Take the plunge with a Summer swim challenge

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The team at Gourock Outdoor Pool have come up with the perfect way to get fit and have fun this Summer with an exciting swim challenge called ‘Tom and Gerry’.

Facility Manager Kenny Fulton explains how the challenge works: ‘We’ve introduced a really simple challenge with the aim being to catch ‘Gerry’ by swimming 3 miles/144 lengths per week. The overall goal is to reach a target of 45 miles/2100 lengths by the end of the summer”.

A leader board has been setup which keeps track of everyone’s distance and is displayed on the wall next to the pool. It is hoped that the challenge, which runs until Monday 8 September will motivate people to increase the number of lengths they complete in the pool.

The challenge was previously held in 2010 when William Marshall won the challenge and was awarded the Tom & Gerry trophy for swimming 13,002 lengths over the summer. All eyes will be on the pool this year to see who will take this year’s trophy.

The challenge is free to enter (on admission) and anyone wishing to participate can sign up at the Gourock Outdoor Pool reception.

For more information please contact:

Simon Beer
Digital Director, Big Wave Media
Email: simonbeer@bigwavemedia.co.uk
Tel: 0845 643 2385

Inverclyde Leisure is a ‘company limited by guarantee’, not having share capital and recognised by the Inland Revenue as having charitable status. In October 2001, the Trust was asked to deliver the management and operation of Inverclyde Council’s sport and recreational services, which include:- 

1. 2 Swimming Pools 
2. 1 Leisure Centre (including ice rink) 
3. 5 Fitness Gyms 
4. 3 Sports Centres 
5. 3 Outdoor Pitches 
6. Sports Development
7. Community Facilities & Booking Office
8. Indoor Bowling Club

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Customhouse Way 
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Tel (44) 01475 797979 
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Web: www.inverclydeleisure.com 
Company No: SC 223197 
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