Notice of annual general meeting of CELLINK AB (publ)

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The shareholders of CELLINK AB (publ), Reg.No. 559050-5052, with registered office in Gothenburg, are hereby invited to the annual general meeting on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 at 5pm CET, at Arvid Wallgrens Backe 20, 5th floor, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Registration starts at 4.30pm CET.

Right to attend the annual general meeting

Shareholders who wish to participate in the meeting must be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than on Thursday 12 December 2019 and must also notify the company of their intention to attend the meeting no later than Thursday 12 December 2019. The notification must be sent by email to, or in writing to the company at: CELLINK AB, Arvid Wallgrens backe 20, 413 46, Gothenburg, Sweden.

The notification must state the shareholder’s name, address, personal identity number/registration number, day time telephone number and, if applicable, information about the attendance of any assistants (maximum two). Information submitted in connection with the notification will be computerised and used exclusively for the annual general meeting. See below for additional information on the processing of personal data.


Shareholders represented by proxy must submit a dated power of attorney. If the power of attorney is executed by a legal person a certified copy of the certificate of registration or equivalent should be attached. The power of attorney and the certificate of registration may not be older than one year, however, the power of attorney may be older provided that the power of attorney according to its wording is valid for a longer period, although, not more than five years. The original power of attorney and the certificate of registration should be sent to the company at the address mentioned above well in advance of the general meeting. A proxy form is available at the company’s webpage,, and will also be sent to shareholders who so request and state their postal address.

Nominee-registered shares

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through a bank or a securities institution must re-register their shares in their own names in order to be entitled to attend the general meeting. Such registration, which may be temporary, must be duly effected in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than Thursday 12 December 2019, and the shareholders must therefore advise their nominees well in advance of this date.

Proposed agenda

  1. Election of a chairman of the meeting
  2. Preparation and approval of the voting register
  3. Approval of the agenda
  4. Election of one or two persons to attest the minutes
  5. Determination of whether the meeting was duly convened
  6. Address by the CEO and presentation of the annual report and audit report and, where applicable, the consolidated accounts and consolidated audit report for the group
  7. Resolutions regarding:
    1. adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet and, where applicable, the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet,
    2. allocation of the company’s profit or loss according to the adopted balance sheet,
    3. discharge from liability for the board of directors and the CEO.
  8. Determination of the number of board members and auditors and deputy auditors
  9. Determination of fees for the board of directors and auditors
  10. Election of the board of directors and auditors and deputy auditors
  11. Resolution on principles for the appointment of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee, as well as remuneration for the nomination committee members
  12. Resolution on guidelines for remuneration for senior management
  13. Resolution regarding adoption of new articles of association
  14. Resolution regarding split of shares
  15. Decision on adoption of a long-term incentive programme for employees within the CELLINK group
  16. Decision on adoption of a long-term incentive programme for the company’s chairman of the board and the ordinary board members
  17. Resolution to authorise the board of directors to issue new shares
  18. Closing of the meeting

The nomination committee’s proposal to the annual general meeting 2019

The nomination committee of CELLINK AB (publ), which consists of Rolf Classon (appointed by Erik Gatenholm), Jannis Kitsakis (appointed by AP4), Malin Björkmo (appointed by Handelsbanken Funds), Claes Dinkelspiel (appointed by himself), and Göran Nordlund (chairman of the board), representing approximately 57 per cent of the total number of votes in the company, proposes the following:

Item 1 – Election of a chairman of the meeting

The nomination committee proposes that Göran Nordlund shall be appointed chairman at the annual general meeting.

Item 8 – Determination of the number of board members and auditors and deputy auditors

The nomination committee proposes that the number of members of the board shall be seven (7) without deputies.

The nomination committee proposes that the number of auditors shall be one (1), that no deputy auditor shall be appointed, and that the company’s auditor shall be one registered audit firm.

Item 9 – Determination of fees for the board of directors and auditors

The nomination committee proposes that (i) a fixed fee of in total 1,150,000 SEK shall be paid to the board of directors, of which 400,000 SEK shall be paid to the chairman of the board and that 150,000 SEK shall be paid to each of the other board members elected by the annual general meeting who are not employed within the company or its subsidiaries, (ii) that a fixed fee of 50,000 SEK shall be paid to the chairman of the audit committee, and 25,000 SEK shall be paid to each of the other members of the audit committee, the payment being subject to the condition that the director is elected by the annual general meeting and not employed within the company or its subsidiaries; and (iii) that no remuneration is to be paid to the members of the remuneration committee.

