports an estimate of revenue to be recognized for current
Automation Services agreements in the next twelve months. Automation Services
agreements are typically in force for a fixed period of several years or until
further notice.


The geographical division of net sales by the location of assets:

|Net sales (EUR thousand) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                    12 191   11 331       7.6    50 486|
|                                                              |
|Scandinavia                 5 253    5 317      -1.2    22 236|
|                                                              |
|Europe                      5 069    4 666       8.6    18 717|
|                                                              |
|Other                       2 373    1 195      98.6     9 201|
|                                                              |
|Sales between segments     -1 754     -791     121.6    -7 985|
|Group total                23 132   21 717       6.5    92 654|

The geographical division of net sales by the location of customers:

|Net sales (EUR thousand) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                    10 695   10 323       3.6    42 449|
|                                                              |
|Scandinavia                 4 995    5 209      -4.1    21 719|
|                                                              |
|Europe                      4 915    4 681       5.0    18 065|
|                                                              |
|Other                       2 527    1 503      68.2    10 421|
|Group total                23 132   21 717       6.5    92 654|

Basware Group's net sales for the period increased by 6.5 percent to EUR 23 132
thousand (EUR 21 717 thousand).

The Company's license sales decreased by 0.6 percent during the period,
amounting to 20.1 percent (21.5%) of net sales. License sales of Basware
products increased by 12.7 percent and sales of third-party scanning software
decreased considerably while sales of outsourced scanning services increased.

Maintenance revenue increased by 13.7 percent and accounted for 35.1 percent
(32.9%) of net sales. Professional Services revenue decreased by 7.4 percent and
accounted for 34.0 percent (39.1%) of net sales.

During the period, Automation Services increased by 77.8 percent and accounted
for 10.8 percent (6.5%) of net sales. The estimated revenue to be recognized for
current Automation Services agreements in the next twelve months is EUR 10.5
million. The transaction volume processed by the Automation Services business
was 2.9 million during the reporting period.

The international share of Basware's net sales was 53.8 percent (52.5%) in the
period. International operations grew by 9.2 percent.


Basware's operating profit for the period increased by 34.2 percent to EUR
2 136 thousand (EUR 1 592 thousand). Operating profit represented 9.2 percent
(7.3%) of net sales.

The geographical division of operating profit by the location of assets:

|Operating profit (EUR thousand)   1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                              1 092      849      28.7     7 714|
|                                                                       |
|Scandinavia                            762      666      14.4     3 169|
|                                                                       |
|Europe                                 509      231     120.1     1 566|
|                                                                       |
|Other                                  179      137      30.2       741|
|                                                                       |
|Operating profit between segments     -406     -292      39.2    -1 365|
|Group total                          2 136    1 592      34.2    11 824|

The Company's fixed costs were EUR 18 520 thousand (EUR 17 599 thousand) in the
period, up 5.2 percent on the corresponding period the previous year. Personnel
costs made up 74.0 percent (73.3%) or EUR 13 703 thousand (EUR 12 896 thousand)
of the fixed costs.

Research and development costs totaled EUR 3 748 thousand (EUR 3 694 thousand),
of which EUR 324 thousand (EUR 493 thousand) or 8.7 percent (14.4%) was
capitalized during the period. The costs increased by 1.5 percent compared with
the same reporting period in 2009. Amortization of capitalized research and
development costs totaled EUR 422 thousand (EUR 368 thousand).

The Company's finance income and finance expenses were EUR 5 thousand (EUR -108
thousand). Profit before tax was EUR 2 142 thousand (EUR 1 484 thousand) and
profit for the period was EUR 1 582 thousand (EUR 666 thousand). Undiluted
earnings per share were EUR 0.14 (EUR 0.06).


Basware Group's total assets on the balance sheet at the end of the period were
EUR 95 606 thousand (EUR 86 512 thousand). The Company's cash and liquid assets
were EUR 16 351 thousand (EUR 11 460 thousand), of which cash and cash
equivalents were EUR 16 318 thousand (EUR 11 429 thousand) and financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss were EUR 34 thousand (EUR 31 thousand).
Equity ratio was 59.1 percent (55.6%) and gearing was -19.4 percent (-0.7%). The
Company's interest-bearing liabilities totaled EUR 5 388 thousand (EUR 11 114
thousand), of which current liabilities accounted for EUR 3 551 thousand (EUR
5 563 thousand). Return on investment was 14.1 percent (11.3%) and return on
equity 11.2 percent (5.5%).

