BEWi Interim report January-September 2017
A high pace of activity marked the first nine months of the year driven by acquisitions, investments and mergers of production activities, with the goal of becoming the leading fullrange supplier of cellular plastic in the Nordic countries, in terms of both volume and profitability.
The acquisition of 60 percent of the Finnish company Solupak in June of this year provided the Group with a broader product porfolio and strengthened BEWi’s position in Finland as a fullrange supplier of EPS and XPS insulation material. The work on integrating Solupak into BEWi is proceeding according to plan.
A new production line for gray EPS, installed in the plant in Porvo, Finland, at the beginning of the year has been put into operation according to plan, and BEWi has now begun to commercialize this material in the external market. The launch was positive and a good response from customers was received; this is of strategic importance to BEWi as the material has excellent insulating properties and has captured significant shares of the European market.
Consolidation of production continued. The operations in the Lindesberg plant are being transferred, according to plan, to BEWi plants in Sweden and Denmark. A decision has been taken in Denmark to move the operations from the plant in Såby to the plant in Hobro. The move will be carried out from September to November 2018, and the staff at Såby will be offered continued employment in the operations in Hobro. Investments in modernizing existing BEWi facilities and adapting their capacity to the increased market volumes will take place in connection with these moves.
For further information, contact Marie Danielsson, CFO
Tel: +46 70 661 0047
The information is such that BEWi Group AB (publ) is required to disclose in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8:00 a.m. CET on November 22.