BerGenBio ASA - Ex. reverse share split and change of ISIN today

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Issuer name: BerGenBio ASA
Ex. date: 30 May 2024
Type of corporate action: Reverse share split
Reverse split ratio: One hundred (100) old shares give one (1) new share.

New par value per share: NOK 10

New ISIN: NO 001 3251173

New number of shares outstanding: 39,087,116

For further information, please contact:

Martin Olin, CEO, BerGenBio ASA

Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA

About BerGenBio ASA

BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including cancer and severe respiratory infections. The Company is focused on its proprietary lead candidate bemcentinib a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in development for STK11 mutated NSCLC and severe respiratory infections. BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The Company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO). For more information, visit

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Obligations pursuant to Oslo Rule Book II.

