Basware sign agreement with VVO, a publicly listed housing services company

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 Basware Corporation stock exchange release, October 1, 2010 at 10:30
Basware will deliver Basware Purchase Management solution to VVO, which is a
Finnish publicly-listed company providing housing services. The value of the
deal exceeds EUR 400.000 when completed. Implementation of the solution starts
immediately and is estimated to be completed by mid 2011.

VVO is already using Basware Invoice Automation and e-invoice services.  The new
Basware Purchase Management solution to be delivered integrates seamlessly to
services already in use and together they cover the whole purchase to pay

Basware will deliver Basware Purchase Management (PM), Basware Order Matching
(OM), Basware Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) and Basware RFx Management
solutions to VVO. In addition, VVO will start using Basware Catalogue Exchange
Services and Supplier Portal, which allow VVO to receive catalogs electronically
to Basware Purchase Management solution.  VVO can also  receive purchase orders
and create an invoice in an easy and safe manner.

"We are happy to deliver additional solutions to an existing customer. This is a
clear proof of good cooperation and high customer satisfaction. Our solutions
are modular and can be implemented according to customers' needs. Basware
Enterprise Purchase to Pay Solutions provide extensive savings to our customers,
" says Ilkka Sihvo, CEO, Basware Corporation.

VVO is a publicly-listed company providing housing services. From VVO, you can
rent an apartment, acquire right-of-occupancy or part-ownership housing or buy a
dwelling outright. VVO develops, markets and manages its own dwellings.

For more information, please contact:
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corporation, Tel. +358 40 501 8251

CIO Mikko Pöyry,VVO, Tel. +358 20 508 3772

Ilkka Sihvo
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd

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