The nomination committee proposes that the fee to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved statement of costs.

Item 10 – Election of the board of directors and auditors and deputy auditors

The nomination committee proposes that the board members Artur Aira, Bengt Sjöholm, Carsten Browall, Erik Gatenholm and Ingela Hallberg are re-elected as board members and that Christian Wildmoser and Helena Skåntorp are elected as new board members, all for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. Göran Nordlund has declined re-election. The nomination committee proposes that Carsten Browall is elected new chairman of the board, for the time until the end of the next annual general meeting.

Furthermore, the nomination committee proposes that Deloitte AB is re-elected as audit firm, for the time until the end of the next annual general meeting, whereby Deloitte AB has informed that Fredrik Jonsson will remain the auditor in charge.

Information regarding the proposed new board members

Christian Wildmoser

Christian Wildmoser was born 1955 and is an Austrian citizen. Christian Wildmoser has worked within private equity for a long time and was a partner of CVC Capital Partners for 16 years, with responsibility for the operations in German-speaking Europe. Prior to that, he worked for 25 years in the banking sector, including investment banking.

Christian Wildmoser is today a private investor in developing companies. He is a Doctor of Economics from the University of Vienna.

Shareholding in CELLINK: 79,623

A-shares: 0

B-shares: 79,623

Ownership: 0.8 %

Voting rights: 0.6 %

Christian Wildmoser is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as in relation to major shareholders.

Helena Skåntorp

Helena Skåntorp was born 1960 and is a Swedish citizen. Helena Skåntorp has long experience from leading positions as CEO and CFO. She was CEO of Lernia 2011-2017, and prior to that, among other things CEO of Jarowskij AB and CFO of Arla. Helena started her career by working at PWC, mainly with auditing of listed companies and where she became an authorized accountant. Helena has been a member of boards of listed companies for more than 15 years.

Helena Skåntorp is currently devoting herself to her own business and work on various boards, among others, member of the board of directors of Mekonomen. She has degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics from Stockholm University and has also been a doctoral student at Stockholm School of Economics.

Shareholding in CELLINK: -

A-shares: -

B-shares: -

Ownership: -

Voting rights: -

Helena Skåntorp is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as in relation to major shareholders.

A presentation of the individuals proposed by the nomination committee for re-election is available at the company’s webpage,

Item 11 – Resolution on principles for the appointment of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee, as well as remuneration for the nomination committee members

The nomination committee proposes that the principles for appointment of the nomination committee as approved by the annual general meeting 2018 shall remain unchanged until the time of the end of the next annual general meeting. The principles are available in full at the company’s webpage,

The board of directors’ proposals

Item 7(b) – Resolution regarding allocation of the company’s profit or loss according to the adopted balance sheet

The board of directors proposes that no dividends shall be executed for the financial year 2018/2019.

Item 12 – Resolution on guidelines for remuneration for executive management

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting resolves to adopt guidelines for remuneration for the company’s executive management.

The board of directors’ proposal is in accordance with existing principles for remuneration and is based on agreements already entered into between the company and each executive manager. The term “executive” means the CEO, the CFO and CTO that together constitute the executive management. The proposal regarding principles comprises of the following.

The company shall offer a total remuneration in line with market terms which will enable the company to recruit and retain the most suitable personnel. The remuneration to the company’s management shall consist of a fixed salary, variable remuneration, long-term incentive programmes, pension and other customary benefits. The remuneration is based on the individual’s commitment and performance in relation to pre-defined objectives, both individual and common objectives for the whole company. The individual performance is continually evaluated.

The fixed salary shall, as a general rule, be reviewed once a year and shall take into account the individual’s qualitative performance. The fixed salary for the CEO and other members of the executive management shall be in line with the market terms. The variable remuneration shall give due consideration to the individual’s responsibility and degree of influence. The qualitative performance targets should be related to the company’s turnover for the relevant financial year and EBIT. The size of the variable remuneration is based on the individual’s percentage compliance with set objectives. The variable remuneration for the CEO shall amount to not more than 30 per cent of the basic salary and 20 per cent of the basic salary for members of the executive management.

