Basware wins a large Invoice Automation deal in the United States

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Stock Exchange Release, September 23, 2008

Basware will deliver a complete Invoice Automation solution to a
large US engineering, construction and technical services
organization with over 50.000 employees.The value of the deal exceeds
EUR 500.000. The goal is to have the solution implemented by the end
of 2008."This deal is a proof that our efforts in the United States are
successful and encourages us to continue with our chosen strategy.
Also larger organizations in the United States are starting to
optimize invoice processing workload and are looking for solutions
with best practices", says Ilkka, CEO, Basware Corporation.
Basware Invoice Automation (IA) uses automatic, business-rule based
matching to minimize the need for time-consuming, repetitive
invoice-handling tasks and enable efficient management of exceptions.
Basware Invoice Automation optimizes process performance in financial
departments and business units, enabling your organization to focus
on creating added value for your customers.
For more information, please contact
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corp.
Tel. +358 9 8791 7251 or +358 40 501 8251

Ilkka Sihvo
OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
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