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  • Basware to deliver Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution to the State of South Australia

Basware to deliver Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution to the State of South Australia

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Basware Corporation stock exchange release, September 24, 2009

Basware will deliver Basware Purchase to Pay solution to the State of
South Australia. The total value of the deal is approximately EUR 3.4
Million ($5.7 Million Australian Dollars). The implementation of the
solution will be started in September 2009 and the rollout to 19
agencies is estimated to be completed by December 2010.
The State of South Australia is the fourth largest of Australia's six
states and two territories and ranks fifth in population with nearly
1.6 million people.
"We are extremely happy to start working with such an important new
customer in Australia right after our recent acquisition in Australia
and to further extend our presence on the continent.  Basware
Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution will unify the processes across
the State of South Australia resulting in cost savings for the
State", says CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corporation.
Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution streamlines and automates
procurement and accounts payable invoice processing, enabling
organizations to focus on creating added value for their customers.

Ilkka Sihvo
For more information, please contact:
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corporation
Tel. +358 9 8791 7251 or +358 40 501 8251

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