It is the annual shareholders’ meeting that decides on a share or share price-related incentive programme. The board of directors shall, prior to each annual shareholders’ meeting, consider whether a share or share price-related incentive programme for the company’s executive management shall be proposed at the meeting or not. Incentive programmes are intended to contribute to long-term value growth and to ensure that the company, the shareholders and the employees have a common interest in the positive value development of the share.

The company offers insurance and pension benefits in accordance with the company’s policy applicable at any given time. This currently means that the company will allocate an amount of 4.5 per cent of the gross salary up to 7.5 IBB and 30.0 percent above that to an individual pension insurance. Furthermore, in favour of executive managers, the company will enter into and pay for occupational group life insurance (Sw. tjänstegrupplivförsäkring (TGL)) and person accident insurance (Sw. olycksfallsförsäkring), as well as private medical insurance (Sw. sjukvårdsförsäkring) and health insurance (Sw. sjukvårdsförsäkring).

A mutual termination notice period of six months shall apply between the company and the CEO. During the notice period, normal salary and other employment benefits shall be paid. If the CEO finds another employment that the company approves during the notice period, the remuneration shall be deducted from what the CEO will receive from such new employment. In addition, the CEO shall be entitled to severance pay corresponding to six fixed monthly salaries to be paid in a lump sum. Other executive managers shall have a termination notice period of three to six months. During the notice period, normal salary and other customary benefits, such as insurance and pension benefits, occupational health care etc shall be paid. Such other benefits shall not constitute a substantial part of the total compensation.

The board of directors is entitled to deviate from its aforementioned guidelines where, in the board’s opinion, the specific circumstances of a particular case so dictate.

The board of directors has appointed a remuneration committee to prepare questions regarding remuneration and other employment conditions for members of the management.

Item 13 – Resolution regarding adoption of new articles of association

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting resolves to adopt new articles of association, essentially in accordance with the following:

  1. to, pursuant to the proposed share split below in accordance with item 14 and in order to increase the capacity for increase of the company’s share capital and the number of shares in the future, amend §4 first and second paragraphs of the articles of association in accordance with the following:

”The share capital shall comprise at least SEK 950,000 and at most SEK 3,800,000. The number of shares in the company shall be at least 38,000,000 and at most 152,000,000.

Shares of two classes may be issued, series A and series B. Share of series A shall carry ten (10) votes and share of series B shall carry one (1) vote. A maximum of 1,500,000 shares of series A and a maximum of 150,500,000 shares of series B may be issued.”; and

  1. to amend §6 in the articles of association in order to change the company’s fiscal year to calendar year, 1 January – 31 December.

A resolution in accordance with this item 13 is conditional upon the annual general meeting resolving on a split of shares in accordance with item 14 below.

If the annual general meeting resolves to amend the company’s fiscal year in accordance with the proposal, the company will extend its entered fiscal year for 2019/2020 to a total of 18 months, with the result that the fiscal year ends on 31 December 2020 (instead of 31 August 2020).

The CEO is authorised to make such minor adjustments to this decision that may be necessary in connection with the registration.

Item 14 – Resolution regarding split of shares

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting resolves on a split of the company’s shares, meaning that each share, regardless of class of share, is divided into four shares (share split 4:1). After completion of the share split, the number of shares in the company will amount to a total of 38,984,766, of which 1,500,000 shares of series A and 37,484,776 shares of series B. The quota value will amount to SEK 0.025.

The board of directors shall be authorised to determine the record date for the share split, which, however, must not be set before the date when the decision is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The board of directors, or whomever the board of directors may appoint, shall be authorised to make such minor adjustments of the above resolution as may prove necessary in connection with the registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office or Euroclear Sweden AB.

A resolution in accordance with this item 14 is conditional upon the annual general meeting resolving to adopt new articles of association in accordance with item 13 above.

Item 15 – Decision on adoption of a long-term incentive program for employees within the CELLINK group

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting resolves to adopt a long-term incentive programme (“Warrant programme 2019”). The Warrant programme 2019 entails that the company issues a maximum of 1,600,000 warrants. The right to subscribe for warrants shall, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, vest with the wholly owned subsidiary Cellink Options AB (“Options”), with the right and obligation to dispose of the warrants in accordance with the terms and conditions for the Warrant programme 2019. Options shall, as instructed by the board of directors, transfer the warrants to an entitled participant, or hold certain warrants that can be transferred to participants who may be employed within the CELLINK group in the foreseeable future. Each warrant entitles to subscription for one share of series B.