Cash flows from operating activities were EUR 11 115 thousand (EUR 8 423
thousand). Cash flows from investments were EUR -1 438 thousand (EUR -1 339

The Company's capital expenditure, resulting from regular additional and
replacement investments required for growth, was EUR 263 thousand (EUR 126
thousand) in the period. Gross investments which include - in addition to those
mentioned above - capitalized research and development costs totaled EUR 845
thousand (EUR 619 thousand).

Amortization of intangible assets totaled EUR 1 093 thousand (EUR 873 thousand).
There are no indications of impairments of assets.

Basware increased its shareholding in Basware Einvoices Oy to 100 percent on
January 30, 2009, by acquiring 12.55 percent of the company's shares and control
from the company's management. The purchase price paid on the date of the
transaction was approximately EUR 720 thousand, and in February 2010 EUR 293 was
paid as an additional purchase price based on the business volume for 2009.

Basware AS purchased the Norwegian invoice automation solution business of
Itella Information AS. The purchase price was NOK 6.38 million (approximately
EUR 0.72 million) and it was paid in cash on the day the acquisition was
completed, April 1, 2009. In addition, in February 2010 Basware paid an
additional purchase price of NOK 4 434 thousand (approximately EUR 559 thousand)
determined on the basis of the volume of the purchased operations' service sales
in 2009.


Basware's research and development costs were EUR 3 748 thousand (EUR 3 694
thousand) in the period, corresponding to 16.2 percent (17.0%) of net sales.
Research and development costs increased by 1.5 percent compared with the same
period last year.

A total of 192 (176) people worked in Producs at the end of March 2010. The
Products unit is expanding at the fastest rate in India.


Basware employed 797 (731) people on average during the first quarter and 808
(730) at the end of the period. The number of personnel increased by 78 persons
and by 10.7 percent compared with the same period the previous year. The
increase in the number of personnel is due to acquisitions and an increase in
the number of employees in the Indian unit.

The share of personnel working in foreign units has increased compared with the
previous year. At the end of the period, 49.6 percent (45.5%) of Basware
personnel worked outside of Finland and 50.4 percent (54.5 %) in Finland. 15.5
percent of the personnel work in sales and marketing, 51.9 percent in consulting
and services, 23.9 percent in Products, and 8.7 percent in administration.

The average age of employees is 36.1 (35.8) years. Of the employees, 32.1
percent have a Master's degree and 37.3 percent have a Bachelor's degree. Women
account for 30.4 percent of employees, men for 69.6 percent.

Geographical distribution of personnel:

|Personnel                                                     |
|(employed, on average) 1-3/2010 1-3/ 2008 Change, % 1-12/ 2009|
|Finland                     501       439      14.0        454|
|                                                              |
|Scandinavia                 127       138      -8.4        135|
|                                                              |
|Europe                      122       122      -0.0        119|
|                                                              |
|Other                        48        31      55.4         39|
|Group total                 797       731       9,1        747|


The Finland segment includes operations in Finland, Russia, Asia (excluding
Australia) and the Financial Management business. Net sales for the period
increased by 7.6 percent to EUR 12 191 thousand (EUR 11 331 thousand).

Net sales of the Finnish and Russian business operations increased by 4.2
percent to EUR 10 853 thousand (EUR 10 413 thousand).

Basware entered into a partnership agreement with the IT company TerraLink
whereby TerraLink will become a reseller of Basware software. Founded in 1989,
Canada-based TerraLink is among the leading providers of systems integration and
document management solutions in Russia.

There are currently 8 resellers in all in the area and the number of personnel
averaged 501 (439) during the period.


Basware's Nordic organization consists of a centrally directed Scandinavian
(Sweden, Denmark and Norway) unit.

Net sales in Scandinavia decreased by 1.2 percent to EUR 5 253 thousand (EUR
5 317 thousand). The profitability of the operations has improved by 14.4
percent and operating profit was EUR 762 thousand (EUR 666 thousand).

Business operations are mainly handled by the own organization and there were
127 (138) employees on average in the area.


Basware's European business operations consist of the units in Germany, France,
the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the reseller network
covers the eastern part of Central Europe.

Net sales in the Europe segment increased by 8.6 percent to EUR 5 069 thousand
(EUR 4 666 thousand). The profitability of the operations improved by 120.1
percent and operating profit was EUR 509 thousand
(EUR 231 thousand).

