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Press Release
March 20, 2008

BE Group’s Annual Report for 2007 has been published today on the website In the CEO’s comments, President and CEO Håkan Jeppsson takes stock of BE Group´s first full year as a listed company:

”I am pleased to report that the Group performed very well in 2007. Despite the turbulence in the stainless steel market, BE Group is reporting earnings on par with 2006 and the company’s best underlying earnings ever. Service sales rose steadily during the year and the service component of total sales was 34% for the full year, up from 32% in 2006.”

Briefly, BE Group´s strategy establishes that the Group will expand primarily in Central and Eastern Europe and enhance the service proposition to bolster the company’s growth, competitiveness and long-term profitability.

”BE Group expanded the strategy during the year and resolved to redouble efforts to develop the service proposition through investments, acquisitions and other actions in all markets”, says Håkan Jeppsson.

The company finalized two structural transactions shortly before and after the end of 2007 to strengthen the Group’s presence in several geographical markets and the Group´s opportunities to further increase the service component of sales.

”In the next few years, BE Group is going to sharpen focus on service to strengthen the company’s competitiveness, profitability and growth. This will involve stepping up investments in production equipment and new skills to create higher value for BE Group and its customers. Another key task – when the opportunity presents itself – will be additional strategic acquisitions”, Håkan Jeppsson says.

The Annual Report can be ordered at

If you have any questions, please contact:
Håkan Jeppsson, President and Chief Executive Officer, tel: +46 (0) 70-550 15 17, e-mail: or Torbjörn Clementz, Chief Financial Officer, tel: +46 (0) 70-896 07 88, email:


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