Employees in Sweden will, by the latest on 31st of January 2020, be offered to acquire warrants corresponding to the market value of the warrants, as determined by an independent party in accordance with the Black & Scholes valuation model, as far as the Swedish participants are concerned. Warrant holders whose employment has ceased or wish to sell their warrants shall offer the company to acquire the warrants at market value.

Furthermore, it is proposed that employees in the United States, Germany and other countries with CELLINK group employees are offered to, by the latest on 31st of January 2020, free of charge acquire a certain amount of warrants. In the event that the employment of these participants terminates during the term of the warrants, the warrants shall be returned without any consideration or other remuneration.

The company’s CEO, Erik Gatenholm, and CTO, Hector Martinez, both large shareholders in the company, have decided to refrain from participating in the Warrant programme 2019 for the benefit of other employees in the group. The company’s board of directors will not be eligible to participate in the Warrant programme 2019.

The Warrant programme 2019 will comprise a total of approximately 100 current employees and additional employees to be hired in the CELLINK group during the year.

Subscription of shares shall take place during the period from 18 December 2022 up to and including 18 January 2023. The subscription price for shares subscribed for on the basis of the warrants shall correspond to 150 per cent of the average volume-weighted share price for the CELLINK share during the period from 11 December 2019 up to and including 17 December 2019. The subscription price shall be paid in cash.

The exercise price, as set out above, shall be rounded to the nearest SEK 0.10, whereby SEK 0.05 shall be rounded downwards. The exercise price and the number of shares of series B that each warrant entitles to subscription for shall be recalculated in the event of a split, consolidation, new share issue etc. in accordance with market practice. Upon full exercise of the warrants, the share capital will increase by approximately SEK 40,000. If all warrants are exercised, the company will receive approximately SEK 4,000,000 in connection with subscription of the warrants and approximately SEK 168,000,000 in connection with subscription of shares. Warrant holders whose employment is terminated or who wish to sell their warrants during the vesting period shall offer the company to acquire the warrants at market value.

Based on the existing number of shares in the company, including the proposed share split in accordance with item 14 above, the Warrant programme 2019 will upon exercise of all 1,600,000 warrants represent a full dilution corresponding to approximately 4.10 per cent of the total number of outstanding shares. If all outstanding incentive programmes in the company are included in the calculation, the corresponding maximum dilution, at the time of the annual general meeting, amounts to approximately 10 per cent of the share capital.

For information regarding the company’s other long-term incentive programmes, please refer to the annual report for the financial year 2018/2019 and the company’s webpage,

The warrants which are transferred to employees in Sweden is made at a price corresponding to the market value of the warrants at the time of the transfer, which entails that no salary costs or social security contributions will be incurred for the CELLINK group. The warrants issued free of charge to employees in the United States, Germany and other countries that may be included may incur social security contributions and expenses in accordance with the accounting principles set out in IFRS2. The board of directors estimates that these costs will be limited.

In addition to the social security contributions, the costs for financial and legal advice in connection with the Warrant programme 2019 will amount to approximately SEK 100 000.

As reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, the board of directors invokes the following. The Warrant programme 2019 is expected to contribute to higher motivation and commitment among the employees as well as strengthening the ties between employees and the company. A long-term involvement of the participants is expected to increase involvement in the business and the development of earnings in the company. Furthermore, the board of directors is of the opinion that the Warrant programme 2019 will contribute to the opportunities to recruit and retain knowledgeable and experienced employees and is expected to increase the employees’ interest in the operations and earnings development of the company. After these considerations, the board of directors is of the opinion that the introduction of the Warrant programme 2019, in accordance with above, is in favour of both the company and its shareholders.

The board of directors, or a special committee set up by the board, shall be responsible for preparing the detailed design and administration of the terms and conditions of the Warrant programme 2019, in accordance with the presented terms and guidelines including provisions on recalculation in the event of an in-between bonus issue, share split, rights issue and/or similar measures. In connection therewith, the board of directors shall be entitled to make adjustments to meet specific foreign regulations or market conditions. The board of directors shall also be entitled to make other adjustments if significant changes occur in the CELLINK group or in its environment that would result in that the adopted terms for the Warrant programme 2019 no longer fulfils their objectives.