There are 35 resellers in Europe, and Basware personnel averaged 122 (122)
during the period.


Business operations in North America and Australia are reported in this segment.
Following the acquisition of former reseller TAG Services on July 1, 2009,
Basware has assets in Australia. Taking into account the nature and extent of
the business operations in North America and Australia, these areas were merged
into the Other segment as of Q3/2009.

Net sales of the area increased by 98.6 percent to EUR 2 373 thousand (EUR
1 195 thousand). The profitability of the operations has improved by 30.2
percent and operating profit was EUR 179 thousand (EUR 137 thousand).
At the end of the period, there were 9 resellers in the Other segment. On
average, there were 48 (31) employees in the area.



Basware has updated its strategy for 2010-2012. The Basware Responsive Strategy
framework allows the company to act with agility and sensitivity based on the
company's situation, market trends and other changes. The Responsive Strategy
framework includes follow-up and analysis of internal and external trends as
well as the company's vision, mission and operating principles. Basware's
operating principles comprise of the company's values, corporate governance and

The company aims at maintaining its position as a leading global supplier of
invoice automation and procurement solutions. In order to support the sales of
invoice automation solutions, Basware will launch a mid-market SaaS (Software as
a Service) solution. The solution will be launched in North America during the
second quarter and thereafter in select markets.

Basware also aims to become a leading company in e-invoicing worldwide.
E-invoicing and supporting Connectivity Services are targeted to connect
suppliers and buyers also outside of Basware's existing software customer base,
leading into a higher potential.

The company's long-term target is to grow annually more than 50% in Automation
Services. SaaS, Connectivity Services and e-invoicing are scalable models and
offer an increasing profit potential in the long run. The company's long-term
target is to grow annually more than 10% in License Sales, Maintenance and
Professional Services. The target for operating profit margin is 10%-20%.


Basware Corporation's share capital totaled EUR 3 443 887.20 at the end of the
period and the number of shares was 11 479 624.

A separate stock exchange release has been issued on the Board authorizations
and other resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on February
18, 2010.

Share price and trade

During the reporting period, the highest price of the share was EUR 18.58 (EUR
7.75), the lowest was EUR 15.00 (EUR 6.60) and the closing price was EUR 16.86
(EUR 7.50). The average price of the share was EUR 16.99 (EUR 7.37) during the

A total of 400 317 (431 908) shares were traded during the period which is the
equivalent of 3.5 percent (3.8%) of the average number of shares. Market
capitalization with the period's closing price on March 31, 2010 was
EUR 192 024 003 (EUR 85 340 355).


Basware had 16 416 (17 016) shareholders on March 31, 2010 including
nominee-registered holdings (7). Nominee-registered holdings accounted for 8.7
(7.9) percent of the total number of shares.

The company holds 90 300 Basware Corporation shares, corresponding to
approximately 0.79% of all shares in the company.

During the period, Basware announced two notifications of change in ownership
when the total number of shares held by Nordea Rahastoyhtiö Suomi Oy fell below
5% of Basware Corporation's share capital on February 2, 2010, and when Nordea
Rahastoyhtiö Suomi Oy's was above 5% of Basware Corporation's shares on March
12, 2010.


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on February 18, 2010, confirmed the
number of Board members as six. The Annual General Meeting resolved to agree on
the proposal and elected Matti Copeland, Sakari Perttunen, Pentti Heikkinen,
Eeva Sipilä, Ilkka Toivola and Hannu Vaajoensuu members of the Board of
Directors. In its first meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the Board
of Directors elected Hannu Vaajoensuu as chairman and Sakari Perttunen as vice
chairman of the Board.

The Annual General Meeting further resolved to elect Ernst & Young Oy,
Authorized Public Accountants as the auditor, with APA Heikki Ilkka in charge
and APA Terhi Mäkinen as the deputy auditor.

The Board was authorized to resolve on share issue and share repurchase.

A separate stock exchange release has been issued on the Board authorizations
and other resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on February
18, 2010.
The subscription period of shares subscribed for on the basis of Basware
Corporation's option programs 2006 Series B and 2007 Series D ended on March
31, 2010. Each option right entitled the holder to subscribe for one Basware
share. 141 600 shares were subscribed for with the options.


