Resolutions of Basware Annual General Meeting

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Resolutions of Basware Annual General Meeting

Basware Corporation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on February 18, 2010
adopted the income statement and balance sheet as well as the Group income
statement and Group balance sheet for 2009. The AGM also discharged the members
of the Board of Directors and CEO from liability for financial year 2009.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.36 per
share for 2009. The dividend will be paid on March 2, 2010 to shareholders
registered in the company's Register of Shareholders held by Finnish Central
Securities Depository Ltd on the record date of February 23, 2010.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to compensate the members of the Board
according to the following: members EUR 26 000 per year; Deputy Chairman EUR
30 000 per year and Chairman EUR 52 000 per year. The remuneration is not paid
to those members of the Board who hold a fulltime position at Basware.
Additionally, all members of the Board are paid a meeting fee of EUR 325 per
meeting. Annual remuneration is paid in the following manner: those members of
the Board whose share ownership of Basware Corp. is less than 5 000 shares, will
be acquired Basware shares, publicly traded at Helsinki Stock Exchange, for the
amount of 40 percent of the gross sum of the annual remuneration. The shares
will be acquired as soon as possible after the closing of the Annual General

The AGM confirmed the number of Board member to be six. Hannu Vaajoensuu, Sakari
Perttunen, Matti Copeland, Pentti Heikkinen, Eeva Sipilä and Ilkka Toivola and
were elected to the Board of Directors.

The AGM further resolved to elect Ernst & Young Oy, Authorized Public
Accountants, to act as the auditor, with APA Heikki Ilkka in charge, and APA
Terhi Mäkinen as the deputy auditor. The Auditor will be paid according to the
proposed reasonable fee.

Board's Authorizations

Authorization to resolve on share issue

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to resolve on the issuance of a
maximum of 2 293 624 shares and on the conveying of a maximum of 1 146 812
shares in possession of the Company in one or more installments, either against
pay or free of charge.

The new shares can be issued and the Company's own shares conveyed either
against payment or for free to the Company's shareholders in proportion to their
holding or by means of a directed issue, deviating from the pre-emptive rights
of the shareholders provided that from the Company's perspective there are
important financial grounds for it, such as enabling business arrangements and
company acquisitions, company's capital management, personnel incentive program
or other reasons for developing the Company's business activities.

The authorization also includes the right to grant warrants and other special
rights, as specified in the Chapter 10, section 1 of the Companies Act, to
receive new shares in the company or Basware shares held by the company against
payment such that either the share subscription price will be paid in cash or
the subscriber's receivables will be offset against the subscription price.

The authorization also includes the right to resolve on a free issue to the
Company itself. The amount of the shares issued to the Company can be a maximum
of 1 146 812 shares, including shares acquired based on the authorization or the
previously acquired own shares of the Company.

The subscription prices of new shares and the sum paid for the own shares will
be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted equity.

The authorization is valid until March 31, 2011.

Authorization to resolve on acquiring the Company's own shares

The AGM authorized the Board to resolve on the acquisition of a maximum of
1 146 812 own shares, pursuant to the Chapter 15, section 5 of the Companies

The new shares are acquired with invested non-restricted equity on the market
price at the Helsinki Stock Exchange at the time of the acquisition.

The shares can either be held by the Company, nullified or conveyed further.

The authorization for acquisition is valid until March 31, 2011.

First meeting of the Board of Directors

In its first meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the Board of
Directors elected Hannu Vaajoensuu as chairman and Sakari Perttunen as vice
chairman of the Board.

Hannu Vaajoensuu

For more information, please contact:
Chairman of the Board Hannu Vaajoensuu, Basware Corp., tel. +358 40 501 8250

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