Resolutions by the 2010 Annual General Meeting of BE Group

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Today, April 27, 2010, BE Group held its 2010 Annual General Meeting in Malmö, Sweden. The Annual General Meeting made the following resolutions:

Election of Board of Directors Carl-Erik Ridderstråle (Chairman), Roger Bergqvist, Cecilia Edström, Roger Johansson, Joakim Karlsson, Lars Olof Nilsson and Lars Spongberg were re-elected. Marita Jaatinen was elected a new board member. Fees It was resolved that the fees to the Board of Directors shall amount to a total of SEK 1,800,000, whereof SEK 400,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 200,000 to each of the other board members elected at the Meeting (unchanged). For work in the Audit Committee a total remuneration of SEK 120,000 shall be distributed, whereof SEK 60,000 to the Chairman and SEK 30,000 to each of the other committee members, whereas for work in the Remuneration Committee no remuneration shall be distributed. Dividend According to the proposal of the Board of Directors, the AGM resolved that no dividend is to be distributed for the financial year 2009 and that this year’s earnings should be carried forward. Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives The AGM approved the proposal of the Board regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior executives in accordance with the guidelines adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2009. The guidelines principally entail that salaries and other terms of remuneration to the management shall be in accordance with the market. The bonus shall have a pre-determined cap and amount to a maximum of 50% of the fixed remuneration. Implementation of share savings scheme 2010 The AGM approved the Board’s proposal for the implementation of a share savings scheme comprising maximum 600,000 shares in BE Group (including shares to hedge social security payments) (“Share Savings Scheme 20010”), corresponding to 1.20 percent of the total number of shares and votes in the company. Approximately 40 employees of the group management and the management teams of the business areas will be offered to participate in the Share Savings Scheme 2010 and will thereby have the opportunity to acquire shares by private means in BE Group (“Investment Shares”) at market price on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm up to an amount not exceeding 16 percent of the fixed gross annual salary for 2010 of the respective participant. Provided that the Investment Shares are kept for three years and the participant is still employed or holds a similar position in the Group during this period of time, each Investment Share will thereafter entitle to the receipt of a half share in BE Group (“Matching Share”), free of charge. Participants in the Share Savings Scheme 2010 will be able to receive up to two additional shares in BE Group (“Performance Shares”) for each held Investment Share depending on the earnings trend in BE Group, with the reservation that maximum 500,000 shares may be transferred. In order to enable BE Group’s supply of Matching Shares and Performance Shares according to the Share Savings Scheme 2010 and to secure social security payments connected therewith, the AGM further resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve, on one or several occasions, though not extending past the Annual General Meeting 2011, on the acquisition and transfer of maximum 600,000 of the company’s own shares on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. To secure the supply of said Matching Shares and Performance Shares, the AGM finally resolved to transfer maximum 500,000 shares in BE Group. Authorisation for the Board of Directors to transfer the company’s own shares according to Share Savings Scheme 2008 and Share Savings Scheme 2009 In order to hedge social security payments relating to the Share Savings Scheme 2008 and Share Savings Scheme 2009, the AGM resolved to authorise the Board to resolve, on one or several occasions, though not extending past the Annual General Meeting 2011, on the transfer of maximum 71,472 of the company’s own shares on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors. Authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve on the acquisition and transfer of the company’s own shares According to the proposal of the Board, the AGM resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve, on one or several occasions up to the Annual General Meeting 2011, on the acquisition and transfer of the company’s own shares in order to enable the Board of Directors to adjust the capital structure of the company and to be able to finance company acquisitions. The company’s acquisition of shares may not exceed 10 percent of the total number of shares in BE Group from time to time, including shares acquired and held under the current share savings schemes. Transfer of the company’s own shares may take place as payment of whole or part of the purchase price of company acquisitions and on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm in order to finance company acquisitions or other transactions.


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