In accordance with Basware's risk management policy, risks are divided into six
categories: risks related to business operations, products, personnel as well as
legal, financial and data security risks. Basware takes risks that are a natural
part of its strategy and objectives. These risks are managed and decreased in
various ways. Short-term risks are considered to be risks in the current
reporting year.

Market forecasts updated in March-April 2010 expect the software purchases to
increase by 7.2 percent globally and 8.3 percent in US in 2010. The entire IT
services market is expected to grow by 5.6 percent globally and by 5.4 percent
in US in 2010.
The global economic uncertainty continues, which might decrease companies'
investment willingness to invest also in the future. This might have an
unfavorable impact on the development of the company's net sales and

Previously in times of economic uncertainty, the demand for the company's
products and services has remained more positive than the general market, as the
company's software solutions generate cost savings.

The depression has generally increased companies' delinquency entries and the
number of bankruptcies. Typically, companies may also prolong the times of
payments in order to free up working capital. Basware has intensified its
management of sales receivables, and business management regularly monitors the
payment of sales receivables as part of the management of customer accounts.

The Group's main currency is Euro, accounting for approximately 61 percent of
net sales in 2009 (approximately 67% in 2008). The significance of exchange rate
fluctuations between the euro and other currencies will increase hand in hand
with the share of international operations. The company did not realize hedging
for exchange rate fluctuations during the financial period as the
foreign-currency-denominated cash flow in the subsidiaries did not exceed the
set annual foreign-currency-specific limit for hedging measures.

Basware's objective is to become the world's leading company in e-invoicing.
E-invoicing and the supporting Connectivity also target suppliers and buyers
outside Basware's existing customer base, which increases the customer
potential. The company's long-term objective is annual growth of more than 50
percent in SaaS, Basware Connectivity and e-invoicing business. SaaS, Basware
Connectivity and e-invoicing are scalable business models with a high business
potential. The realization of this growth potential requires a new operating
model as well as active and continuous development of competencies because of
the strong growth of the number of customers and transaction volumes.  These
include sales and commissioning as well as customer support and product

In other respects, no significant changes have taken place in Basware's
short-term risks and uncertainties during the financial period.


Basware Board of Directors approved in its meeting on April 13 subscription of
total of 130 100 shares subscribed with Basware Warrant Programs. The share
subscriptions were based on the Warrant Program 2006 series B warrants (56 400
shares) and Warrant Program 2007 series D warrants (73 700 shares).


Market forecasts updated in March-April 2010 expect the software purchases to
increase by 7.2 percent globally and 8.3 percent in US in 2010. The entire IT
services market is expected to grow by 5.6 percent globally and by 5.4 percent
in US in 2010.

Basware's direct competitors are primarily locally operating and often smaller
companies. In North America in particular, the company has also larger
competitors, especially in the field of procurement management. Developers of
document management, scanning and recycling systems compete with Basware,
particularly with regard to purchase invoice management solutions. Competing
solutions also include customized solutions integrated into ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) systems.

The software still offers a competitive edge, thanks to the integrated offering
consisting of new added value products and the products. Automation services, a
new concept in the portfolio, will have a positive impact on the

Automation services increase the predictability and transparency of a company's
net sales and profitability. In 2009, revenue from continuous services
(including maintenance) accounted for more than 40 percent of the company's
total revenue. In order to support the sales of invoice automation solutions,
Basware will launch a mid-market SaaS (Software as a Service) solution. The
solution will be launched during the second quarter in North America and
thereafter in select markets.

Basware also aims to become a leading company in e-invoicing worldwide.
E-invoicing and supporting Connectivity Services are targeted to connect
suppliers and buyers also outside of Basware's existing software customer base,
leading into a higher potential.

The company's long-term target is to grow annually more than 50% in Automation
Services. SaaS, Connectivity Services and e-invoicing are scalable models and
offer an increasing profit potential in the long run. A growth investment
program of Basware Automation Services (SaaS, Connectivity and e-invoicing) has
been launched at the beginning of 2010, and it is expected to promote the
positive development of operations and order backlog.

The Company's international growth is based on efforts of its own sales and
marketing activity as well as the reseller channel. Development of the indirect
distribution channel continues in Europe, Russia and Asia. In North America, the
focus will be on developing the Company's own sales channel. In Scandinavia, the
focus is on profitability, and moderate growth is supported by the Company's
expanded product portfolio and the development of the service business. In
Finland, the focus is on profitability, and moderate growth will primarily be
achieved from the fields of procurement management and services.
Basware has complemented its organic growth with acquisitions. The Company will
continue to review possible acquisition targets during 2010. In particular,
possible acquisitions will aim at supporting Automation Services and expanding
the Company's distribution channel in international markets.

