Bergo Flooring received HONORARY MENTION, presented by HRH the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

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​On Recycling Day on 12 May in Stockholm, Bergo Flooring received the Recycling Companies' Honorable Mention for the development and release of multifunctional floor tiles made of 100% recycled material, named ECO-Series. The mention was handed over personally by the Crown Princess Victoria.

Recycling Day is an annual activity arranged by the Recycling Industries, a trade organization for recyclers who have chosen to actively work with the environment and ethics in their business.

"We at Bergo Flooring are very proud of the Honorable Mention. This is huge and a milestone for us which positions our product on the international market", says Eric Anderzon CEO at Bergo Flooring. “Our ECO series help the world to become a little better. Every time a customer purchases a product from our ECO series, we reduce the waste mountain a bit and each tile makes a difference", he concludes.

Photo: Martin Dyberg, The Recycling & Miljöteknik journal

CEO Eric Anderzon receives the Recycling Industries´ Honorary Mention from the Crown Princess Victoria. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation to the organization and also took the opportunity to send greetings to all employees at Bergo Flooring, who cope with all crazy projects. Finally, he sent his gratitude to all customers and not least to the municipalities that build arenas for spontaneous sports with our ECO Multisport. It doubles the effect by encouraging outdoor activities, which brings joy to both children and grown-ups for many years to come, and at the same time reduces the waste mountain.

Crown Princess Victoria walked on Bergo´s "Red Carpet" floor. The Crown Princess spontaneously referred to a rainy royal wedding that she attended, where long and beautiful dresses were dragged on the wet ground. This would have been a perfect solution.

Anders Wijkman, chairman of the trade association Recycling Industries, +46 70 630 1052.
Eric Anderzon, CEO at Bergo Flooring, +46 70 561 7139.



