New CFO of Billerud
Billerud has appointed Susanne Lithander as the new CFO and member of the Senior Management Team of Billerud as of September 1, 2011.
Currently, Susanne Lithander holds a position as Vice President Finance at SCA where she leads a major global change project. Susanne Lithander has experience from being CEO of Mercuri International Group and from several senior financial positions within Ericsson.
For further information, please contact: Per Lindberg, President & CEO Billerud AB, +46 8 553 335 01
The information is such that Billerud is obligated to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act. Submitted for publication at 08.00 CET on July 11, 2011.
Billerud’s business concept is to offer demanding customers packaging materials and solutions that promote and protect their products – packaging that is attractive, strong and based on renewable materials. Billerud has a world-leading position within several product segments including paper for consumer packaging and industrial applications. Production takes place at three integrated pulp and paper mills in Sweden and at one paper mill in the UK.