The Group's number of personnel will increase the most in Automation Services
and product development during the year. The number of personnel will increase
the most in India, which facilitates growth with a more moderate increase in

Additional growth related investments will be made moderately during the year,
provided that the operating profit and net sales develop as expected.

Basware expects its net sales for 2010 to develop positively on the level of
2009. Operating profit (EBIT) for 2010 is expected to be from 10 to 15 percent
of net sales.

Espoo, Finland, April 15, 2010

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corp.,
Tel. +358 9 8791 7251 or +358 40 501 8251

Analyst and Press Briefing

Basware arranges today, April 15, 2010 a briefing on the Interim Report for the
press and analysts at 11:00 a.m. in Hotel Kämp, Pohjoisesplanadi 29, Helsinki,
Finland. During this briefing CEO Ilkka Sihvo and CFO Mika Harjuaho will comment
the events and financial performance of the quarter. Welcome. Conference call to
analysts who are not able to attend the briefing will take place on Thursday,
April 15 at 13:00 EET. Please register through
<> for appropriate information.

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Key media <>
The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), applying the same accounting principles as
in the 2009 Financial Statements. Key indicator calculations remain unchanged
and have been presented in the 2009 Financial Statements.


EUR thousand             1.1.-31.3.2010 1.1.-31.3.2009 Change, % 1.1.-31.12.2009

NET SALES                        23 132         21 717       6.5          92 654

Other operating income               50             30      67.3             162

Materials and services           -1 288         -1 552     -17.0          -6 193

Employee benefit
expenses                        -13 703        -12 896       6.3         -52 294

Depreciation and
amortization                     -1 236         -1 004      23.2          -4 456

Other operating expenses         -4 818         -4 703       2.4         -18 048
Operating profit                  2 136          1 592      34.2          11 824

Finance income                      116            124      -6.7             172

Finance expenses                   -111           -232     -52.4            -406
Profit before tax                 2 142          1 484      44.3          11 590

Income tax expense                 -560           -818     -31.6          -2 517
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD             1 582            666     137.6           9 074

Other comprehensive

Exchange differences on
foreign operations                  364            803     -54.7           1 326

Income tax relating to
components of
other comprehensive
income                              201            -52     486.5             549
Other comprehensive
income, net of tax                  565            751     -24.8             777
INCOME                            2 147          1 417      51.5           9 850

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the parent              1 582            641     146.7           9 074

Minority interest                     0             25    -100.0               0
                                  1 582            666     137.6           9 074

Total comprehensive
income attributable to:

Owners of the parent              2 147          1 392      54.2           9 850

Minority interest                     0             25    -100.0               0
                                  2 147          1 417      51.5           9 850

Earnings per share
(undiluted), EUR                   0.14           0.06     146.9            0.80

Earnings per share
(diluted), EUR                     0.14           0.06     144.4            0.80

Average number of

- undiluted                  11 383 312     11 394 147                11 381 905

- diluted                    11 501 810     11 394 147                11 381 905


EUR thousand                            31.3.2010 31.3.2008 Change, % 31.12.2009



Intangible assets                          19 722    17 267      14.2     20 291

Goodwill                                   31 705    30 170       5.1     31 119

Tangible assets                               910       975      -6.7        823

Available-for-sale investments                 38        38                   38

Long-term trade and other receivables          40       235     -83.1        124

Deferred tax assets                         2 091     2 165      -3.4      2 199
Non-current assets                         54 505    50 850       7.2     54 593


Inventories                                    50        29      75.5         33

Trade and other receivables                24 066    21 691      11.0     19 684

Income tax receivables                        633     2 483     -74.5        767

Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss                                 34        31       8.0         34

Cash and cash equivalents                  16 318    11 429      42.8     12 176
Current assets                             41 101    35 662      15.2     32 694

TOTAL ASSETS                               95 606    86 512      10.5     87 287



Share capital                               3 444     3 440       0.1      3 440

Issue of shares                             1 573               100.0        140

Share premium account                          69        69                   69

Own shares                                   -629      -622      -1.1       -629

Fair value reserve and other reserves      33 735    33 598       0.4     33 598

Translation differences                    -2 650    -3 241      18.2     -3 214

Retained earnings                          20 978    14 664      43.1     23 176

Minority interest                               0       163    -100.0          0
Shareholders' equity                       56 519    48 071      17.6     56 580