The Warrant programme 2019 has been prepared by the company’s board of directors in consultation with the company management and has been developed in consultation with external advisers based on an evaluation of current market practice. The Warrant programme 2019 was considered by the board of directors at a meeting held in November 2019 and is designed taking into account that the share split under item 14, as proposed by the board of directors, has been adopted by the annual general meeting.

Item 16 – Decision on adoption of a long-term incentive programme for the company’s chairman of the board and the ordinary board members

Some of the company’s large shareholders, Erik Gatenholm, Hector Martinez, Fore C Investment Holding AB (Göran Nordlund) and Gusten Danielsson, together representing approximately 69.4 per cent of the votes in the company (the “Shareholders”), propose that the annual general meeting resolves to introduce a new long-term incentive programme for the chairman of the board and other board member (“LTIP 2019”). LTIP 2019 entails that the company issues a maximum of 220,000 warrants. The right to subscribe for warrants shall, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, vest with the wholly owned subsidiary Cellink Options AB (“Options”), with the right and obligation to dispose of the warrants in accordance with the terms and conditions for LTIP 2019. Options shall, as instructed by the board of directors, transfer the warrants to an entitled participant. Each warrant entitles to subscription for one share of series B.

LTIP 2019 will comprise a total of six participants, the chairman of the board and the other five members of the board of directors. The company’s CEO, board member and large shareholder, Erik Gatenholm, has decided to refrain from participating in LTIP 2019 for the benefit of the other participants. The participants will, by the latest on 31st of January 2020, be offered to acquire warrants corresponding to the market value of the warrants, as determined by an independent party in accordance with the Black & Scholes valuation model. The chairman of the board will be offered to acquire a maximum of 80,000 warrants and the other five participants will be offered to acquire in aggregate a maximum of 140,000 warrants.

Subscription of shares shall take place during the period from 18 December 2024 up to and including 18 December 2025. The subscription price for shares subscribed for on the basis of the warrants shall correspond to 170 per cent of the average volume-weighted share price for the CELLINK share during the period from 11 December 2019 up to and including 17 December 2019. The subscription price shall be paid in cash.

The exercise price, as set out above, shall be rounded to the nearest SEK 0.10, whereby SEK 0.05 shall be rounded downwards. The exercise price and the number of shares of series B that each warrant entitles to subscription for shall be recalculated in the event of a split, consolidation, new share issue etc. in accordance with market practice. Upon full exercise of the warrants, the share capital will increase by approximately SEK 5,500. If all warrants are exercised by the participants, the company will receive approximately MSEK 2 in connection with subscription of the warrants and approximately MSEK 26 in connection with subscription of shares. Warrant holders whose assignment is terminated or who wish to sell their warrants during the vesting period shall offer the company to acquire the warrants at market value.

Based on the existing number of shares in the company, including the proposed share split in accordance with item 14 above, LTIP 2019 will upon exercise of all 220,000 warrants represent a full dilution corresponding to approximately 0.55 per cent of the total number of outstanding shares. If all outstanding incentive programmes in the company are included in the calculation, the corresponding maximum dilution, at the time of the annual general meeting, amounts to approximately 10.55 per cent of the share capital.

For information regarding the company’s other long-term incentive programmes, please refer to the annual report for the financial year 2018/2019 and the company’s webpage,

The warrants are transferred to the participants at a price corresponding to the market value of the warrants at the time of the transfer, which entails that no salary costs or social security contributions will be incurred for the CELLINK group.

The Shareholders believe that LTIP 2019 is in the best interest of both the company and its shareholders. The Shareholders are of the opinion that deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights through LTIP 2019 is expected to contribute to higher motivation and commitment among the members of the board of directors and strengthen the relationship between the board of directors and the company. A long-term involvement of the board members is expected to increase involvement in the business and the development of earnings in the company. After these considerations, the Shareholders are of the opinion that the introduction of the LTIP 2019, in accordance with above, is in favour of both the company and its shareholders.

