Torbjörn Clementz deputy CEO of BE Group

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Press Release

September 11, 2008

The Board of directors of BE Group AB has decided to appoint CFO Torbjörn Clementz to deputy CEO in the company as of 1 September 2008. Torbjörn Clementz has long experience within economics and finance from several listed companies and joined BE Group during spring 2003. Before joining BE Group he worked within Peab and had prior to that among others held the position as head of Group Finances in Perstorp AB. Torbjörn Clementz successfully participated in the IPO of BE Group in 2006 and was responsible for the legal and financial parts.

“Torbjörn Clementz has in a very meritorious manner developed BE Group’s financial operations and performance management. He is a strong co-operating profile in group management. Furthermore, his solid experience and commitment during several acquisition processes carried on by the company is of crucial importance”, says chairman Carl-Erik Ridderstråle.

BE Group may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 12.00 on September 11.


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