Deferred tax liability                      3 669     2 367      55.0      3 997

Interest-bearing liabilities                1 837     5 551     -66.9      3 674

Non-interest-bearing liabilities              269         4   7 134.2        110
Non-current liabilities                     5 775     7 922     -27.1      7 782


Interest-bearing liabilities                3 551     5 563     -36.2      5 555

Trade payables and other liabilities       29 348    23 812      23.2     17 039

Tax liability from income tax                 413     1 144     -63.9        331
Current liabilities                        33 312    30 519       9.2     22 926

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               95 606    86 512      10.5     87 287

              Share-                       non-             Retain  Mino-
              Holder         Share   Own  restr        Tran     ed   rity
                  s' Share premium Shar- equity Other   sl. earnin inter-
             capital issue account    es   res.  res.  diff     gs    est  Total

thousand                                      .           .

EQUITY                                                   -3
1.1.09         3 440     0      69  -271 33 058   540   991 15 648    224 48 717

income                                                  751    641     25  1 417

distribution                                                -2 623        -2 623

warrants                                                       308           308

period                              -351                       689    -86    252

EQUITY                                                   -3
31.3.09        3 440     0      69  -622 33 058   540   241 14 664    163 48 071

                                                       Tran          rity
               Share- Share   Share  Own   Inv.         sl. Retain Inter-
             holders' issue premium shar   non- Other diff.     ed    est
              capital       account   es restr.   res

EUR                                      equity                            Total
thousand                                   res.

EQUITY                                                   -3
1.1.10          3 440   140      69 -629 33 058   540   214 23 176      0 56 580

income                                                  565  1 582         2 147

distribution                                                -4 100        -4 100

warrants                                                        69            69

period              3 1 432                       137          251         1 824

EQUITY                                                   -2
31.3.10         3 444 1 573      69 -629 33 058   677   650 20 978      0 56 519


EUR thousand                       1.1.-31.3.2010 1.1.-31.3.2009 1.1.-31.12.2009

Net cash from operating activities

Profit for the period                       1 582            666           9 074

Adjustments for profit                      1 791          2 238           7 832

Working capital changes                     8 315          6 400            -136

Interest paid                                 -22            -96            -192

Interest received                              18             16             104

Other financial items in operating
activities                                     48            -27             -30

Income taxes paid                            -616           -775          -1 920
Net cash from operating activities         11 115          8 423          14 732

Cash flows from investing

Purchase of tangible and
intangible assets                            -586           -614          -3 135

Proceeds from sale of tangible and
intangible assets                                              0               1

Acquired subsidiaries                        -852           -724          -1 875
Net cash used in investing
activities                                 -1 438         -1 339          -5 009

Cash flows from financing

Minority's capital investment               1 573                            140

Repayments of short-term loans             -2 000                         -3 558

Repayments of long-term borrowings         -1 775         -1 783               0

Share repurchase                                            -351            -358

Repayments of financial lease
liabilities                                                                    0

Dividends paid                             -3 633         -2 623          -2 623
Net cash used in financing
activities                                 -5 835         -4 757          -6 398

Net change in cash and cash
equivalents according to cash flow
statement                                   3 842          2 328           3 324

Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                        12 210          8 777           8 777

Effects of exchange rate changes
on cash and cash equivalents                  300            355             109

Cash and cash equivalents at end
of period                                  16 351         11 460          12 210


EUR thousand                  1-3/2010 1-3/2009 4-6/2009 7-9/2009 10-12/2009

NET SALES                       23 132   21 717   22 729   21 609     26 600

Other operating income              50       30       52       47         34

Materials and services          -1 288   -1 552   -1 611   -1 395     -1 636

Employee benefit expenses      -13 703  -12 896  -13 444  -11 113    -14 841

Depreciation and amortization   -1 236   -1 004   -1 067   -1 106     -1 280

Other operating expenses        -4 818   -4 703   -4 513   -4 014     -4 819
Operating profit                 2 136    1 592    2 146    4 028      4 058

%                                 9.2%     7.3%     9.4%    18.6%      15.3%

Finance income                     116      124       30       32        -15

Finance expenses                  -111     -232      -54     -115         -5
Profit before tax                2 142    1 484    2 122    3 946      4 038

%                                 9.3%     6.8%     9.3%    18.3%      15.2%

Income tax expense                -560     -818     -727     -941        -30
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD            1 582      666    1 396    3 005      4 007

%                                 6.8%     3.1%     6.1%    13.9%      15.1%

Changes of ownership

Basware increased its shareholding in Basware Einvoices Oy to 100 percent on
January 30, 2009, by acquiring 12.55 percent of the company's shares and control
from the company's management. The purchase price paid on the date of the
transaction was approximately EUR 720 thousand, and EUR 293 was paid in February
2010 as an additional purchase price based on the business volume for 2009.