The Shareholders have prepared LTIP 2019 and have informed the company’s board of directors of the proposal in October 2019 for incorporation into the notice convening the annual general meeting. LTIP 2019 has been designed taking into account that the share split under item 14, as proposed by the board of directors, has been adopted by the annual general meeting.

Item 17 – Resolution to authorise the board of directors to issue new shares

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting resolves to authorise the board of directors, until the end of the next annual general meeting, at one or several occasions and with or without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, to decide on a new issue of shares of series B, warrants and/or convertibles that entitles to new shares of series B.

The authorisation may be utilised for new issues of shares of series B, warrants and/or convertibles which may be made with provisions regarding contribution in cash, in kind or through set-off corresponding to a dilution of not more than 10 per cent of the registered chare capital in the company at the time of the issue resolution. In addition, in connection with acquisition of businesses, companies or rights, the board shall be able to decide on an issue in kind corresponding to a further maximum 10 per cent of the registered share capital in the company at the time of the issue resolution. Thus, the total authorisation, corresponding to a maximum of 20 per cent, requires that at least 10 per cent be used for an issue in kind made in connection with the acquisition of businesses, companies or rights. The subscription price shall be determined on market terms and conditions.

Deviations from shareholders’ preferential rights should only be possible in connection with acquisitions of operations, companies, participations in companies and other rights associated therewith or for the company’s continued expansion. If the board of directors resolves on an issue with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, the rationale should be that the board quickly and efficiently may issue shares in the company to be utilised as means of in-kind payment or the right to offset debt or to in a flexible and cost-efficient manner raise capital for the company’s expansion.

The board of directors, or any person appointed by the board of directors, shall have the right to make any adjustments or amendments of the above resolution which may be required in connection with the registration of such resolution and to take any other measure deemed necessary for the execution of the resolution.

Majority requirements

For a valid decision to introduce a long-term incentive programme for employees, the chairman of the board and other members of the board, respectively, (items 15 and 16) in the form om warrants, it is required that the proposals be supported by shareholders representing at least nine tenths (9/10) of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the annual general meeting. For a valid resolution in accordance with items 13 and 17 above, requires approval of at least two thirds (2/3) of the shares represented and votes cast at the annual general meeting. Decision on adoption of item 14 above require a simple majority for its validity.

Number of shares and votes

As per the date of this notice, the total number of outstanding shares in the company is 9,746,194, of which 375,000 are shares of series A, that entitle to ten votes per share, and 9,371,194 shares of series B, that entitle to one vote per share at the annual general meeting. As of the date of this notice the company holds no treasury shares.

Access to documents etc.

The annual report and the auditor’s report for the financial year 2018/2019, will be held available at the company’s webpage, and at the company’s office on Arvid Wallgrens Backe 20, 413 46 Gothenburg, Sweden, at least three weeks prior to the meeting. Further, the nomination committee’s proposal and motivated statement and the board of director’s complete proposals under items 13, 15 and 16, will be available on the address stated above as well as on the website stated above at the same time as the publishing of the notice. Copies of the documents will be sent to the shareholders who so request and who inform the company of their address.

For information on how your personal data is processed, see the integrity policy that is available at Euroclear’s webpage

Information at the meeting

The board of directors and the CEO shall, if any shareholder so requests and the board of directors considers that it can be done without material harm to the company, provide information at the annual general meeting on matters that may affect the assessment of an item on the agenda and of circumstances that may affect the assessment of the company’s or a subsidiary’s financial situation as well as regarding the company’s relationship with other companies within the group.


Gothenburg in November 2019


The Board of Directors


For further information, please contact:

Erik Gatenholm, CEO                                                                    Gusten Danielsson, CFO

Phone: EU +46 73 267 00 00                                                        Phone: +46 70 991 86 04
US +1 (650) 515 5566                                                                  US +1 (857) 332 2138

Email:                                                                   Email:

Important information

This press release is translated from the Swedish version. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.


CELLINK is the leading 3D bioprinter provider and the first bioink company in the world. We focus on developing and commercializing bioprinting technologies to allow researchers to print human organs and tissues for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. Founded in 2016 and active in more than 50 countries, CELLINK is changing the future of medicine as we know it. Visit to learn more. CELLINK is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market under CLNK. Erik Penser Bank AB is the company’s certified adviser, available by phone at +46 846 383 00 and by email at