Basware AS purchased the Norwegian invoice automation solution business of
Itella Information AS. The purchase price was NOK 6.38 million (approximately
EUR 0.72 million) and it was paid in cash on the day the acquisition was
completed, April 1, 2009. In addition, in February 2010 Basware paid an
additional purchase price of NOK 4 434 thousand (approximately EUR 559 thousand)
determined on the basis of the volume of the purchased operations' service sales
in 2009.

EUR thousand                                      31.3.2010 31.3.2009 31.12.2009

Own guarantees

Business mortgages of own debts                       1 200     1 200      1 200

Commitments on behalf of subsidiaries and group

Guarantees                                            1 122     1 098      1 075

Other own guarantees

Lease liabilities

Current lease liabilities                               923       799        970

Lease liabilities maturing in 1-5 years                 772       823        895
Total                                                 1 695     1 623      1 865

Other rental liabilities

Current rental liabilities                            2 146     2 481      2 333

Rental liabilities maturing in 1-5 years              3 152     4 330      2 924

Rental liabilities maturing later                     1 042     1 259      1 071
Total                                                 6 339     8 070      6 328

Other own contingent liabilities, total               8 035     9 693      8 193


Net sales by market area

|Net sales (EUR thousand) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                    12 191   11 331       7.6    50 486|
|                                                              |
|Scandinavia                 5 253    5 317      -1.2    22 236|
|                                                              |
|Europe                      5 069    4 666       8.6    18 717|
|                                                              |
|Other                       2 373    1 195      98.6     9 201|
|                                                              |
|Sales between segments     -1 754     -791     121.6    -7 985|
|Group total                23 132   21 717       6.5    92 654|

|Operating profit (EUR thousand)   1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                              1 092      849      28.7     7 714|
|                                                                       |
|Scandinavia                            762      666      14.4     3 169|
|                                                                       |
|Europe                                 509      231     120.1     1 566|
|                                                                       |
|Other                                  179      137      30.2       741|
|                                                                       |
|Operating profit between segments     -406     -292      39.2    -1 365|
|Group total                          2 136    1 592      34.2    11 824|

|Personnel                                                    |
|(employed, on average) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/ 2009|
|Finland                     501      439      14.0        454|
|                                                             |
|Scandinavia                 127      138      -8.4        135|
|                                                             |
|Europe                      122      122      -0.0        119|
|                                                             |
|Other                        48       31      55.4         39|
|Group total                 797      731       9.1        747|

Net sales by business
|Net sales (EUR thousand) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|License Sales               4 648    4 677      -0.6    23 755|
|                                                              |
|Maintenance                 8 113    7 138      13.7    29 757|
|                                                              |
|Professional Services       7 871    8 496      -7.4    31 174|
|                                                              |
|Automation services         2 500    1 406      77.8     7 967|
|Group total                23 132   21 717       6.5    92 654|

Net sales by the location of customer

|Net sales (EUR thousand) 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 Change, % 1-12/2009|
|Finland                    10 695   10 323       3.6    42 449|
|                                                              |
|Scandinavia                 4 995    5 209      -4.1    21 719|
|                                                              |
|Europe                      4 915    4 681       5.0    18 065|
|                                                              |
|Other                       2 527    1 503      68.2    10 421|
|Group total                23 132   21 717       6.5    92 654|

EUR thousand                            1-3/10     1-3/09     1-3/08     1-12/09

Net sales                               23 132     21 717     18 233      92 654

Growth of net sales, %                    6.5%      19.1%       7.4%        7.6%

EBITDA                                   3 373      2 596        417      16 280

% of net sales                           14.6%      12.0%       2.3%       17.6%

Operating profit before IFRS3
amortization                             2 692      2 033        -58      13 788

% of net sales                           11.6%       9.4%      -0.3%       14.9%

Operating profit                         2 136      1 592       -254      11 824

Growth of operating profit, %            34.2%     725.8%    -118.1%       36.2%

% of net sales                            9.2%       7.3%      -1.4%       12.8%

Profit before tax                        2 142      1 484       -250      11 590

% of net sales                            9.3%       6.8%      -1.4%       12.5%

Profit for the period                    1 582        666       -550       9 074

% of net sales                            6.8%       3.1%      -3.0%        9.8%

Return on equity, %                      11.2%       5.5%      -4.8%       17.2%

Return on investment, %                  14.1%      11.3%      -1.8%       18.8%

Interest-bearing liabilities             5 388     11 114        232       9 230

Cash and liquid assets *)               16 351     11 460      7 254      12 210

Gearing, %                              -19.4%      -0.7%     -15.7%       -5.3%

Equity ratio, %                          59.1%      55.6%      66.4%       64.8%

Total assets                            95 606     86 512     67 496      87 287

Gross investments **)                      845        619        822       7 448

% of net sales                            3.7%       2.9%       4.5%        8.0%

Capital expenditure                        263        126        193       2 047

% of net sales                            1.1%       0.6%       1.1%        2.2%

Research and development costs           3 748      3 694      3 793      14 781

% of net sales                           16.2%      17.0%      20.8%       16.0%

R&D personnel at end of period             192        176        160         195

Personnel on average during the
period                                     797        731        666         747

Personnel at end of period                 808        730        665         761

Increase in personnel, %                 10.7%       9.8%      24.8%        4.1%

Earnings per share, EUR                   0.14       0.06      -0.05        0,80

Earnings per share (diluted), EUR         0.14       0.06      -0.05        0,80

Equity per share, EUR                     4.92       4.18       3.89        4,93

P/E ratio                               121.37     133.26    -160.90       18.21

Share price performance

   lowest share price                    15.00       6.60       7.50        6.60

   highest share price                   18.58       7.75      10.45       14.66

   average share price                   16.99       7.37       8.27       10.79

   closing share price                   16.86       7.50       7.90       14.52

Market capitalization at end of
period                             192 024 003 85 340 355 90 598 180 165 206 004

Number of traded shares                400 317    431 908    482 102   2 038 565

% of average number of shares             3.5%       3.8%       4.2%       17.9%

Average number of shares

- undiluted                       11 383 312   11 394 147 11 468 124  11 381 905

- diluted                           11 501 810 11 394 147 11 468 124  11 381 905

*) Includes cash, cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
**) Includes capitalized R&D costs and acquisitions

Major Shareholders, March 31, 2010

   Name                                       Number of shares Votes, %

 1 Sihvo, Ilkka                                      1 065 800      9.3

 2 Eräkangas, Kirsi                                  1 021 800      8.9

   Eräkangas, Kirsi                                    711 400      6.2

   Eräkangas, Lotta                                    310 400      2.7

 3 Vaajoensuu, Hannu                                   962 100      8.4

   Vaajoensuu, Hannu                                   528 000      4.6

   Havacment Oy                                        266 500      2.3

   Vaajoensuu, Henri                                    83 800      0.7

   Vaajoensuu, Petra                                    83 800      0.7

 4 Perttunen, Sakari                                   830 400      7.2

 5 Pöllänen, Antti                                     516 615      4.5

   Launimo, Essi                                       100 208      0.9

 6 Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fund                        574 713      5.0

 7 Mandatum Life Insurance Company                     550 000      4.8

 8 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company          544 850      4.7

 9 Fondita Nordic Micro Cap Fund                       296 376      2.6

10 Ahonen, Asko                                        288 736      2.5

11 Royal Skandia Life Assurance EIB 17527-6            250 000      2.2

12 Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company                     242 690      2.1

13 Veritas Pension Insurance Company                   226 000      2.0

14 Perttunen, Meimi                                    215 400      1.9

15 Aktia Capital                                       180 863      1.6

16 Basware Corporation                                  90 300      0.8

17 Vaajoensuu, Sara                                     83 700      0.7

18 Tietoklusteri Oy                                     77 000      0.7

19 Pavor Oy                                             75 052      0.7

20 Sinkkonen, Raija                                     70 000      0.6

   20 largest shareholders total                     8 262 603     72.0

   Total of nominee-registered                         999 279      8.7

   Others                                            2 217 742     19.3

   Total                                            11 479 624   100.00

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